POSITION: Recruitment (Admissions) Coordinator
POSTED: April 21, 2017
REPORTS TO: Director of Marketing & Technology
STARTING DATE: August 10, 2017
● Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree with certification/licensure/specialization in Integrated Business (140550). Candidates with the appropriate combination of experience in marketing and public relations of at least five years may be considered.
RESPONSIBILITIES: In addition to Job Description 327, successful candidate will:
● Work with Tolles associate schools to publicize career-tech programs and manage the student admissions/recruitment process.
● Have a sincere interest and commitment to working with educators, students, parents, and staff.
● Have good organizational, communication, management, human relations, and public relations skills.
● Actively plan and manage events inside and outside of the district several times throughout the school year.
SALARY & CONTRACT: Salary based on experience and credentials. 187-day contract first year for new teachers; 185 days in subsequent contracts.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit Tolles application, resume, references, copies of college transcripts, and copies of current Ohio educational certificates/licenses to:
Tolles Career & Technical Center
7877 US Highway 42 South | Plain City, Ohio 43064-9554
614.873.4666, ext. 4411 | Fax: 614.873.8761
The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, genetic information (collectively, "Protected Classes"), or any other legally protected category, in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities.
….An Equal Opportunity Employer….
7877 US Hwy 42 S | Plain City, OH | 43064 | 614.873.4666/800.644.3140 | fax 614.873.8761 | www.TollesTech.com | @TollesTech on Twitter