Schools’ Safeguarding Update – Term 1 September 2012
Key Contacts
Name / Role / Contact numberSarah Turner / Schools’ Safeguarding Adviser / 465737
mobile:- 07740 037568
Referral team / Daytime number 466903
Out of hours servce
Fax 463003
Jo Ratcliffe / Referral Team Manager / 463819
Lucy Young / Head of Safeguarding / 464366
Contacting the Referral Team
- Schools can speak to someone at the referral team (RT) to seek advice initially without giving pupil names. This will not be recorded by the RT.
- If you have a difficult child protection issue that you need advice on please ask to speak to a duty social worker. The first point of contact when you phone the referral team will be an advice and information officer.
- Schools should endeavour to speak to parents before making a telephone referral, EXCEPT – where parents, or others living in the household, are alleged to have physically or sexually abused a child – you must phone the referral team FIRST for advice. Even where the school is considering contacting a parent , who may not be the abuser, advice should be sought from the referral team.
- Telephone referrals must be followed up within 48hrs with a written referral – on Referral form 1 (RF1). Please send a copy of the RF1 to Sarah Turner. The electronic template for the RF1 is available on the schools online website.
School Safeguarding Audit
A reminder that the format of the annual child protection report to governors has been updated this year and is in audit format. Details were sent out to schools during last term, however a copy is attached for your information. A copy of the completed audit needs to be returned to Sarah Turner by 14th December.
School Safeguarding briefings
There are two dates to choose from for the autumn term school CP briefings:- Tues 2nd Oct or 6th Nov (please see attached flier for details and booking instructions) These sessions will include an update about the latest changes the to the disclosure and barring system.
Child protection Conferences – Monitoring of attendance and reports
You will shortly receive by e mail an overview of your school’s attendance at child protection conferences and review conferences, along with a record of whether a report was provided. This data is collated for last academic year and can be used to update your school safeguarding audit. May I remind you that schools should always attend child protection conferences, except where the conference falls within the school holiday, and should always provide a report, except where the first notification of the conference also falls within the holiday.
Change of Child Protection Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator
Please notify Helen Thompson () if either the school’s designated child protection co ordinator or deputy child protection coordinator has changed since last year.
Feeling Safe Survey 2012
The closing date for schools completing this online survey has been extended until Wednesday 24th October. Please see attached fliers for log on details and further information.
Key Resources
South West Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures
Local Safeguarding Children Board
Here you will find:-
- an online training calendar and application form for booking child protection training
- Swindon local protocols and guidance
- Information about Allegations against staff
- Serious Case Reviews in Swindon
Schools Online
Here you will find:-
- ‘Model’ policies
- Guidance
- Archived Safeguarding newsletters
The new LSCB multi-agency training programme for this coming year is available on the LSCB website.
Courses can also be booked via this website.
Key courses:
Advanced Child Protection - 2 days – For designated CP co ordinators and deputies
CP co ordinator must have attend advanced child protection training and is subsequently responsible for ensuring training is updated every 2 years. CP update training is available (half day) or CP co ordinators can attend any of the other more specific LSCB training courses such as neglect training or domestic violence training. This counts as update training too. Members of staff who are not DCPcs / deputies can attend basic awareness or foundation plus training.
Safer Recruitment 1 day
From January 2010 – statutory requirement when appointing to have someone trained on selection panel
All staff leading appointments should be trained
At least 1 governor should also be trained
Should be renewed every 5 years ( half day update course available)
Child Protection Conferences – 0.5 day
Useful for Head teacher and/or CP Co ordinator to attend as it is a statutory requirement for schools to attend CP Conferences and school representatives need to be confident in the process. This course has recently been updated to reflect the signs of safety approach.
Core Group Training – 0.5 day
Vital to have full involvement of schools if involved in core group
Staff attending must have an understanding of their role
The Core Group drive the Child Protection Support Plan
Managing Allegations Against staff – 1 day
HT needs to be trained
Good practice for Chair to also be trained
There are also a range of courses available focussing on specific aspects of child protection, such as neglect and domestic violence.
And finally…..
A reminder that one of the key components of my role is to offer support to schools dealing with concerns about a child. This can be done via telephone or e mail (contact details at the top of the update). If you don’t succeed in reaching me the first time please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.
Sarah Turner (Schools’ Safeguarding Adviser)
Schools’ Safeguarding Update – Swindon Borough Council September 2012. Compiled by Sarah Turner