Our Ref:

Your Ref:


Strictly Private & Confidential




Dear (Name)

Re: Notification of Disciplinary Panel Hearing

I write as Chair of a disciplinary panel to inform you that the investigation into the allegation detailed below has been completed. I nowrequireyour attendance at a disciplinary hearing to be held on:



Location: (insert full address).

The disciplinary hearing will be conducted in accordance with section 13.5 of the organisation’s Disciplinary Procedure, a copy of which is enclosed for information.

The purpose of the disciplinary hearing will be in respect of the following allegations concerning your conduct, which are:

  • Insert Allegation
  • Insert Allegation
  • Insert Allegation

I must advise you that these allegations are very serious and if substantiated, could lead to disciplinary action being taken in accordance with section 14 of the Disciplinary Procedure.


I must advise that these allegations are very serious and if substantiated they could be deemed as gross misconduct and lead to summary dismissal from your post as a (insert band x and job title of the individual) in accordance with section 14 of the Disciplinary Procedure.

The disciplinary hearing will be chaired by myself supported by (Insert Name of HR Consultant / Manager). The management case will be presented by (Insert Name, Investigating Manager), supported by(InsertName, HR Consultant). Please find enclosed a copy of the investigation report, statements and supporting documentation.

In accordance with the organisation’s Disciplinary Procedure you have the right to be accompanied at the disciplinary hearing by a Trade Union/Staff Organisation representative, or a fellow worker who must be employed by the organisation. It is your responsibility to arrange to be accompanied, if you so wish.


Also to advise that the Investigating Manager has requested the attendance of XXwitness/es to be present on the day.

  • Enter Name of witness(es)

If you would like to submit any further information prior to the hearing please ensure these are received at least three days prior to the hearing, therefore by no later than
(insert date). If you wish to call witnesses to support your case, please can you notify (Insert name ofHR Consultant Name/ HRConsultancy Manager)of their names no later than (insert date, no.).You will be responsible for ensuring the availability and attendance of any witnesses called on your behalf.

In order that the hearing can be conducted objectively you must not discuss the incidents with colleagues that were on duty at the time or those who may have been involved with the investigation. If you are unsure who you may discuss this with please do not hesitate to contact me or take advice from the HR Consultancy Team or your Trade Union/Staff Organisation Representative.

I must inform you that failure to attend the disciplinary hearing without an acceptable reason may result in the hearing being held in your absence, should you be unable to attend, please contact me directly on the telephone number at the top of this letter.

If you have any special requirements that we need to consider for the meeting, please advise in advance e.g. Disability/Access.

I would remind you that all matters relating to this investigation must be treated in confidence.

Should you require clarification on any aspect of this letter please contact me directly.

I would also ask that you confirm your attendance at this hearing by calling (insert contact name and title) on(insert number) by no later than (insert time, day and date).

Yours sincerely


Job Title (Chair)

Enc:Disciplinary Procedure

cc: HR Consultant