The Einstein Factor by Dr. Win Wenger and Richard Poe
These techniques will help you to increase your IQ, contribute toward elevating your brain power, elevating your memory, reading speed, general brain health, specific talents and increasing your understanding of the world around you.
Some of the important things covered are
- image streaming (an exercise to help you explore your vast intelligence that lies within you)
- Portable memory bank (an idea to help you remember all your great ideas and possibly invent something that will affect mankind)
- Borrowed genius exercise (where you can become anyone in history that you admire or wish to learn from)
- Exercises to build your power of understanding
- How to easily overcome creative blocks
Based on 45 years of research of accelerated research on brain functioning.
The Einstein factor is within us all. It is readily accessible. The Einstein factor is that secret trigger for ingenious thought that lies within all of us.
IQ is only one partial measure of intelligence. Some of these exercises will raise your IQ, but these will contribute much more to elevating your overall brainpower, enhancing memory, and increasing reading speed, specific talents and general brain health.
The Einstein Factor is the genius that we all have within us. You get more of what you reinforce and every time you examine your own awareness’ and try to respond from those awareness’ you reinforcing not only that particular awareness but your reinforcing the behavior of being more aware.
Einstein was using processes that any of us can use that built his intelligence to where it was a genius. Einstein started out mentally retarded (at least functionally). A large part of this book (program) revolves around his techniques. He was the first major scientist to have acknowledged that his work was based on visions and visual thinking. Visual thinking is profoundly useful to us all. (a big part of this)
He would let his vision run freely in his mind and see what he could learn from it.
Many universities now are in the profession of increasing/improving creativity. We have no problem thinking that intelligence can be lowered, by injury or illness, but we don’t think that intelligence can be improved. (By improving health or physical condition or the brain, or by appropriate stimulation)
Image streaming caused 20 point permanent gain in college students.
Story about Bob and the tire.
This is the usual. Our subconscious mind spew forth streams of images, hunches and subtle perceptions 24 hours a day, many of them charged with insight as vital as Bob’s. Like Bob we tend to write them off. To squelch it. We all have a squelcher running in us.
The vast majority of people squelch their insights without even knowing it. We have with the squelcher a bottleneck in our attention. We have been trained from infancy to ignore the stream of perceptions that stream up within us. Daydreaming.
Paying attention is reinforced. Unfortunately paying attention is a skill with limited usefulness. Scientists calculate that the human brain can pay attention to only about 126 bits of info per second. Listening to another person talk occupies about 40 of those. That leaves only about 86 bits with which to watch the person’s facial expressions and think about what you are going to say next. Our minds are flooded with many more than 12600 bits of info per second. The human retina can detect only one photon at a time. The nose reacts to as little as 1 molecule of scent. These minute perceptions flow constantly into our brains. But most of these perceptions are squelched before they every reach consciousness.
What happens to perceptions when they are squelched? They are neither lost nor destroyed. The latest evidence says that human memory is close to 100% retention. We remember potentially everything. Yet most of these memories lie so deep in the unconscious that there is no means of retrieving them other than hypnosis.
In sports we are told hundreds of time to keep our eye on the ball, etc.
We will see a small imperfection in a tire and our subconscious will endeavor to bring it to our attention, (the book stated that this was somewhat like Guardian Spirits). And actually that is who brings these things to our attention.
Each of us possesses a thinking machine vastly superior to our conscious mind.
Mathematician, John Von Noiman calculated that the human brain can store up to 280 quintillion (280000000000000000000- 280 followed by 18 zeros) bits of memory. That is called my many others as a conservative figure. The brain speed has been estimated from 100 to 100000 teraflops.
Very few of us use our brainpower efficiently. Even the geniuses only use a fraction of their intellect.
