BIOLOGY 2150, Section 2A
Summerquarter 2012
Instructor Leslie Kwasnieski
CREDIT HOURS:6 quarter hours
MEETING TIMES:Tuesday and Thursday, 6 pm to 10 pm
CLASS LOCATION:EVC 145 and labas instructed
NO CLASS:Wednesday July 4, 2012
DATE CLASS BEGINS/ENDS:June 7, 2012 - August 14, 2012
WITHDRAW BY DATE: July 31, 2012
INSTRUCTOR NAME:Leslie Kwasnieski
OFFICE TELEPHONE:(402)289-1385 (please leave a voicemail)
OFFICE HOURS:By appointment
Program Area: Math and Science
Dean: Brad Morrison, Dean of Math and Science
BIOS 1010 or dean approval, no exceptions. You must notify the instructor if you do not meet the qualifications.
BIOS 2150 is a study of the structure, physiology, ecology and human health implications of microorganisms. This course includes both lecture and lab components. Should a student's program require a course in human anatomy and physiology, it is recommended that the A&P course precede this one.
Information will be presented in the form of lectures, lab activities and class discussion, film and other media may also be presented. Lab is an integral part of class, attendance is mandatory if you plan to pass.
REQUIRED/SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: (available in the MCC bookstore or at .
Text: Microbiology, An Introduction 10th ed., by Tortora.
Study guide: MicroScope, 6th ed, 2010.
In general, completion of the course aids the student in the following abilities:
1.To recognize the various microorganisms, and explain their relationships to other organisms.
2.To explain the physiological processes used by microorganisms and the ways in which these are used to meet human needs.
- To describe the reproductive processes of microorganisms and explain medical/genetic applications of these processes.
- To explain both naturally-occurring and artificial methods of protecting the body against disease.
- To explain the effects that disease organisms have on the normal anatomy and physiology of the body.
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Dates for Summer quarter, 2012 can be found at .
Academic Calendar can be found at:
Final grades will be based on five written exams, quizzes and homework. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to assessments as needed and students will be notified in class.
- There will be five written exams worth a total of 500 points, lab questions may be combined with each exam. Students can expect to see a variety of questions on each exam, including (but not limited to) multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essay.
- Random quizzes may be given at any point, during the beginning, middle or end of class. Occasional homework requiring some research will also be assigned. Quizzes and homework will be worth a total of approximately 250 points.
- An unknown bacterium will be assigned to each student for identification. During the quarter we will perform various tests that will give you clues as to your unknown’s identity. You will be expected to keep a record of your results. At the end of the quarter you will write a lab report identifying your bacterium and justifying your identification, based on your results. This paper will be worth 50 points.
- You will also turn in a streak plate of your unknown at the end of the quarter; this will be worth 20 points. The plate and paper will be graded not only on your ability to identify the unknown, but also on your technique and ability to keep your unknown contaminant-free.
- There will be no extra credit given.
- Final grades will be determined on a percentage of possible points using the grading scale below.
100 - 90 A
89 - 80 B
79 - 70 C
69 - 60 D
Make-up exams are unfair to the entire class, and will not be considered outside of these guidelines. No early exams or quizzes will be given under any circumstances. Any student who misses an exam without notifying the instructor previous to the exam will receive a zero grade with no opportunity for make-up. In the case of a missed exam, the student must schedule the makeup exam and complete that exam before the graded tests are returned to the rest of the class, this is by the next classperiod. Tests not made up before then will result in a zero. Makeup testsmay be essay format. It may be necessary to take the makeup exam at the EVC testing center, please contact them at (402) 289-1278 and make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
There will be no make ups for any missed quizzes nor will late homework assignments be accepted after the due date given at its assignment.
All exams and quizzes will be made available to the students for review, then returned to the instructor and retained for one quarter only. You will be responsible for keeping any homework assignments in case of a grade dispute.
Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes.
Please arrive at class in a timely manner as latecomers are disruptive to fellow students, as well as the instructor. Any students conversing during class time will be asked to complete their conversations in the hallway. No cell phone, text messaging, IPOD or internet use will be tolerated during class time, any computer use must be for notetaking only. Students not complying with these guidelines will be asked to leave the classroom and must have permission from the dean to return to class.
It is expected that the student will read the text book and complete the activities presented in the lab book. For best results in this class, it is advised that notes be taken and reviewed daily. The most efficient method of learning the material will vary between students; the instructor recommends study groups and has personally determined that last minute cramming is not an effective study technique.
To receive a passing grade the student is expected be present at ALL classes and in attendance for ALL lab activities. Attendance will be recorded daily and any student routinely leaving early will be recorded as absent. Students are expected to be in class when assignments are handed out and explained. A student who fails to meet class attendance expectations may receive a final grade mark of FX, indicating an absence-related failure, or a failing (F) grade.
WX: After the first class meeting and through the Census Date, the instructor will disenroll or WX students who have never attended. The Census Date is listed under the Important Dates for the course in the official Class Schedule at
FX: A student who fails to meet class attendance expectations will receive a final grade of FX, indicating an absence-related failure. A student earning an FX grade prior to the end of the quarter may avoid receiving the failing grade by withdrawing from the course before the Last Date to Withdraw from Class.
College policies, such as student rights and responsibilities, academic standards, plagiarism, and etc. are outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. This information can be accessed via the online catalog at
When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct ( which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at
Students may not video or audio record class sessions without the instructor’s knowledge and permission. If recording of class sessions is authorized as a reasonable accommodation under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the instructor must have the appropriate documentation from College Disability Support Services. Permitted recordings are to be used only for the individual student’s educational review of the class session and may not be reproduced, posted, sold or distributed to others. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Student Conduct Code.
Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for classwork may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, illegal peer-to-peer file sharing, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at
If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw through WebAdvisor at or by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus.
MCC's AcademicResourceCenters, MathCenters, and WritingCenters offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available.
Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and WritingCenters is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at
If you have a disability that may substantially limit your ability to participate in this class, please contact a Disability Support Services Counselor located in the Student Services Office on each campus. Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. However, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. For further information, please visit
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EXAM 1 Thursday June 21Structure and Classification
EXAM 2 Thursday July 5Physiology
EXAM 3 Thursday July 19Replication
EXAM 4 Thursday August 2Defenses against Disease
EXAM 5 Tuesday August 14Disease and Humankind
This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this class schedule or structure that may result in enhanced or more effective learning for students. These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will be done within the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College.
NOTICE: This syllabus sets forth a tentative schedule of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule to enhance learning for students. Any modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will conform to the policies and guidelines of MetropolitanCommunity College.
Total attempted points for the quarter will be approximately 800 and your final grade will be a percentage of points you have earned. A letter grade will be assigned from the grading scale included in this syllabus.
It is your responsibility to track the number of points you have earned on each quiz, homework assignment and exam in the appropriate space below. Also be sure to record the total possible points as well as any extra credit points you have earned.
Testpoints / Possible
points / Quiz
points / Possible
points / Homework
points / Possible
points / Extra credit
Structure & Classification / 100
Physiology / 100
Reproduction / 100
Defense against disease / 100
Diseases / 100
Total Points
To compute your grade, add the total number of points earned so far and divide by the total number of possible points. This is a percentage, compare to the grading scale on page 2 of this syllabus.
Our lives are shaped in many important but often unseen ways by microorganisms. To avoid or control harmful ones and take advantage of the beneficial ones, we depend on careful observation and accurate identification. In this section of the course, we first become acquainted with a variety of microscopic organisms, primarily bacteria.
Objectives – statements of abilities to be achieved by the student – are presented below, along with major text references appropriate to each topic. This sequence corresponds to the learning activities and laboratory instructions provided in your study guide, MicroScope.
OVERVIEW…Get acquainted with microbiology and preview major concepts….Chapter 1
BASIC BIOLOGY…General principles for successful study of microorganisms…Ch.3, pp. 55-67
- Distinguish structurally and functionally among single-celled organisms, colonies and multicellular organisms. Give examples of each.
- Compare, with advantages and disadvantages, sexual and asexual reproduction.
- Demonstrate effective use of the microscope. (Prior experience presumed.)
- Estimate with reasonable accuracy the dimensions of organisms under the microscope.
- Differentiate the light microscope and electron microscope in their functions and images.
BIOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION… The classification of …...Ch. 1, pp. 1-6
life’s great diversity Ch. 10, pp. 273 – 282
Ch. 12 (skim for reference, as assigned.)
- Explain why the traditional two-kingdom classification system is inadequate for microbes.
- Distinguish groups of microorganisms by size, structure, specialization, feeding, reproduction and movement. Identify these groups by the appropriate name and provide examples of organisms in these groups.
- Given a set or organisms, devise a key for their identification.
- Given an unknown organism, use a key to identify it.
BACTERIA….They’re tiny and they’re everywhere!...... Ch. 3, pp. 68-72.
Ch. 4, Ch. 11 (skim for reference, as assigned)
- Recognize bacterial shapes and groupings.
- Identify bacterial cell structures and their functions.
- Explain the various means for classifying bacteria.
- Distinguish the staining methods and explain what is accomplished by each.
- Design and complete an investigation of bacterial distribution.
(Tortora 10th ed.)
Visual examination of bacteria is rarely adequate for identification. We also depend extensively on such physiological characteristics as food needs and environmental preferences to distinguish one species from another. It is in understanding bacterial physiology that we make best use of them, are most successful in controlling themand can best understand some of the environmental problems facing us today.
Objectives and text references are provided here. MicroScope provides additional instructions for accomplishing these objectives.
POPULATIONS …… Huge crowds gather quickly! …………………. Ch. 6, pp 171-179
- Compare and demonstrate the use of the techniques used to measure microbial growth and population size.
- Sketch and explain the features of the “bell-shaped” curve that represents population growth over time.
ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS.....Big environmental influences……..Ch. 6, pp. 157-167
Ch. 27, pp. 767 - 788
- Compare environmental factors influencing growth of bacteria and fungi.
- Differentiate symbiotic relationships and provide examples of organisms using each: parasitism, mututalism, and communalism.
- Explain the natural cycles and the roles of microorganisms in them.
- Describe the effects of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems and the roles of microorganisms in these effects.
- Explain how microbes are used in the treatment of wastewater.
METABOLIC PROCESSES….. These tiny cells are amazing! … Ch. 2 (reference as needed)
Ch. 5 (reference, as assigned)
- Explain how enzymes influence chemical reactions.
- Compare the digestion of food molecules by identifying the end products of each.
- Compare photosynthesis to respiration by identifying reactants, products, and energy involvement.
- Differentiate the energy-production methods by identifying molecules and energy output involvement.
FOOD PRODUCTS…..Microbes in your diet (good ones, of course)………Ch. 28
Ch. 1, p. 3
12. Explain common commercial uses of microbes, identifying types of organisms used and their metabolic end products.
Tortora 10th Ed.
Of the breakthroughs of modern biology, few can match the importance of our understanding of the controls center of the cell – DNA molecule. With this knowledge, we have launched the new field of biotechnology, the management of organisms and their reproduction on a cellular level. The organisms we “tinkered with” originally were bacteria and viruses; now the scope of investigation is almost unlimited.