NRCS Summary Data for Biological Evaluation
This outline will be completed with enough detail to make an effect determination for CRP, CREP, and CCRP. NRCS will submit this form to Farm Services Agency who will then complete ESA consultation requirements.
Owner: / County: / Tract:Location:TRS / Watershed: / Stream:
Are there listed or proposed species or designated critical habitats?
Yes : (See AttachedList of Species)
No : No Action needed
FSA Program Conservation PracticeRecommended Effect Determination
CRP / Conservation Cover / If there are listed/proposed fish: NLAA / NE(1)Use Exclusion
Upland Wildlife Habitat Mgt
CREP/CCRP / Riparian Forest Buffer / If there are listed/proposed fish: NLAA / NE(2)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover
Filter Strip
Upland Wildlife Habitat Mgt
Bank Shaping <30 linear ft
No Removal or breaking of dikes, berms, levies, etc.
No In-stream work
No Wetland Restoration
Bank Shaping >30 linear ft / For any checked activity:
Removal or breaking of dikes, berms, levies, etc
In-stream work
Wetland Restoration
(1) If no listed/proposed species occur on the site no effects exist.
(2) The CREP Biological Opinion states no adverse impacts to plants, birds, and mammalsif the project is within the scope of the Opinion.
(3) Bank Shaping of >30 linear feet,removal or breaking of dikes, berms, levies, etc.,in-stream work (except for off-stream livestock water and livestock crossings), and wetland restoration require formal consultation.
Conservationist: ______Date:______
Table 3. Potential adverse impacts to listed and proposed species by CREP program activities as
CREP Activity / Description / ImpactsFish / Plants / Birds / Mammals
1. Streambank shaping
and revegetation. / Shape banks to address erosion
Activity will occur on less than
5% of CREP project area.
Could temporarily increase
siltation, impact natural stream
processes, and remove natural
vegetation. / Some potential to take
locally occurring
salmon, steelhead,
trout, and Oregon
chub. / No Take / No Take / No Take
2. Grading, leveling,
filling, seedbed
preparation in riparian
areas. / Installation of riparian buffer and
filter strips. Some minor
earthmoving. Could temporarily
increase siltation. / Application of BMPs
may result in some
take of fish if sediment
inputs not adequately
controlled. / No Take / No Take / No Take
3. Planting of grass,
shrubs, and trees. / Planting of vegetation according
to standards in the riparian
buffer, filter strip, and riparian
herbaceous practices. / Application of BMPs
will result in no take
of species. / No Take / No Take / No Take
4. Control or removal
of invasive plants. / Mechanical, biological, and
chemical control of invasive
plants. Herbicides will only be
applied by hand to minimize the
potential for drift and direct
input of chemicals into the water
body. / Application of BMPs
will result in no take
of species if chemicals
do not enter water
body. Activities may
take if chemicals do
enter the water body. / No Take / No Take / No Take
5. Installation of
livestock fencing, offchannel
facilities, and livestock
stream crossings. / Install fencing, livestock
watering facilities, and stream
crossings to eliminate cattle from
stream areas. Could temporarily
increase siltation, impact natural
stream processes, and remove
natural vegetation. / Some potential to take
locally occurring
salmon, steelhead,
trout, and Oregon
chub when installing
livestock crossings. / No Take / No Take / No Take
6. Wetland
restoration. / Breach dikes and permit flooding
of low-lying agricultural land.
May also construct dikes or
berms, remove fill material, and
install water control facilities. / Construction of new
dikes, berms, or water
control structures may
take listed fish
species. / No Take / No Take / No Take
July, 2004