Introduction to Parametric Modeling

Assignment #20


The student will create an assembly model using the bottom Up approach a fully annotated set of working drawings of the assembly project

Assignment: Assembly Parts

In the “What to Do Dialog box” select the New option and the Metric tab. In the “New-Choose

Template Area” select the Inventor part file “Standard (mm).ipt”

Construct each part of the assembly (Part-01, Part-02, Part-03, Part-04) and save the models as separate part files.

Study each part as it relates to the assembly to establish a modeling strategy and construct each part establishing datum planes, work axes, and center point as it relates to the assembly relationships

Assembly Model

Begin the assembly model by using the Standard(mm).iam (standard Inventor Assembly Model) template file

Place the first component (Part-01: Support Block). Make sure this part is GROUNDED.

Place the second component (Part-02: Washer). Place (4) Washers into the graphics area.

Place the third component (Part-03: Linkage).

Place the fourth component (Part-04: Peg).

Using the assembly constraints (insert) and (mate) assemble the components to build the assembly model.

Select the Analyze Interference tool in the Inspect tab and check for interferences. Adjust part dimensions if necessary to eliminate any interferences.

Save the finished assembly model to your disk

Assembly Drawing

Open the assigned drawing template (.idw).

Insert the Base View of the assembly model.

Add projected views including a Front view, Top view, Side view and an isometric view.

Using the Drawing Annotation Panel add centerlines to all holes

Using the Drawing Annotation Panel add balloon identification circles to identify the part number of each part in the assembly

Using the Drawing Annotation Panel add a Parts List

Edit the Parts List to include the Items column, Quantity column, and Part Number column.

Edit the Parts List Item column so that the item numbers are consecutive.

Edit the isometric view to display the view as Shaded

Edit the orthographic views to display hidden lines

Edit the title block and add the required information.

Save the finished drawing(s) and all part files to your disk.

Plot the finished drawing(s)


Refer to the PROJECT EVALUATION handout for the required items to be turned in for evaluation.

  • Project Assignment Sheet(s) including all drawings
  • Hard copy (finished plot) of the assignment
  • The part files (ipt), the assembly file (iam) and drawing file (idw) copied to the grading folder