Metrics Team
Unconfirmed NMC Metrics Team Minutes
Fiesta InnTempe, Arizona
January 24, 2005
10:00am – 12:05pmThese minutes are not final until confirmed by the team in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the team and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
Members in Attendance:
Arne Logan / The Boeing Company
Chet Daté (Team Leader) / Honeywell Engines, Systems, & Services
Camille Valmy / AIRBUS S.A.S.
Gerald Wahlin / AAA Plating and Inspection Inc.
PRI Staff in Attendance
Arshad Hafeez
Heather Meyer
Glenn Shultz
Others in Attendance
Dan Smith / GE Transportation
1.0 / Intro, Review Agenda / Chet Daté
Introductions were made and the meeting agenda reviewed.
2.0 / 2004 Metrics Results / Glenn Shultz
The attached BOD metrics were reviewed. The task groups have achieved the 2004 reaccred cycle time goal. /
3.0 / Cycle Time Data Analysis / Chet Daté
Glenn Shultz
The attached two presentations were reviewed. The analysis shows that the typical audit has a minimum of 27 days without any NCR’s or cycles. Each cycle adds 15 days to the audit cycle time and each NCR adds 3 days. /
4.0 / Root Cause Analysis Summary / Heather Meyer
The attached presentation was reviewed. Several root causes were identified for audits that had been open greater than 150 days. These root causes were divided into controllable and uncontrollable. Corrective actions for each of the controllable root causes were proposed. /
5.0 / What Should Be Our Cycle Time Goal?
A. Supplier Survey
B. Procedural Contsraints
C. PRI BOD Negotiated Goal / Chet Daté
Glenn Shultz
Heather Meyer
A. The attached Supplier Survey Analysis presentation was presented. The following conclusions were drawn:
Cycle Time
Supplier expectations for cycle time are much shorter than current cycle times.
Supplier expectations for cycle time are shorter than current procedural cycle time entitlements for one cycle.
Response Time
Seven (7) day response time for suppliers is not adequate.
A significant number of suppliers would like more time while reducing PRI time.
With the current process it will be difficult to meet supplier expectations!
Can not meet Cycle Time and Response Time expectations simultaneously!
B. The attached EXCEL spreadsheet was reviewed which reinforced that we can not meet supplier expectations for cycle time given the current procedural entitlements.
C. The attached presentation was reviewed which contains a table with the goals that the BOD approved for 2005. The cycle time goal is 20% below the average 2004 cycle time with no audit open greater than 150 days. /
6.0 / How To Achieve Cycle Time Goals – Proposed Control Plan / Chet Daté
The attached presentation was proposed. This proposal will be circulated to the task group chairs for comment. /
7.0 / Reporting To NMC Steering Team / All
The attached presentation was presented to the NMC Steering Committee /
8.0 / New Business / All
No new business
9.0 / Next Meeting/Telecons / All
After the response to Chet’s Proposal is summarized a telecon will be scheduled.
10.0 / Action Items Review / Glenn Shultz
Glenn to send Chet’s proposal to Task Group Chairs and copy NMC members (Attached). The Task Group Chairs are asked to review slides 13 and 17 per the action items on slide 18 and give feedback to Heather Meyer by February 14, 2005. This was sent January 25, 2005 followed by a reminder on February 11, 2005.
Glenn to summarize responses and schedule a telecom. /
11.0 / Adjourn / All
Meeting was adjourned