Biology: Human Biology
Spring 2014
Instructor Information:
Name: Michael Samms
Office: MR601
Phone: (212) 650-8574
Office Hour: Wednesday: 12-1pm room MR 601, or by appointment. Please email me for an appointment.
Lecture Time: 11am-11:50 am
Location: T and TH, Room NAC/1214
The laboratory sections will meet on alternate weeks.
Group A: M, M3, M5 and M7.
Group B: M2, M4 and M6.
Lab Section / Day / Time / Location / InstructorM / Tuesday / 1-2:50pm / MR829 / Barbara Rizzo
M2 / Tuesday / 1-2:50pm / MR829 / Gilbert Hernandez
M3 / Tuesday / 3:30-5:20pm / MR829 / Waqar Khalid
M4 / Tuesday / 3:30-5:20pm / MR829 / Gilbert Hernandez
M5 / Wednesday / 3:30-5:20pm / MR829 / Valoren Tinaj
M6 / Wednesday / 3:30-5:20pm / MR829 / Gilbert Hernandez
M7 / Thursday / 1-2:50pm / MR829 / Kucharavy, Herman
Course Information: fulfills the Pathways Life and Physical Sciences requirement
Human Biology is a 3-credit course, intended for non-science majors, comprised of 2 lecture hours per week, two hours of interactive exercises in a computer lab or fieldtrips to be held every other week Topics in this course include the scientific method, tools used in modern biology with emphasis on human systems; metabolism, genetics, physiology, and bioethics. A variety of learning activities will be used to broaden the students’ awareness of living species and biological systems, including lectures, videos, laboratory activities and fieldtrips. This course does not carry credit for Biology majors!
Course Materials: Mader, S. and M. Windelspecht. 2013. Human Biology. 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill, NY.
ISBN 978-0-07-352548-8.
There is an abbreviated version for sale in the Bookstore for $87.75. To save money you may also go online and find used copies of this edition and the 2012 edition. To find discounts, just enter the ISBN number in Google and search. The will also be an additional charge for the laboratory exercises (in the process of negotiating a good price).
Class Attendance:
Regular, on-time attendance is mandatory and a key to success in Biology. Preparation is critical: you must read assignments prior to lecture/lab, and arrive with an understanding of the planned subject or activity. Students who miss more than one lab will be dropped from the course with a grade of WU. Lateness of 15 minutes or more counts as an absence.
Courses that meet the general education (core) science requirement provide students with opportunities to:
· Develop and utilize critical reasoning skills,
· understand and apply the scientific method,
· enhance and expand their knowledge base of biological principles, with a special emphasis on human anatomy and physiology,
· Recognize pseudoscience and be able to evaluate potential candidates on the basics of scientific reasoning, process, and scientific legitimacy,
· explore practical and ethical issues of contemporary biology,
· Be able to understand the principle of “informed consent” and improve skills in dealing with the medical community.
Assessment of Student Learning:
Exam 1 100 points
Exam 2 100 points
Exam 3 100 points
Final Exam 100 points
Lab quiz (4 @15 pts each) 60 points
Class Participation in lab 20 points
Lecture Online quizzes 20 points
Total: 500 points
Lecture Exams: Exams (100 points each) will be closed book. The exams are not cumulative!
Lab Write-Ups: Teams of 2 students will write reports based on computer exercises. The exact lab exercises that the students write -up will vary from semester to semester, but there will be 3 total.
Online quizzes: There is a short quiz on Blackboard for every lecture. These questions are drawn from the same question bank as the exams. Each quiz will only be up for 1 week and you must do it before the next lecture. Read the book and review your notes before you take the quiz. You will only be allowed 1 hour to complete it. It is graded on a check-off basis as part of your class participation grade (10 points).
Make-ups/Late assignments: A missed lab can only be made-up by attending another section doing the same exercise. Makeup exams will only be allowed for documented medical reasons. The exam must be made-up within a week of the original exam date. Make-up exams will cover the same material, but may differ in format and content from in-class exams.
Learning Environment Expectations:
1) Come to class prepared by completing the reading assignments and assignments (ie, virtual labs)
2) Cheating will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely.
3) No food or drinks are allowed in the computer room.
4) Turn off cell phones before entering class. No text-messaging please.
Students with Disabilities: Students registered with the Office of Disabilities can receive extended time to take tests in a quiet environment. They must notify the lecturer and lab instructor at least one week in advance of scheduled exams to avail themselves of these services.
