Home of the Eagles

Eagles represent Strength, Keenness, Swiftness, Courage, Freedom!

“Ad Astra Per Aspera”

To The Stars Through Perseverance

Mr. Taurin Hardy, Principal

Mr. Antonio Harvey, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Tina Hudson-Smith, Inst. Facilitator

673 Vance Avenue

Memphis, TN 38125

(901) 416-3256 - Main Office

(901) 416-3257 - Fax

(901) 416-2616 – Attendance



Ø  Principals Message 3

Ø  Mission 4

Ø  Vision 4

Ø  School Information 5

Ø  MCS Calendar 6-8

Ø  Bell Schedule 9-10

School Rules and Regulations

Ø  Arrival and Dismissal 11

Ø  Early Dismissal 12

Ø  Attendance Policy 13

Ø  Unexcused Absences 14

Ø  Accidents & Illnesses 14

Ø  Medical Circumstances 15

Ø  Conferences 15

Ø  Uniform Policy 16-19

Ø  Tardy Policy 20

Ø  Hallway Procedures 21

Ø  Hall Passes 23

Ø  Lunch 21

Ø  Student Lockers 22

Ø  Assemblies 25

Ø  Visitors 25

Ø  Bus Riders 25

Ø  Evac Procedures 25

Academic Affairs

Ø  Textbooks 26

Ø  Grading System 19

Ø  Homework Policy 26

Ø  Promotion and Retention 20

Ø  Class Drops and Transfers 20

Ø  Mid-term and Final Exams 20

Ø  Report Cards 20-21

Ø  Homebound 21

Ø  P.E. Uniforms 28

Ø  Library/Media Center Policies 28

Ø  Bookstore 28

Ø  Guidance & Counseling Services 28

Ø  Sports & Clubs 28

Discipline Policy

Ø  Student code of Conduct 29

Ø  Consequences 29

Ø  After School Detention (ASD) 30

Ø  In School Suspension 31

Ø  Suspensions 32

Ø  Metal Detectors 33

Ø  Sexual Harassment 33

Ø  Cell Phones 36

Student Incentives

Ø  Celebrations 37-39

Ø  Fight Free 39



Dear Parents/Guardians, Students, and Community Members:

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you back to a brand new school year at VMS! I am excited to have you as a part of the Vance Family. The things that you will accomplish and the memories that you will make here will last a lifetime. At Vance we are about our business, and our business is education. If you are not here to learn and get an education, while at the same time showing respect to ALL then this is not the place for you. There is too much at stake for us to do anything else but learn when we enter this building. The mission of VMS is for our students to have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to reach their potential as responsible, productive citizens in a global economy and multicultural society. Right now there is another student who is studying, and trying to get the best grades. This student is the same one that is competing against you for scholarship offers. Before you leave this building, you will be able to compete with every student from Memphis to China.

We are going to be S.T.A.R.S. this year at Vance (Students and Teachers Achieving Remarkable Success). If you are among the S.T.A.R.S., then you are a student who is:

·  Achieving at high levels.

·  Being proficient or advanced on Discovery and TCAP.

·  Coming to school every day on time.

·  Being on the honor-roll.

·  Being a member of the Green Team.

·  Displaying good behavior and citizenship with all E’s in conduct.

·  Not having a suspension or a detention.

·  Displaying Eagle Pride!

Students, we (your families, community, teachers, and administrators) need you to be rigorous in your studies this year. Much will be expected of you this year, but much will be given to you in return.

Parents, remember that you are an important partner to our success. As such, I humbly seek your support and active participation as we work to achieve the mission of Vance Middle School.We can reach this goal TOGETHER! We Are AdVanceD!


Taurin W. Hardy, Principal

“Any Child, Any Circumstance, Any Means”


The vision of Vance Middle School is to provide a quality education that develops knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable students to reach their maximum potential as responsible, life-long learners, and productive citizens.


The mission Vance Middle School is for our students to have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to reach their potential as responsible, productive citizens in a global economy and multicultural society.

