TexasState Board of Social Worker Examiners

Board Meeting

Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.

8407 Wall Street, Suite N-102

Austin TX


Board Members Present:

Tim Brown, Professional Member

Dorinda Noble, Professional Member

Denise Pratt, Public Member

Jody Armstrong, Professional Member

Nary Spears, Professional Member

Candace Guillen-Ketelkamp, Professional Member

Stewart Geise, Public Member

Staff Present:

Carol Miller

Georgia Norman

Dawn Burton

Cindy Bourland

Guests Present:

Vicki Hansen

Sue Milam

Agenda Item 1 was to call the meeting to order at 9:08 am by Mr. Brown, chair.

Agenda Item 2was approval of the minutes of the June 2009 meeting. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 3was the discussion regarding reports from the following Board Committees:

Mr. Brown gave the Ethics Committee report. The committee reviewed 13 cases, of which 6 cases were proposed for disciplinary action, 4 cases were closed, 1 case was tabled and 1 case was determined to not reopen. A motion was made by Ms. Pratt to accept the report. The motion was seconded and passed.

Dr. Noble gave the Licensing Standards and Qualifications Committee report. The committee reviewed 9 cases, of which 5 cases were denied and 4 cases were approved. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to accept the report. The motion was seconded and passed.

Ms. Armstrong gave the Professional Development Committee report. The committee discussed the AMEC participants, continuing education provider audits, the jurisprudence examination and a request by NASW. A motion was made by Ms. Ketelkamp to accept the report. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 13 was the report from the Board Chair and update concerning current challenges and accomplishments; interaction with stakeholders, state officials, and staff; committee appointments and functions; workload of board members; and general information regarding the routine functioning of the board. Mr. Van Doren discussed the Peer Assistance Program.

Agenda Item 4was the discussion regarding the request of Carol Kelly-Dilworth to reopen Complaint # SW-02-086/1072-02-0086/1072-02-1086 to reconsider reprimand from December 2004. A motion was made by Dr. Noble to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 5was the discussion regarding non-compliance with the Agreed Order for Anthony Matranga. This was tabled until additional investigation is completed by Ms. Miller.

Agenda Item 6was the discussion regarding the Default Order for Steven Johnson. Upon recommendation of the board attorney, the board will proceed with the default order.

Agenda Item 7was the discussion regarding the Default Order for Susan Dhayer.Upon recommendation of the board attorney, the board will proceed with the default order.

Agenda Item 8was the discussion regarding the Default Order for Carrie Wilkie.Upon recommendation of the board attorney, the board will proceed with the default order.

Agenda Item 9was the discussion regarding the National Association of Social Workers/Texas Chapter recommendations for rule changes. No action taken.

Agenda Item 10was the discussion regarding creation of an Impaired Professionals Program. No action taken.

Agenda Item 11was the discussion regarding board participation and representation at the National Association of Social Workers – Texas Chapter annual state conference. No action taken.

Agenda Item 12was the discussion regarding legislation passed during the 81st Regular Session of the Texas Legislature which may affect the regulation of social workers, the board, or the Department of State Health Services Professional Licensing and Certification Unit. Ms. Bourland gave the report.

Agenda Item 15was the Management report and update from the Professional Licensing and Certification Unit manager, including unit organization and staffing; program costs and revenue; current operational initiatives; customer service accomplishments and challenges; workload processing and statistical information; status of rulemaking within the unit; legislative and media contacts and tracking; and general information regarding the routine functioning of the unit. Ms. Bourland gave the report.

Agenda Item 14 was the Executive Director's and update concerning program operations; customer service accomplishments, inquiries, and challenges; current and/or historical licensee statistics; media, legislative, and stakeholder contacts and concerns; workload processing; special projects assigned to executive director; and general information regarding the routine functioning of the licensure program. Ms. Miller gave the report.

Agenda Item 18 was public comment. Ms. Hansen addressed the board.

Agenda Item 16was the discussion regarding future priorities and activities of the board.

Agenda Item 17 was to schedule the next meeting(s). The next meeting date will be December 3-5, 2009.

Agenda Item 19 was to adjourn the meeting at 11:01 am.


September 12, 2009

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