Sandwell Holiday Bruch Club Programme Expression of Interest
Inthe UKtoday,around 3.6 millionpeople are living with Type 2 diabetes, with a further11.9 millionat increased risk of the condition. In addition to sight loss and nerve damage, diabetes can increase the risk of heart and circulatory disease. There areanestimated 7 millionpeople living with heart and circulatory disease inthe UKtoday, with many more at serious risk.
The Holiday Lunch Club Programme is aimed at people and most at risk communities (potential risk of Type 2 Diabetes and CVD) to increase their physical activity, eat more healthily and know more about the conditions. Holiday Lunch Clubs are the National Charity Partnership’s intensive support programme to be delivered in six key areas of the UK. These areas are Belfast, East London, North Lanarkshire, Nottingham, Rhondda Cynon Taf, and Sandwell.
The aim of Holiday Lunch Clubs is to provide a platform whereby participants are motivated and incentivised to improve their health behaviours in relation to physical activity and food consumption. The target audience for this prevention programme is mums aged 25-40 who are living in areas of high deprivation. Our secondary audience will be children and other family members who are welcome to attend the programme.
Sandwell Tendering opportunity:
We are currently looking for community based partners to deliver the Holiday Lunch Club Programmes in Sandwell between now and December 2017. Delivery centres need to be able to deliver a minimum of four eight half-day programmes per year. We would be particularly welcoming of centres able to run five plus programmes per year for the 21 month period. For Sandwell as a whole we are looking for partners to deliver a total of 50 eight half-day programmes over the programme across Sandwell.
Each programme will be expected to engage 12 mothers and approximately 24 children per session in food and physical activity related activities for the full eight day period. This may be scheduled across more than one holiday period. Delivery centres will be required to support pre-programme registration assessments- either in person, through a referral agency or online. There is an expectation that delivery partners will also support low-intensity post programme communication with participants which may include texts, emails, telephone calls and a one off drop-in session.
An outline budget guide to a maximum value per session is provided below:
Activity provider daily budget12 parents + 24 children / 36 x £6 per session x 7days
Resources / 36 x£1 x 7 days
12 parents + 24 children / catering 36 x £2.90 for snacks/drinks and lunch per session x 7 days
1 member of staff to support group to attend the Welly to Belly day run by Growing Opportunities at Salop Drive / £40
Total budget per eight day programme for 36 participants / £2849.8
Additional £9.90/person per day will be provided for each person over 36 to a maximum of 39. There is an expectation that a session will require at least 8 participant mothers between 25-40 to run.
An outline of the programme (in draft) to be delivered is detailed on the next pages. Not all days will need to be delivered consecutively or during morning sessions. Programmes based on the below format could run over afternoon/evening periods to suit community needs.
Please note that the Belly to Welly day is expected to be delivered by Growing Opportunities on a site named by them, but that programme delivery partners would be expected to support activities and participants through this day with a member of staff. The budget is based on Growing Opportunities providing resources and lunch for this day.
Community based organisations with suitable skills, capacity and venues are invited to submit the attached Expression on Interest forms by 25th February 2016. Please note the programme is looking to begin programme delivery during the Summer Half-Term holidays 2016. Delivery training would take place early May.
Sites will need to work with the central team to ensure opportunities for programme recruitment and sign-posting are maximised.
For enquires and to return this form, please contact Caroline Wolhuter email: or mobile: 07876 034510.
Time / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 510:00-10:15
Focus on healthy snacking / Welcome, snacks, evaluation.10 Minute Shake Up / Welcome, snacks, ball based activities with children. 5 min buddy up to discuss reflectionsgoals, evaluation. / Welcome, snacks,. 5 min buddy up to discuss reflections, goals & evaluation. / Welly to Belly Day -introduction, snacksand evaluation. / Welcome, snacks, ball based activities.Buddy up to discuss challenges & strategies. Quick review of Change 4 Life resources apps.
10:15-11:00 / Programme introduction with practical games, quizzes goal setting pledge cards for Food, Exercise & Health. Introduce food diaries/Change 4 Life resources[1]. / Food on the Go: Make and Taste Practical food workshop 2 – focusing on healthy snacks, and their value.[2]Support family cooking. / Making mid-week easy family meals – Portion sizes, regular meals, lower salt, lower sugar (Based on CFT Let’s Get Cooking & NCP resources including starting family recipe books). / Physical activityMarket garden tour & hands on gardening session / Healthy Shopping on a budgetfor mum’s.
Children’s food science fun(experimentwith potions, portions & labels.)
Focus on health drinks / Changeover break Drinks[3] make taste + kids ball games. / Changeover break– Drinks on the go+ active travel to park. / Changeover break–Drinks outside & buddy catch up. / Changeover breakDrinks / Changeover breakDrinks & check your buddy on their goals.
