Reducing Social Anxiety in the Classroom for Young Adolescence by Implementing Care

Joseph Heelan

Chaminade University

February 26, 2010


Finding friends and making positive relationships during the formative years for young adolescents can be a trying, troubling, and stressful time. It is a time of seeking an identity within and a yearning to belong. During this time much psychological energy is focused on the self and learning mature social skills that will carry them through High School, College and their lives. It may be fair to say that the young adolescent years are challenging for all students, but it is also important to be aware that there are students who may have a disability called emotionally and behavioral disorder. We may encounter a student who is incredibly withdrawn from the rest of the class or extremely socially aggressive, a sort of social bully, these students must be accounted for and given and opportunity to grow socially along with their peers. My questions are what changes can teachers make to reduce the social anxiety and stress for young adolescents? How can we narrow the gap and reforge a trusting relationship between students and school. The change that needs to take place is to create an environment that promotes positive social development for young adolescence.

This paper is also concerned with the issue of peace. Though I would like to narrow the term peace to what we could call an inner peace. Lets find ways to help young adolescence find an inner calm. Also this paper will promote an approach that respects the students need for justice and expansion of rights. Teachers in my opinion need to give students greater say and faith, by letting go of control and of absolute authoritarian position. Nel Noddings, (2005), points out that there are schools with security guards, rigid rules about entering and leaving. Passes are needed to use restrooms to prevent loitering. At some point there must be a state of fear that implies that students must comply. At what point do certain school models take away the students rights and justice? As Palmer, (2007), implies that a culture of fear may be deep rooted in the education system. Unfortunately, I feel that fear has and can be used as a tool to get students to do what we want, though this is not the way. I suggest that the utilization of fear or fear tactics, strip the rights of the students away, imposing a sort of injustice. Therefore to counterbalance this feeling and abuse of power we need to begin in the classroom and lift the element of fear, giving students the justice they deserve.

Importance of the Social Development

We can recognize that there are physical changes occurring in the body during the young adolescent time that affect behavior. Santrock, (2007), recognizes that the most growth takes place in the temporal and parietal lobes that relate to language and spatial relations from ages 6 through puberty. These physical changes in the body with different hormone changes and so on do affect behavior. Though we must not only conclude that only physical factors are the reasons for extreme behavior of young adolescents, and that it is just a phase, it will pass. Social factors must be taken into account as well. Santrock, (2007, Pg. 74), reveals that a study from (Graber,Brooks-Gun, & Warren,), found that young adolescent girls were at risk for anger and depression two to four times that of hormonal factors due to social factors. Social development with young adolescents is an area that educators can assist in creating environments in their classrooms and schools that promote healthy social growth. Ryan and Shim, (2008), found some social development goals from students themselves in a study working with sixth graders from two public middle schools. Some social development goals that were found were; I want to grow my friendships with my friends, be kinder than I am now, be a better friend, Know my friends better, Make friends and learn more about people.

We can look at these findings and realize that at this age learning social skills and making friends is very important to the students. Academic development is only a portion of the package. We need to recognize that if we want kids to succeed academically then we must not underestimate the necessity for gains in social development, especially for students that have emotional and behavior disorders. Social competence becomes clearly important for students cognitive, academic, emotional or behavioral challenges according to, Nelson, Caldarella, Young, Webb, (2008). The student that is extremely withdrawn may become an extremely serious situation if not acknowledged early on. Anxiety and depression are common among students that are socially withdrawn; we must be prepared and heed the telling signs.

Lets give these students the tools and opportunities to make positive connections with each other that will promote confidence and give them the path to attain their social goals. This acknowledgement and action may result in increased academic performance and curb dropout rates when the students go on to high school.

Causes of the Needed Change

As I mentioned before that if the social development of young adolescence is not catered to and promoted there may be undesired outcomes. Feelings of loneliness, depression, and peer difficulties will persist without interventions, according to Culotta and Goldstien, (2008). In a study Culotta and Goldstien, (2008), also found that jealousy and social anxiety are components that may be used to screen and identify at-risk adolescents.