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism will be dealt with subject to CCNY/CUNY policies regarding academic integrity. The full CUNY policy can be found in the CCNY Undergraduate Bulletin 2007–2009 (Appendix B.3) and on the CCNY website. Cases where academic integrity is compromised will be prosecuted according to these rules. Disciplinary sanctions range from failing the class to expulsion from the College.
Lecture/Lab Schedule (The labs are divided into Group A which meets on odd numbered weeks and Group B which does the same exercises in even numbered weeks.)
Lecture Schedule Spring 2014
Readings (Mader)
1 / Tuesday, 1/28
Thursday 1/30 / Exploring life and science
Classic Research in Human Biology / Ch 1
2 / Tuesday, 2/4
Thursday, 2/6 / Chemistry of Living things
The cell / Ch 2 (sections 2.1-2.6
Ch 3 (sections 3.1-3.3-3.6)
3 / Tuesday, 2/11
Thursday, 2/13 / Cell respiration
Organ Systems / Ch continue
Ch 4 (sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.6-4.8)
4 / Tuesday, 2/18
Monday Schedule, 2/20 / Cardiovascular system / Ch 5
5 / Tuesday, 2/25
Thursday, 2/27 / Exam 1
DNA and Replication / Ch 2 and 21
6 / Tuesday, 3/4
Thursday, 3/6 / Cell cycle
Cell Division / Ch 18 (sec. 2.7),
Ch 18 (sec. 18.1-18.4)
7 / Tuesday, 3/11
Thursday, 3/13 / Mitosis and Meiosis
Cancer / Ch 18 (sec 18.5-18.6), Ch.
19 ( sec 20.1-20.3)
8 / Tuesday, 3/18
Thursday, 3/20 / Genetics and Inheritance
Exam 2 / Ch 18
9 / Tuesday, 3/25
Thursday, 3/27 / Blood
Circulatory system / Ch 6
Ch 5
10 / Tuesday, 4/1
Thursday, 4/3 / Respiratory System
Digestive system and Nutrition; / Ch 9
Ch 8 (sec. 9.1, 9.4-9.7)
11 / Tuesday, 4/8
Thursday, 4/10 / Discussion of food labels
Immune system / Ch 8 (all)
Ch 7
12 / 4/14-22 / SPRING BREAK
13 / Thursday, 4/24
Tuesday, 4/29 / Sex and Reproduction,
Exam 3 / Ch 16
14 / Thursday, 5/1
Tuesday, 5/6 / Pregnancy and birth
Human Evolution / Ch 17 (sec. 17.1-17.4)
Ch 22
15 / Thursday, 5/8
Tuesday, 5/12 / Human health
Challenges to human health / Ch 7
16 / Thursday, 5/15 / Drug resistance, HIV
Tuberculosis, Malaria / Ch 7 (infectious disease supplement)
17 / Thursday 5/22
10:30-11:45 / Final Exam
Laboratory Schedule Spring 2014
Section / Date / Laboratory Activities / Section / DateM,
M3 / 1/28 / Review of research ethics in Biology, Tuskegee syphilis study, IRB procedures now. / M5
M7 / 1/29
M4 / 2/4 / Review of research ethics in Biology, Tuskegee syphilis study, IRB procedures now. / M6 / 2/5
M3 / 2/11 / Bacterial Identification Virtual Lab
http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/bacterial-identification-virtual-lab QUIZ 1 / M5
M7 / 2/12*
M4 / 2/18 / Bacterial Identification Virtual Lab
QUIZ 1 / M6 / 2/19
M3 / 2/25 / Cardio Vascular Virtual Lab http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/cardiology-virtual-lab
QUIZ 2 / M5
M7 / 2/26
M4 / 3/4 / Cardio Vascular Virtual Lab
QUIZ 2 / M6 / 3/5
M3 / 3/11 / Transgenic Fly Virtual Lab
http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/transgenic-fly-virtual-lab QUIZ 3 / M5
M7 / 3/12
M4 / 3/18 / Transgenic Fly Virtual
http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/transgenic-fly-virtual-lab QUIZ 3 / M6 / 3/19
M3 / 3/25 / Immunology Virtual Lab
http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/immunology-virtual-lab QUIZ 4 / M5
M7 / 3/26
M4 / 4/1 / Immunology Virtual Lab
http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/immunology-virtual-lab QUIZ 4 / M6 / 4/2
M3 / 4/8 / What is a drug trial? / M5
M7 / 4/9
M4 / 4/29 / What is a drug trial? / M6 / 4/23
M3 / 5/10 / AMNH fieldtrip / M5
M7 / Weekend
M4 / 5/11 / AMNH fieldtrip / M6 / Weekend