Terms Last Revised: 6/02/2016
XC Limitation on Hours of Operation based upon a Rolling 365-day or Rolling 12-month Summation, where Additional Limitations are needed during the first 12 calendar months of operation or during the first 12 calendar months following issuance of the permit
These terms and conditions are used to restrict the operation of an emissions unit to limit potential emissions and where monitoring of the first 12 months of operation is necessary. The first 12 months of operation must be monitored whenever a new source is being installed. These terms should be used when a facility can agree to the limitation and can qualify for the additional flexibility allowed by rolling limitations.
Replace the XXXXs with the following:
XXXX1 - specify the maximum allowable annual operating hours
XXXX2 - specify either: 365-day or 12-month
XXXX3 - for each month, specify the maximum allowable cumulative operating hours
XXXX4 - specify: daily or monthly
XXXX5 - specify: day or month
X.7 Additional Terms and Conditions, Annual Operating Hours Limitations based upon a Rolling 365-day or Rolling 12-month Summation, where Additional Limitations are needed during the first 12 calendar months of operation or during the first 12 calendar months following issuance of the permit
a. The maximum annual operating hours for this emissions unit shall not exceed [XXXX1], based upon a rolling, [XXXX2] summation of the operating hours.
To ensure enforceability during the first 12 calendar months of operation or the first 12 calendar months following the issuance of this permit, the permittee shall not exceed the operating hours levels specified in the following table:
Maximum Allowable
Month(s) Cumulative Operating Hours
1 [XXXX3]
1-2 [XXXX3]
1-3 [XXXX3]
1-4 [XXXX3]
1-5 [XXXX3]
1-6 [XXXX3]
1-7 [XXXX3]
1-8 [XXXX3]
1-9 [XXXX3]
1-10 [XXXX3]
1-11 [XXXX3]
1-12 [XXXX3]
After the first 12 calendar months of operation or the first 12 calendar months following the issuance of this permit, compliance with the annual operating hours limitation shall be based upon a rolling, [XXXX2] summation of the operating hours.
X.8 Record keeping Requirements for Annual Operating Hours Limitations based upon a Rolling 365-day or Rolling 12-month Summation, where Additional Limitations are needed during the first 12 calendar months of operation or during the first 12 calendar months following issuance of the permit
(2) The permittee shall maintain [XXXX4] records of the following information:
a. the operating hours for each [XXXX5]; and
b. beginning after the first 12 calendar months of operation or the first 12 calendar months following the issuance of this permit, the rolling, [XXXX2] summation of the operating hours.
Also, during the first 12 calendar months of operation or the first 12 calendar months following the issuance of this permit, the permittee shall record the cumulative operating hours for each calendar month.
X.9 Reporting Requirements for Annual Operating Hours Limitations based upon a Rolling 365-day or Rolling 12-month Summation, where Additional Limitations are needed during the first 12 calendar months of operation or during the first 12 calendar months following issuance of the permit
Use the appropriate reporting term in the “Reporting Requirements for PTIs, FEPTIOs, and PTIOs” (“RPT”) and include any exceedance of the annual, rolling 12-month or 365-day hours of operation. The following phrase should be added to the appropriate quarterly reporting term for [XXXX1] in the RPT file for FEPTIOs or PTIs:
all exceedances of the rolling, [XXXX2] limitation on the hours of operation for this emissions unit; and for the first 12 calendar months of operation or the first 12 calendar months following the issuance of this permit, all exceedances of the maximum allowable cumulative hours of operation;
[OAC rule 37451503(B)(1)(a)], [OAC rule 37451503(C)], and [OAC rule 3745-77-07(A)(3)(c)] for PTI/TV
[OAC rule 3745-15-03(B)(1)(b)] and [OAC rule 3745-15-03(C)] for FEPTIO or non-TV