Kessler, (2000) states, “Troubled teenagers are often hiding from a sense of emptiness inside, a sense of meaningless that comes when social and religious traditions no longer provide a sense of meaning, continuity, and participation in a larger whole.” Here we can see that some teenagers have a longing that needs to be settled within. I fear that an education model that focuses too heavily on academics will fail our youths yearning to understand the areas that the textbooks do not cover about. We must go beyond content. Kessler argues that if there is a loss of meaning in school then it will affect learning and risk. We must assist students in discovering their gifts so they can gain a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. It is the sense of purpose and a sense that there is a future for them that will lower risk. It is my inclination that this affirmation of gifts and seeking a deeper meaning has to happen through a social process. It is not going to happen through test results. Academic performance can be gathered and aid discussion, but it cannot take center stage, the students will take center stage.

Please imagine two scenarios. One: where students are receiving academic grades with little or no discussion about their meaning. Just the surface values of the assessments are commented on, if you passed the class good job, good luck in high school and so on. Two: where peer assessments have come in, and teachers have conversations with students about their performance, what it means to them. Are they interested in the subject? What did they like about the activity? Are there any ideas for the next topic of study that would relate to what has been covered? Then the class as a whole can discuss their ideas about where they want to go and how they feel the content will help them. If they did well do they think they would like to look into a career path that would involve such material? The second scenario’s main goal is to have student engage in social interaction between themselves and the teacher, where the questions are deeper and tap into their interests and desire to find a place within.

Here please make a selection of which scenario do you feel that the public schools follow most of the time? Then pick a scenario that you think would help student’s decisions about their future, about who they are and how they relate to their peers?

By focusing on the need for a social platform where students are able to probe questions that will help them find focus, direction, meaning, build social skills is the result of emphasizing and implementation of care in the classroom. By just handing students their grades with a good job, better luck next time, figure it out on your own I have to plan for the next assessment attitude, is working in the opposite direction. Nel Noddings in The Challenge to Care in Schools, (2005) points out the severe need for a radical change in our educational system, she found that only 7% of students would go for a teacher’s advice. This is an example of how the youth have lost trust in teachers. This is indication that the current headlong, narrow focused models are resulting in catastrophe. The gap where the feelings of alienation from school and their teachers needs to be narrowed working towards an educational system that works for the inner peace of the student and the justice that they deserve.

What process would you need to make the change?

Mary Horenstien, (1993), in Twelve Schools That Succeed, found that one school Kennebunk High School had a theme were teachers often disagreed on certain issues, but came together on a notion that everyone is open to improvement and growth. I feel that this is a first step towards change, where if we keep open to ideas and are not afraid to express them is tantamount. Ideas are what we need and keeping open and supportive is a first fundamental step.

Nelson, Caldarlla, Young, Webb, (2008), look at the benefits of peer-to-peer praise notes to increase the social involvements of withdrawn students. This hands off approach by the teachers is in accordance with Vygotsky’s sociocultural cognitive theory. Which promotes that cognitive development is attained through social interactions, and knowledge and skills also can be attained by social interaction Santrock, (2007). The Peer to peer praise study used a method where students would note a positive praise on a card, and then the card would be reported later by the teacher publically to the class. This was named tootling, and focused on peers prosocial behavior rather than a negative behavior. This is a proactive strategy that can be used to help promote positive social interactions between peers and then having them affirmed and praised at the end of the class, or week. It is important to note that this technique seems to work best for withdrawn students that were able to make a significant peer relationship. The efforts to make positive connections were observed. Nelson, Caldarlla, Young, Webb, (2008), encourage teachers to use this practice in the classroom to assist students in making positive peer interactions.

The change process would need to occur at the grassroots level. The current educational system will not ask for suggestions. Under a federal educational stance there is little room for movement. I would say that it would be more effective if we begin at more of a local level. For educators, it begins with you and in your classrooms.

I would agree with Nel Noddings, (2005), that we need to look beyond the disciplines and that a system that is extremely focused on academics will not work because it creates a realm of duality. Duality meaning that there are successful students and unsuccessful students. I can imagine that if students are told that they are not successful all the time by their grades, teachers, and parents will inevitably loose faith. The gap is widened; a majority of the students that are not fairing academically are left resentful and untrusting. Then educators sit back and ask themselves, why is Hank so angry all the time.