Are geniuses really so different from the rest of us? Their school records and job histories are dismal. Seldom do real geniuses excel early in life. Many are labeled difficult or slow or even stupid. (Thomas Edison, Einstein)
What did Einstein have that we don’t? Dr. Thomas Harvey wanted to know. He was the pathologist on duty at Princeton Hospital when Einstein did die in 1955. Harvey performed Einstein’s autopsy. Without permission from the family, Harvey removed and kept Einstein’s brain. For the next 40 years, Harvey stored the brain and studied it slice by slice under the microscope and giving small chunks to other researchers. His goal was to uncover the secret of Einstein’s brilliance. Nobody found a difference that earmarked a brain as that of a genius. Harvey himself never found anything but one of his colleagues did. Marian Diamond, a neuroanatomist at California at Berkley, found that geniuses could be made in the laboratory, at least genius rats. Rats who lived in a high stimulus environment lived longer (3 years- the equivalent of 90 for a human) and their brains increased in size, and created new connections. Rats who lived in non stimulating environments lived a shorter life and did not have the number of connections in their brains or the brain size was shrunken. Also when some rats were placed where they could watch the high stimulus environment but not participate in it, they were just like the rats in the non-stimulating environment. So the rats had to interact to get any benefit from the experinece.
1911, Santeago Romanto Kehal, the father of neuroanatomy, had found that the number of interconnections between neurons and synapses was a real measure of genius.
Diamond wanted to find out if her rat experiment was relevant to humans. She obtained slices of Einstein’s brain and examined them. Diamond found an increased number of gleal cells in the place where a switching station of the brain where associations take place with other areas of the brain. Gleal cells are like the glue that hold parts of the brain together and help send chemical signals between neurons. (This is just like the rat’s brains.) She suggested that Einstein’s rich environment, like the rats, had been at work. Gleal cells, axons, and dendrites can increase depending on how you use your brain. Diamond’s work suggested that the more we learn the more such connections are formed. And in other words, when we cease learning and our brains stagnate, these connections shrivel and go away.
The educational ramifications are that it may be possible to create new Einstein’s by exercise.
Einstein’s own theory of genius was that you could stimulate ingenious thought by allowing your imagination to float freely unrestrained by conventional inhibition. Einstein attributed his discoveries to his “retarded development.” Things usually thought of as a child, he thought of as an adult. He thought of the same question for 10 years or so.
Winston Churchill said, “Most men stumble over great discoveries but most men pick themselves up and walk away.”
Boy focusing on speck rather than ball.
Dream work – you are always dreaming even this very minute.
Dreams can inspire you. Dreams are hard to control. We have not learned how to summon them at will. We cannot decide in advance what we will dream about. Most of the time we forget our dreams anyway. These things can be solved through Lucid Dreaming.
Lucid Dreaming- you become fully conscious in the midst of a dream.
- The first step is to get in the habit of asking yourself Is this a dream? Ask that question at frequent intervals throughout the day. Once that becomes a habit you’ll eventually remember to ask your self Is this a dream? During dreams. The first time you ask yourself that question and the answer is yes; you will have begun lucid dreaming.
Lucid Dreamers soon learn to control the action in their dreams and to choose the experiences that they want. You can soar through the clouds, explore under water, etc. They can even stop nightmares in their tracks. Or decide to have a more pleasant conclusion.
(Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming by Leverge)
Some of the methods revolve around the fact you can dream while you are awake. In fact you are doing so right now. How do we gain access to that? How can we gain access to this flow of inner perceptions?
Image Streaming – opens the mind to the flow of inner perceptions as potent as any dream, but unlike dreaming you can do it while you are awake and you can do it any time any place.
10 min of Image Streaming daily will induce profound positive change in your life.
What is Image Streaming? We are always dreaming. Psychologists estimate that we spend at least 50% of our time daydreaming and over 8% sleep dreaming. That means we spend 58% of our lives involved in passively receiving imagery. Actually we probably spend more time than this. Brain research suggests that the image streams never cease, even when we are preoccupied with work, kids, demanding tasks, whatever. We continue to generate imaginary sights, sounds, smells tastes, feelings, etc. Many of these consists of memories that are triggered by random associations, or supposedly random associations. Others are echoes of our conscious thoughts at the moment.
We must find a balance between constant image streaming and squelching everything. This is best found through image streaming. This allows us to choose the time and place of our imaging and it allows us to remain conscious and alert during the session.
We have far more ability than we commonly realize to engineer our consciousness.
If you start writing down your dreams you will soon remember more.
Why is this important?
You get more of what you reinforce.
So when you write down your dreams you remember more of them. Likewise when you fail to write them down you remember less.
Image streaming works the same way. As you begin your image stream is probably quite weak because you have spent your whole life ignoring and suppressing it. But as you do daily image streaming you will be startled to find your imagery growing stronger and more vivid.
