Unit: Development Activities: Short tennis Category: Familiarisation
Lesson Number: 1 Date: 1.12.03 Lesson Duration: 1hr / TT 45mins
SEN Pupils: 0 Number in lesson: Refer to Departmental register.
Teacher: J Simpson School: Bushey Meads School, Watford / CLASS: Yr 8
SIZE: 24
Areas for development identified from previous lesson’s evaluation /
Evidence of action taken in the planning of this lesson
- N/a
Learning objectives (LO#) /
Learning outcomes
(Assessment criteria) /Assessment opportunities
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Social
- Pupils will be able to demonstrate the correct grip on the racket.
- Pupils will be able to demonstrate a basic ground stroke.
- During the lesson pupils were analysed using the Kandle system and asked to assess their own and other performances.
- During the lesson when pupils are asked to practice and demonstrate these skills, in tasks and games activities.
Language for learning
/ Resources- ‘Shake hands’ grip, stance, ground stroke
- 24 Rackets, short tennis balls, 4 short tennis courts
LO# / Learning activities / Teaching points /Organisation and risk assessment.
/ Evaluation- 1. Introduction
- Take register
- Check all are wearing correct kit.
- Nobody is wearing any jewellery.
- 2. Warm up
- Pupils start on base line and jog to the opposite base line, then side stepping and skipping.
- Pupils follow teacher instructions.
- 3. Stretches; for all major muscle groups
- Hold stretches for 6 – 10 seconds.
- Say name of muscle group, and talk about why we stretch.
- All pupils in space facing the teacher.
- Pupils are to follow teacher example
- Teacher needs to check all pupils are stretching correctly.
- 4. Court familiarisation
- Only 1 pupil to either place or collect the ball at a time.
- Pupils work in teams of 6 per court with 1 ball
- All teams must start from behind the baseline.
- Pupils place ball on service line markers in order.
- 1st pupil places the ball 2nd collects and returns for 3rd to repeat and so on.
- 5. Egg and Spoon relay
- The ball should be balance on the racket and carried from baseline to baseline.
- To make it more difficult pupils could bounce ball on racket or against the floor.
- Pupils should be shown correct racket grip (shake hands).
- Pupils can either all be at one end of the court or split evenly 3 and 3.
- Only 1 can go at a time.
- Once all complete pupils should sit down.
- 6. Forehand correct technique
- Watch clip of expert performance and talk through stance, swing of racket, preparation, contact point and follow through.
- Pupils gather around screen.
- 7. Forehand wall rally
- Demonstration by teacher.
- Pupils are aiming just above net height on wall.
- Best practice is continually run for pupils to refer back to.
- Pupils work on their own rallying against the wall.
- Pupils are allowed 1 bounce between each hit.
- Pupils should be about 2m from the wall.
Extension and enrichment
Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:- Join in with an extra curricular basketball club, if possible join a club outside of school, practice individual skills at home
Extent to which learning the objectives have been achieved and identification of areas for development
University of Brighton