I suggest that during the young adolescent ages we could utilize strategies for the classroom for young adolescents students who are given opportunities to develop socially. Noddings suggests that we should encourage self-evaluations and peer evaluations. This in my opinion is an ultimate goal for our students in terms of assessment. Where a student or a group can step back from their work and take a look at it and assess how well they have done. The teachers input is very important, but having the students come to their own conclusions give them control of their own learning and involves them in the critical thinking necessary for assessment.

Another great suggestion by Noddings, (2008) is to stop believing in the pressures given by the press where teachers are blamed for kids failing. She emphasizes that it is the system and how it is designed which is failing. We must emancipate our selves from self battery and find out what students are interested in and provide relevant courses or tailor classes to inspire and tap into their inner motivation. Let go of the thoughts of what we think is right for them, and the thought of dead end courses reserved for students who are not academically fit. Then move towards an inclusive thought that all students have extremely valuable gifts that society needs. If we could better assist our students it would be to create courses that are interesting and will help students to develop their gifts.

Now Noddings has quite a bit of pragmatic solutions for moving towards an education system that implements care. This to me is a great step in the right direction. Though I do think it is extremely important that engaging students in conversations about concerns and providing time for students to hash out their thoughts and have their ideas confirmed in an non-confrontational social setting will help also to create the inner peace that they desperately want.

We can do this by taking the time out of our busy days. Yes I suggest that middle school and junior high school levels daily put aside some time for social development. As Kessler, (2000, Pg.1) states, “We need to help students find connection, compassion, and character at school.” I feel that students need time to reflect and gain wisdom in their endeavors. Some suggestions on how to move towards this goal are; set aside for this in form of weekly meetings, host possible outings or retreats, students choose community service projects, quite time, reflections, peer to peer positive statements, solo time are just a few. Ideas are wanted.

This process of change can begin with the teacher with regards to classroom management. Though we need to go beyond and realize that it will not be as effective if others are left at that. We need to include teaching teams, principals, custodians, parents, outer communities and most of all the students to be truly effective. The classroom and with the students is a good place to start, and then work outwards. Risk is part of a teacher’s job, everyday we are faced with challenges and seeking the courage to go on and not accept the status quo is an essential component.


One particular benefit that could occur if we move to more social platform where we take the focus off the grades and engage the students in conversation that relate to assessment is that the students who initially did the academic task just for the grade are now asked to look farther. Also students who did not fair as well are given the opportunity to discuss possible reasons why, so that next time they may approach a problem differently. Also creating a social platform gives students a chance to look at their interest and find and confirm their gifts.

Prior in the paper I mentioned social goals that some students desired to attain. Under a more social platform with an emphasis of care we give students the opportunity to develop these friendships and connect with one another. Their goals of wanting to become better people can be attained.

If we set aside time for social development we may give the students time to learn about what it is to be human and how most people want to be treated. The void or emptiness that Kessler, (2000), mentions can be filled. The gap between students and school is narrowed with a bridge of trust.


Culotta, C, Goldstein, S, (2008). Adolescents’ aggressive and prosocial behavior:

associations with jealousy and social anxiety. The Journal of genetic Psychology, 169, 31.

Kessler, R, (2000). The soul of education, Association for Supervision and Curriculum


Nelson, J, Paul, C, Young, K, Webb, N, (2008). Using peer praise notes to increase the

social involvement of withdrawn adolescents, Teaching Exceptional Children, 41,6-13.

Noddings, N, (2005). The challenge to care, Teachers College Press.

Noddings, N, (2008). Schooling for democracy, Phi Delta Kappan, 34-37

Palmer, P, (2007). The courage to teach, Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.

Ryan, A, Shim, (2008). An exploration of young adolescents’ social achievement

goals and social adjustment in middle school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 672-685.

Santrock, J, (2007) Adolescence:Puberty and biological foundations, McGraw-Hill

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