Child Advocates Governance Committee Report to the Board of Directors
February 2017

Committee Chair,Kimberle Seale, commenced the meeting on 7-Feb-2017, at 7:30AM held via Conference Call.

Committee Members in Attendance:

  • Meghan Haller
  • Eddie Pillow
  • Kimberle Seale
  • Greg Gotwald

Committee Members Absent:

  • Tracy Betz

Guests in Attendance:

  • Not applicable

Committee Narrative:

Mission: The Child Advocate’s Governance Committee’s (GC) purpose is to assist in creating and executing a governance framework for the board of directors guided by the mission of Child Advocates to engage community volunteers and staff to protect children who are victims of child abuse. We are their voices in court, ensuring all children thrive in a safe and secure home.

Vision: To execute and create anengaging board membership framework by which the behaviors and actions of the membership are in alignment with the mission of Child Advocates.

Purpose: The Governance Committee is charged with the following:

(1)Assist with updating and revising the strategic plan;

(2) Drive an effective “on-boarding” for new board members;

(3) Execute creative ways to increase engagement fromboard memberstrack term limits;

(4) As needed to assist the Executive Committee, recruit and recommend new board members.

Meeting Discussion:

  1. Our Mission, Vision, Scope and Roles as a committee:
  2. Briefly summarize the discussion, action items and decisions

We have created a proposed Mission, Vision and Purpose stated above for our GC to view and approve by our April meeting.

Action: All GC members to review and provide feedback to Kim by March 31st.

Decisions: No decisions at this time.

  1. New Member and On-Boarding:
  2. Briefly summarize the discussion, action items and decisions

We do not have a documented process for recruiting and on-boarding new members. At this point our new member on-boarding focuses on assign a mentor to ask questions. The Executive Committee will take on the scope for recruiting and recommending new board members. With Greg in attendance, we took the opportunity to review and to recommend Kristen Morris to the full board on 3/11. Discussion on what would be of value for on-boarding a new board member was discussed.

Action: Meghan will document an on-boarding process and recommended content to share with new board members at our next meeting in April.

Decision: Recommendation of Kristen Morris to the full board as a new board member.

  1. Board Member Engagement:
  2. Briefly summarize the discussion, action items and decisions

The way we track engagement with our point sheet/tracking system needs re-thinking. We moved along with it, but it was never accurate, as it depended both on self-reporting at meetings and on Carey being able to update everyone’s scores. We would love to create a better way for board members to input information themselves.It has become dated as we’ve waited for better ways to handle. Discussion on a new approach occurred.

Action: Eddie will propose expectations from engagement, what we would track and ways to engage board members for our next meeting in April.

Decision: No decisions at this time.

  1. Strategic Plan:
  2. Briefly summarize the discussion, action items and decisions

The current ask is for the GC to review and update the existing Strategic Plan. Our goal is to provide a review and set of recommended changes to the board by May for approval.

Action: Kim to mail out the Strategic Plan (including Cindy) for review. All comments to be sent to Kim by March 31st for the GC to review by the group.

Decision: No decisions at this time.

  1. Committee 2017 Action Plan
  2. Outline the committee’s near term actions and plans as well as how you will measure success

For the first half of 2017, we will focus on process and ideas for engagement. For the second half of 2017, we will execute and improve on process while evaluating engagement and measuring improvement.

  1. Requests or Recommendations To the Board
  2. The Governance Committee recommends that Kristen Morris be accepted as its newest Child Advocates board member.
  3. Next Meeting
  4. April 4th 8AM to 9AM via Conference call

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30AM.

Respectfully submitted, Chair, Kimberle SealeGovernance Committee, Board of Directors, Child Advocates