11:15-12:00 / Physical activityIntroducing the three areas of physical activity + Change 4 Life Dance activity. / Physical activity
Out and about [4]Starting the Change 4 Life park challenge / Physical activityReviewing targets for travel plans, Active Recreation & Sport. Active Lifestyles taster – vote at the end forfavourite & signposting. / Food workshop:Tasting seasonal produce and cooking session& signpost. / Physical activityMore Active lifestyles taster. Variety of active family based activities to do at home (outdoors if possible).Signposting
Communal Eating / Matching pledge cards to identify a programme buddy. Hot meal, evaluation & signposting / Lunch: Make cold & hot wraps, dips & fruit/dairy based deserts, evaluation / Enjoying mid-week family meals and evaluation / Lunch, evaluation & sign posting / Healthy budget meal, evaluation & signposting
Time / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8
Focus on healthy snacking / Welcome, snack, evaluation.10 Minute Shake Up. This day could be at Oak House or similar museum with facilities to support this session to raise aspirations of being activity in a special place and beyond your comfort zone. / Welcome, snacks, Hola hoops and ball based activities to discuss reflections, goals & evaluation. / Introduction, snacks, evaluation.Review Change 4 Life resources with buddies.
10:15-11:00 / The importance of MUM Day. Special meals for mum: Creative healthy cooking using store cupboard staples; managing left overs & good storage. / Team challenges: Ready, Steady Cook – meeting programme criteria / Healthy Feasts & Celebrations: How to approach special times, making “treats” – practicing portion sizes on a budget. (30 mins)
Focus on health drinks / Changeover break:hot & sour drinks outside. Check for sign-posting interests / Changeover break:catch up with your buddyoutside / Physical activityGet dancing – Get Cooking: Soup and Salad Disco with healthy celebration drinks! (40 mins)
11:15-12:00 / Physical activityBody balance – Yoga/pilates adventures for mum’s. Scavenger hunt for the children. / Physical activityChange 4 Life children’s activity; mum’s CPR training / Reviewing achievements, next steps and forward planning/support, active party games (40 mins)
Communal Eating / Lunch: Enjoy mum’s special meal, deserts and evaluation / Ready, Steady Cook lunch and evaluation / Enjoying celebration meal options and evaluation
Expression of interest 2016
Full address of your main delivery venue, i.e. the venue where people will meet each day. Please highlight your ability to use outdoor spaces
What other venues and locations do you have access to for delivering the Tesco National Charity Partnership Brunch Club programme? Please highlight if they have been risk assessed.
How many eight day programmes holiday would you be able to deliver over the programme period? And what dates and times would you look to deliver the programme?
Operational lead officer for your programme who will be the primary programme contact and attend Brunch Club training. NB. This is the operational lead who will be responsible for day-to-day programme delivery, quality assurance, signposting and supporting the independent evaluation, not a remote manager.
Email address
Telephone number:
Briefly outline your organisation’s ability work with referral agencies and signpost for this programme. Please provide details I.e. Social Services, Public Health Teams, Schools, Food Banks, Children’s Centres, CANDO and WNDO teams etc.
Can you caterer to meet multiple dietary requirements, meeting food hygiene standards and allergen guidelines? (either through onsite catering facilities or through sub-contractors – please explain)
Do you have cutlery and crockery for all 36 programme participants, a venue for them to prepare food communally and a welcoming place for them to eat together? (Please note you are not required to have a catering kitchen that can accommodate 36 people at the same time)
Are you willing to work with British Heart Foundation, Diabetics UK and Children’s Food Trust Guidelines?
What catering training do your staff have? If none, would you be willing to recruit to meet requirements?
Do you have cooking facilities that would allow you to provide hot and cold food?
Activity delivery:
Do you have the facilities to deliver the above programme on a single site or in the immediate proximity? It is anticipated that venues will have at least two separate spaces on the same site available to deliver the programme (Please provide details)
Do you have staff trained or partners available to deliver the physical activities of the programme? (Explain)
Are you willing to work with British Heart Foundation and Diabetics UK guidelines to deliver activities, support and signposting?
Do you have staff trained or partners available to deliver the food activities of the programme? (Explain)
Do you have the necessary DBS checks, Safeguarding policy and Public Liability Insurance in place to ensure Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding and adequate risk assessment requirements can be upheld?
What additional support would you need to deliver this programme?
For enquires or to return this form, please contact Caroline Wolhuter email: or mobile: 07876 034510.
[1] Introduce Change 4 Life Sugar Swaps app and provide a core Change 4 Life resource pack to each family
[2]Addressing snacking early in programme as snacking often makes up a significant proportion of calorie intake – psychologically it feels like a small step for families to consider.
[3]Give out programme water bottle.
[4] Introduce the concept of an activity map which highlights where different physical activities can be accessed locally. Sign post to the Change 4 Life activity search engine.