“Any Child, Any Circumstance, Any Means”


Main Office (901) 416-3256

Fax Number (901) 416-3257


Taurin Hardy, Principal 416-3256

Antonio Harvey, Asst. Principal 416-3256

Tina Hudson-Smith, Inst. Facilitator 416-3256

Clerical Staff:

Tiffany Bracy, Financial Secretary 416-2602

Tredena Coleman, Attendance/Records Secretary 416-2601

Support Services:

Curtrice Smith, Professional School Counselor 416-2619

Valaria Richardson, School Librarian 416-2615

Jordan Taylor, ISS Specialist 416-3256

Building Support Services:

Cedric Lark, SBE 416-2610

Brenden Cummins, ASBE 416-2610

Shirley Scott, Cafeteria Manager 416-2618


Officer Jerome Bussy 416-2619

Memphis City Schools 2012-2013 Calendar



Regular Daily Schedule

Period / Time
Everyday Calendar Math/Announcements / 7:20 - 7:30
Period 2 / 7:30 - 8:20
Period 3 / 8:25 - 9:15
Period 4 / 9:20 - 10:10
Period 5 / 10:15 - 12:15
Period 6 / 12:20 - 1:10
Period 7 / 1:15 - 2:10
Dismissal (Car Riders to the Gym) Announcements
Dismissal 6th Graders (Orleans)
Dismissal 7th Graders (Orleans)
Dismissal 8th Graders (Orleans) / 2:10

Lunch Schedule

6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th Grade
Locker Time 10:10
Lunch 10:15-10:55 / Locker Time 10:50
Lunch 10:55-11:35 / Locker Time 11:30
Lunch 11:35-12:15

Afternoon Activity Schedule

Period / Time
Everyday Calendar Math/Announcements / 7:20 - 7:30
Period 2 / 7:30 - 8:10
Period 3 / 8:15 - 8:55
Period 4 / 9:00 - 9:40
Period 5 / 9:45 - 11:45
Period 6 / 11:50 - 12:30
Period 7 / 12:35 - 1:15
Activity / 1:20 - 2:15
Dismissal (From Gym)
Dismissal 6th Graders (Vance)
Dismissal 7th Graders (Vance)
Dismissal 8th Graders (Vance) / 2:15

Lunch Schedule

6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th Grade
Locker Time 9:40
Lunch 9:45 - 10:25 / Locker Time 10:20
Lunch10:25 - 11:05 / Locker Time
Lunch 11:05-11:45


Classrooms are open each day at 7:20 A.M., and school begins at 7:15 A.M. The cafeteria will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 7:15 A.M. for students who eat breakfast at school. Students entering the building for breakfast should enter only through the Orleans side of the building near the cafeteria and are to remain in the cafeteria until the 7:20 A.M. bell rings. Students should not be in the hallways before the 7:20 bell rings.

At 7:30 the Orleans entrance will be locked and all late students should enter in the front of the school (Vance entrance).


Car Riders: Students that are picked up from school will exit through the main entrance (Vance Ave). ALL cars will be lined up on Vance Ave and students will be called out in the order in which the cars arrive (this is done for safety and order)

All other students will be dismissed from the Orleans exit by grade level at 2:15

Frequently, students are left at school well before 7:00 A.M. and after 2:45 P.M. THERE IS NO ADULT SUPERVISION PROVIDED AT THESE TIMES. Please know that the safety of your child is being jeopardized each time he/she is left unsupervised before and/or after school. Students will be dismissed each day at 2:15 P.M. Students should be completely off campus by 2:20 P.M. unless accompanied by a teacher for a specific after-school activity. The following procedures will be followed for students not in a supervised program after school hours:

1.  Students found on campus after hours will be given a notice to take home for parents to sign and return to the school. (UNAUTHORIZED PRESENCE ON CAMPUS)

2.  Failure to return this notice signed within (3) days by the parent will result in a Home Suspension.

3.  Repeated violations will result in our notifying the Memphis City Schools Security Office and the Memphis Police Department. As a result, your child may be transported to Juvenile Court.


Students may leave school before 2:15 PM only if they have been officially checked-out from the Attendance Office by a parent or guardian in person. NO CHECKOUTS ARE ALLOWED AFTER 1:30 PM. However if a student must be dismissed early a note from the parent must be on file. Early dismissal from school should be avoided whenever possible. There must be a telephone number at which a parent can be reached for verification. Failure to bring this note to the Attendance Office before school starts places the request for the student to be called out of class in jeopardy and will certainly make the check out process much slower. ONLY PERSONS DESIGNATED BY PARENTS/GUARDIANS (WHO HAS CUSTODY) ON STUDENT DATA FORM MAY CHECK OUT A STUDENT FROM SCHOOL.

