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Social Studies 8 Pathways Chapter 16
New Deal Legislation
Directions: Explain what each piece of legislation did.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) – (1933) established to raise farm prices through government financial assistance. It raised farm prices through subsidies. They paid farmers not toraise certain crops and livestock, hoping that lower production would cause prices to rise.
Banking Act of 1933– Glass-Stegall Banking Act of 1933. This act established the FDIC to insure
bank deposits. The Act was needed to restore confidence in the nation’s banks. The EBA authorized the government to inspect the financial health of all banks.
Civilian Conservation Corp. (CCC) – (1933) provided jobs to young, unmarried men (and later women) to work on conservation and resource development projects. It was established by Congress, this program put more than 2.5 million young, unmarried men (and later women) to work restoring and maintaining forests, beaches, and parks.
Civil Works Administration (CWA) – (1933) Provided federal jobs in building and improving roads and public facilities.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)– (1933) Insured bank deposits up to $5,000. Established by the Glass-Stegall Banking Act of 1933.
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)– (1933) Provided funds to state relief agencies. FERA put money into public works programs and government-funded projects to build public facilities and create jobs.
National Recovery Act (NRA)–(1933) Worked with industries to establish codes outlining fair business and labor practices. The NRA codes regulated wages, working conditions, production, prices, and set a minimum wage.
Public Works Administration (PWA) - (1933) Sponsored massive public works projects such as dams and hydroelectric plants.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)– (1933) Provided hydroelectric power, flood control, and recreational opportunities to the Tennessee River valley and surrounding areas. Provided jobs to farmers in the underdeveloped Tennessee Valley.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)– Government agency to regulate television, radio, and other communication devices.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – (1934) Regulated the stock market and protected investors from dishonest trading practices.
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) – (1935) Enforced provisions of the Wagner, which included the right to collective bargaining and other union rights. It also outlawed spying on union activities and blacklisting, a practice in which employers agreed not to hire union leaders.
(National Labor Relations Act is known as the Wagner Act)
Social Security Act (SSA) –(1935) Provided old-age pensions, disability payments, and unemployment benefits. Established to provide financial security, in the form of regular payments, to people who cannot support themselves.
Works Progress Administration (WPA)– (1935) Gave the unemployed work in building construction and arts programs. Provided work for more than 8 million citizens. It built or improved thousands of playgrounds, schools, hospitals, and airfields. It also supported the creative work of many artists and writers.
Fair Labor Standards Act– (1938) Banned child labor and established a minimum wage for all workers covered under the act.
Wagner Act – law passed in 1935 that aided unions by legalizing collective bargaining and closed shops. It also established the National Labor Relations Board.