Eco-Seminar/Internship Semester

The Balarat Eco-Seminar Internship Semester offers juniors and seniors the opportunity to pursue one semester of their high school education in a mountain/outdoor-based setting.

Students must apply for admission to the internship semester. Applications are available through the Balarat Office. Once accepted, students temporarily uncouple from their home school and Balarat becomes their school for one semester. This does not mean that students are cut off from extra-curricular activities at their home school, nor does it mean that a student will spend the semester living at Balarat.

Students will meet once a week with fellow intern students and a Balarat teacher to pursue studies in the following areas:

  • (SCI) Balarat Field Science/5 hours credit
  • (SCI) Applied Ecology/5 hours credit
  • (SS) Balarat Outdoor Teaching/5 hours credit
  • (PE) Outdoor Living and Leadership/5 hours credit
  • (PE) Lifetime Activities/5hours credit

Each of the seminars/classes is designed to broaden our students’ conceptual understandings and to build outdoor skills that will assist them in the process of becoming competent outdoor leaders at Balarat. Beyond those seminars, Eco students will spend the balance of their time actively applying their knowledge through participation as an intern, or quasi-staff member, in the delivery of outdoor education experiences for pupils from throughout Denver Public Schools. Interns assist with both overnight programs and daylong excursions.

Credits = 25 hours*

If this educational opportunity appeals to you, please contact the Balarat Office at 720-424-2940.

*Many intern students pursue additional graduation requirements by way of on-line or independent study classes. Time is made available within the weekly schedule to accommodate those needs.

Balarat High School Leaders Program

The Balarat High School Leaders Program offers an opportunity for high school students to earn 5 hours of elective credit by assisting with the facilitation of outdoor education experiences for fifth grade classes.

Students attend an informational meeting (held each semester at the home high schools) and apply tothe program. Once accepted, predicated in part on attendance at a two-day training session held over an early-semester Friday/Saturday weekend, students are assigned 6 days (either two three-day periods or three two-day periods) during which they will be at the Balarat site working with fifth graders.

Balarat HS Leaders are responsible for class work that is missed during trips to Balarat.

The Balarat High School Leader Program provides an opportunity to develop communication, leadership, and group management skills as well as to learn and apply content knowledge in the natural and social sciences.

Outlined process for prospective students:

  • Attend an information meeting at the home high school
  • Complete registration/application form
  • Attend a two-day training session
  • Schedule 6 school days, spread out throughout the semester, to return to work with fifth grade classes
  • Earn 5 hours of elective credit

If this educational opportunity appeals to you, please contact the Balarat Office at 720-424-2940.