Students who become ill during class MUST come to the Attendance Office to have parents called. This allows the administration of Vance Middle School to attend to the student’s needs until the parent arrives.

All children are expected to attend school on time each day. A written note explaining the absence is required when a student returns to school. Tardies or unexcused absences could result in severe disciplinary measures up to and including Suspensions.

Please attempt to schedule doctor and dental appointments outside school hours. If this is not possible, please do not check your student out before 10:45 A.M. This keeps your child from losing credit for a day’s attendance. Parents must come to the attendance office to check a student out of school (we will not allow any dismissals after 1:30 p.m.) so please come prior to this time if you have an early afternoon appointment. All dismissals will take place through the office.


Attendance Policy

All students are required to attend all classes to which they are scheduled. Students who cut class will be dealt with by the administration. In case of emergency, students should report to the assigned teacher or to an administrator. Being in the restroom, in the hall, in the cafeteria, or even in the library during class without an appropriate pass will be considered class cutting. Students who miss four classes in one day will be considered absent for that day. Leaving campus at any time during the school day endangers the student’s personal well being and will result in suspension. Vance Middle School is a closed campus; students may not leave campus once they have arrived without proper dismissal by the office secretary and parental permission.

REMINDER: Tennessee state law requires that a student must be in school for three hours and fifteen minutes in order to be counted as present for state attendance purposes. MEMPHIS CITY SCHOOLS POLICY 5135 (Eligibility of Students Participation in Extracurricular Activities) states: “In order to participate in extracurricular activities, students must be in attendance for the regular school day.” Please note that the policy states that a “regular school day” is 6 hours and 45 minutes. Coaches and sponsors of all activities will check student attendance on a regular basis to ensure compliance with this policy.


Unexcused absences are prohibited by Tennessee law.

• If a student accumulates repeated unexcused absences, school and district

leaders will seek to identify the causes and find ways to help support regular


• Any student who accumulates 15 or more days of unexcused absences

within one school year may be referred to Juvenile Court and the U.S.

District Attorney General’s Office.

_ First two unexcused absences: Phone calls to a student’s parent/

guardian each time the student is absent.

_ Third unexcused absence: Warning letter informing parent/guardian of

truancy laws and the consequences of not complying with the law; request for a

parent teacher conference.

_ Fifth unexcused absence: Warning letter from the U.S. District

Attorney’s Office sent home; student’s parent/guardian must attend a meeting

and become part of their child’s Student Attendance Review Team (SART) to

address the causes of unexcused absences and identify interventions.

_ Ten or more unexcused absences: The student’s case shall be sent to

a city-wide Student Attendance Review Board (SARB), which includes individuals

from other organizations that work with students. This Board will work

with parents/guardians to try and restore a student’s regular attendance at

school. If the student continues to accumulate unexcused absences, the case will

be referred to Juvenile Court and the U.S. District Attorney for prosecution for

failure to follow the compulsory attendance laws.

_ In accordance with state law, students who have over ten (10) consecutive or fifteen

(15) total unexcused absences in a semester will be referred to the

Department of Safety for drivers’ license denial/revocation. (This applies to students

who are fifteen (15) years of age or older.) A copy of the notice shall be

mailed to the student’s parents/guardian.

Parents are asked to come in to report changes in phone numbers to the Attendance Secretary (416-6201). In accordance with Board policy, students are required to bring a written, dated explanation from their parents for each absence within three days of returning. By Board policy, absences may be excused for the following reasons: personal illness, death or illness in the immediate family, legal court summons not a result of the student’s own misconduct, special and recognized religious holidays regularly observed by persons of that faith, or a school-sponsored activity. Unexcused absences will result in a zero per class for each day absent, with the possibility of no make-up work permitted.

Accidents and Illness

If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, we will make him/her comfortable and then call the parent/guardian immediately. If the parent cannot be reached, we will contact the emergency number listed on the registration card. Be sure to update any changes in numbers on the card as the year progresses. Please remember, we cannot keep seriously ill students at school.

Unusual Medical Circumstance

Parents/guardians should make certain that any information concerning an UNUSUAL MEDICAL CIRCUMSTANCE (i.e. diabetes, asthma, heart conditions, allergies, etc.) is placed on the permanent record in the Records Office and that each teacher who might be involved is notified. Parents are asked to communicate such information to the Guidance & Records offices at 416-6201.