Let’s look at how to image stream.
It is simple.
Sit back in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and describe aloud the flow of mental images that are going through your mind.
3 crucial factors
- You must describe the images aloud either to another person or to a tape recorder. Do not do this silently. It must be aloud.
- You must use all 5 senses in your description. Describe how it looks, tastes, feels, smells, sounds.
- Phrase all of your descriptions in the present tense. It is going on right now. This is what you’re seeing right now. And you will get much more going on in the present.
Scientific results on measuring the effects of image streaming…..
It has proved effective for solving a problem.
Image streaming increases your IQ, 9/10 per hour, the equivalent of 1 IQ point for every 80 minutes of practice.
Why does this happen? This act, image streaming, allows many neurons to simultaneous fire. When two adjacent neurons get in the habit of firing signals to each others, chemical changes take place in both cells that make it easier for them to interact with each other and with other neurons that are not involved in this activity. (Like cookies on the Internet)
This links certain critical portions of our brain.
If you look at the ground under your feet and then you look at the ground all around you. The ground under one foot is like your conscious mind, the rest of the ground are some of the other resources that are available. Your conscious mind is only a very small portion of what you have to work with. And genius is found by bringing more of what you have into contact with and into focus of your conscious mind.
The majority of the brain works off of sensory images. Very little of the brain works in words. All the time we are processing everything that is going on in terms of images. The images constantly reflect the best insights we have.
Ask a question of yourself. At the very instant of asking you had images in the back of your mind which answered that question and answered that question extraordinarily well. It might take years to get answers of the quality you get instantly in your own imagery.
We have a lot more within us than we are conscious of.
Consulting our own images is one easy and very direct and very rapid way of getting at our issues and answers to any situation or problem that arises.
Einstein used his brain this way. (Theory of Relativity) Keckuly who discovered the benzene ring did not let on that he used visionary thought too. Many discoveries come from this.
Benefits of image streaming
- IQ increases about 20 points for 25 hours of practice
- Causes writers block to disappear (or artists block)
- When you finish writing something and you wonder if you’ve left anything out. All you have to do is ask your image stream “what have I left out” and you will be shown that. Be a much more comprehensive writer
- Self esteem
- Learning – understanding more – in built tutor- builds understanding of the thing we are thinking of and capacity of understanding. (building contacts with other parts of the brain) This becomes more readily available to us.
- Brings down the feeling of too much information, being overwhelmed, overload of information. All of your resources come into line in an accessible way.
Some people are more naturally adept at this than others. But your skill at this will improve with practice.
The more immediate the feedback we get the more powerfully it shapes our subsequent behavior. You get more of what you reinforce. Because the interconnectedness of the brain (and the reinforcement of these connections) done/improved by image streaming the easier it becomes and the more effective we can communicate between different regions of the brain.
Exercises to do before you Image Stream
Your breath is your brain’s pacemaker.
Pick two corners of the room that you are in. Two different corners. Take a piece of paper, on one side of that paper write a description of the first corner that you choose and on the other side write a description of the 2nd corner but with a difference. When you describe the first corner, use only words using color, texture or feel and your sense of position in space. When you describe the 2nd corner use only abstract terms that have nothing to do with your senses. You might write “There’s a picture of a man hanging on the wall and there’s a rocking chair in the corner.” Say nothing about how those objects look or feel.
Now look over your results, which description is more interesting? Which conveys more of the experinece?
Which puts the reader more intimately in touch with the corner being described? (1st)
1st gives you much more neurological contact with the description. Your brain automatically starts to work when it hears a description like this. The more senses you can use the more neurological contact you obtain.
Image streaming draws it’s power from those hidden mechanisms playing upon links that most of us think of as quite distinct and separate.
On the conscious level most of us perceive definite boundaries between the senses, but in the unconscious mind we are much more synestetic. Seeing without seeing. (The coolness of the color blue, the sweetness of a woman’s voice, the piercing quality of a whistle)
Music in restaurants causes more things to taste good.
The unconscious stream of mental images enriches our lives in many ways. Kenistesia does its best work in the dark where no one sees it. In image streaming. Your brain is wired so that visual dominates all other senses but when we describe mental images into a tape recorder or to a friend we should take care to include in our description other senses as well, especially taste, touch, texture and scent.