SPC1017 Interpersonal Communication
Fall 2014 Online
Instructor: April Raneri
Office Phone: 407-582-7776
Office Location: Lake Nona, Room 215
E-mail (Use your Atlas email only)
*Include your course number in every email to the instructor
Office Hours: Monday In-person 9:30a-10a; Virtual 3:30pm-4:30pm
Tuesday In-person 9:30a-10a; 1:00p-2:30p
Wednesday In-person 9:30a-10a; Virtual 3:30pm-4:30pm
Thursday In-person 9:30a-10a; 1:00p-2:30p
Friday Virtual 9am -12pm
This is an online course through Blackboard (online.valenciacollege.edu). Your login information is the same as your Atlas username and password. You must have daily access to the Internet to completethis course.
Course Materials:
· Daily access to the internet.
· Comm 2 By: Verderber, Verderber, and Sellnow
· Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint
· Assignments submitted using the wrong file type and that do not open will not be graded.
· Informative Speech Assignment Requirements
· Digital video camera for recording. If you don't have a digital video recorder, there are speech labs on both the East, West, and Lake Nona campus that will allow you to bring in an audience and record your speech. Make sure you are familiar with the days and times they are open and that you do not wait until the last minute to record your speech. You will need to be able to record the entire presentation area (not just your face).
· You must have an audience of at least 5 adult listeners over the age of 16 for each of your speeches.
· The speech may be submitted in a variety of ways, however, YOU are responsible for knowing how to convert your video and submitting it online. You may email a link to youtube.com, upload the video to Blackboard, email the file directly to , or drop off a DVD/USB
Accessing the Course:
This is an online course, managed through Blackboard. You must have access to the Internet (available on all Valencia campuses) to complete the course requirements. If you have not used Blackboard before and would like additional help getting started in the course, please contact me during the first week of classes. There are NO required meetings on campus and we do NOT have set chat or discussion times each week. You will have full access to the course 24/7 and may participate each week at the times most convenient for you. Make note of the due dates of assignments as assignments are not accepted late. You can also meet with me on campus or via e-mail at a scheduled time that is mutually convenient.
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to enhance students’ communication skills in a variety of areas. Specifically, this course focuses on skills such as critical thinking, listening, language use, delivery, non-verbal techniques, small group communication, professional communication and effective presentation of ideas in public speaking contexts. Skill improvement will be accomplished through enhanced knowledge base and practical application. The course will reinforce the following competencies:
Valencia Competencies:
The faculty of Valencia Community College have established four Core Competencies that describe the learning outcomes for a Valencia graduate.
1.Think: Think clearly, critically, and creatively. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry.
2.Communicate: Communicate with different audiences using varied means.
3.Value: Make reasoned value judgments and responsible commitments.
4.Act: Act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.
Expected Student Conduct
Valencia Community College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.
Attendance Policy
This class follows an online format; you are expected to log on to the course at least three times each week (but preferably daily) and to keep current on the course schedule and discussion boards. Your online attendance will be checked each week. In the event of an extended absence, you should contact me via email or phone as soon as possible to indicate the reason or you may be withdrawn.
Assignments and Late Policy
All assignments are due online by the specified date/time. Late work is not accepted for technical difficulties. Do not wait until the last day to submit assignments/speeches. BE AWARE OF BLACKBOARD MAINTENANCE TIMES. Computers are available for use on all Valencia campuses. All due dates are listed on the calendar at the end of the syllabus.
Please follow the following online guidelines:
1. Remember the person: Don’t forget that there is a person on the other end of your online communication. Type in a polite manner. Also, don’t assume that everyone is the same as you—be open-minded to the different perspectives of the group.
2. Think twice before “sending”: What you say in cyberspace is the possibility of a forever record of your thoughts. Make sure that what you say is deserving of that record.
3. Be mindful: Remember that your classmates depend on you to develop thoughtful posts so that they can enter into a conversation with you.
4. Share tips, thoughts, and questions: This is true especially in required discussions. Remember, that your job is to help move a conversation—an “I agree” statement halts a discussion more than moving it forward. Make sure that you post in a timely manner so that your classmates can respond.
Fairness Policy
Valencia is a great place for students with multiple obligations to pursue an education, as we offer many different class scheduling options and we are committed as an institution to helping students reach their goals. However, it is crucial to the success of our students after graduation (or upon transfer) that we maintain the academic integrity of our classes. Please understand that all students must earn grades using the same scale in order to maintain integrity and provide a level of fairness to all students within a class. Many students are working full time and supporting/raising families, often as single parents; unfortunately it is not possible to grade students based on what they are experiencing in their personal lives. While I am always willing to talk to you and advise you through difficult times, it would not be fair to your fellow classmates, many of whom are going through similar situations, for me to make grading exceptions for one student based on their life situation.
It is unethical to use as your own, any information for any assignment in whole or in part by someone else and to do so is cause for immediate failure of the assignment and may result in failure of the class.
Delivering your Informative Speech: Please follow these instructions carefully as failure to comply will result in a zero (0) for the assignment (and therefore an “F” in the course).
A. Check the sound and picture quality produced by your video camera. I will not grade your speech if I cannot easily hear you or if the picture is distorted. (NOTE: If I cannot make out facial features, gestures, etc., you will not earn the full number of points.)
B. You will need to record your ENTIRE presentation area (Full body and PowerPoint when used).
- Before you begin your speech, have your video camera operator “pan” the audience with the camera to show how many audience members you have. Without turning off the camera, have the camera operator turn the camera on you so that you may begin your speech. It is essential that the camera remain on between the time of showing the audience and the beginning of your speech. It is also essential that I see each and every audience member. Give your speech in its entirety, and then pan your audience one last time before ending your video. If you do not have an audience, you will automatically receive a “0” for your speech. Keep the camera running throughout your speech; You may not “edit” your speech
- Consider working with your classmates to record your speech, to act as support, and to be audience members for one another. You may earn 10 extra credit points by meeting with at least 2 fellow classmates to record your speech and to be audience members for one another. Create Groups using the Group Creation Discussion Forum under the Discussions tab on Blackboard.
Miscellaneous Course Policies and Expectations
· Information in the syllabus, schedule, grading information sheet, and on the course website is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
· All assignments must be typed and free of grammatical and spelling errors.
· If you have a disability or other issue that requires special dispensation, notify me before the second week of class. All requests will be kept in confidence. Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with us before expecting accommodations. OSD determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. Contact them on the Osceola Campus in Bldg 2-140A or at (407) 582-4167 TTY: (407) 582-1222.
· If you are having any difficulty in the course, contact me as soon as possible so that we can work together to meet your personal learning needs.
Special Dates /Classes begin - August 25
Drop Deadline – September 2
College Night – October 7
College Closed – Sep 1, Nov 26-30, Dec 23-Jan 01
Withdrawal Deadline for "W" grade – November 7
Weekly Schedule
All assignments are due by Sunday at 10:00AM (NOT MIDNIGHT)
Week / Dates / Lessons / What’s Due1 / August 25-31 / Review Syllabus and Course
Syllabus Quiz
Introduction Discussion / Read Syllabus
Syllabus Quiz
Discussion 1 Post and Responses
2 / September 1-7
September 1 – College Closed / Foundations of Communication / Read Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Discussion 2 Post and Responses
Journal Entry #1
3 / September 8-14 / Test 1 – Chapters 1-5
4 / September 15-21 / Interpersonal Communication / Read Chapter 6, 7, and 8
Discussion 3 Post and Responses
Journal Entry #2
5 / September 22-28 / Group Communication / Read Chapter 9 and 10
Discussion 4 Post and Responses
Journal Entry #3
6 / September 29-October 5 / Test 2 – Chapters 6-10 / Test 2 – Chapters 6-10
7 / October 6-12 / Public Speaking / Read Chapter 11, 12 and 13
Discussion 5 Post and Responses
8 / October 13-19 / Continue Public Speaking / Read Chapter 14, 15 and 16
Discussion 6 Post and Responses
9 / October 20-26 / No Assignments Due – Study for Test 3 and look ahead at Informative Speech Assignments!!
10 / October 27-November 2 / Test 3 – Chapters 11-16 / Test 3 – Chapters 11-16
11 / November 3-9 / Informative Speaking Speech Preparation / Informative Speech Outline
Informative Speech Citations Assignment
12 / November 10-16 / No Assignments Due – Work on Speech!!
13 / November 17-23 / Informative Speeches / Informative Speech
Informative Speech PowerPoint
14 / November 24-30
Nov 26-30 – College Closed / No Assignments Due – Review for Final Exam
15 / December 1-7 / Final Exam / Final Exam – All Discussions
16 / December 8-14 / Course Review
Assignment and Grading Checklist
Available Received
Syllabus Quiz 10 ______
Discussion 1 Post and Responses 50 ______
Discussion 2 Post and Responses 50 ______
Discussion 3 Post and Responses 50 ______
Discussion 4 Post and Responses 50 ______
Discussion 5 Post and Responses 50 ______
Discussion 6 Post and Responses 50 ______
Journal Entry 1 75 ______
Journal Entry 2 75 ______
Journal Entry 3 75 ______
Informative Speech 75 ______
Informative Speech Outline 60 ______
Informative Speech PowerPoint 40 ______
Informative Speech Citations Assignment 40 ______
Test 1 50 ______
Test 2 50 ______
Test 3 50 ______
Final Exam 100 ______
Extra Credit:
Language Activity 25 ______
FINAL GRADE ______/1000
A= 900-1000 B= 800-899 C= 700-799 D= 600-699 F= Less than 599
*Course Schedule, class activities, and assignments are subject to change. All changes will be announced in class.