
Date: 10th April, 2014

From the Principal …………………..

Moderation Professional Learning Day - Information for Parents


The last day of Term 1, 17 April 2014, has been designated as a Professional Learning Day for moderation purposes. This will enable teachers and principals to participate in processes that will lead to increased consistency of assessment and reporting judgement, in line with the Assessment and Reporting Procedures.

What will happen on the moderation day?

Groups of teachers will come together to look at student work and discuss and clarify their judgements about the work. This will result in teachers either having their assessment judgements confirmed or making adjustments to them.

Teachers from Devonport Primary School will be working with teachers from Nixon Street and Spreyton Primary Schools to moderate a range of work samples throughout the day.

ANZAC Day – Devonport Returned Services League

The Devonport RSL invites staff and students to attend the ANZAC Day Services on Friday, 25th April to be held at the Cenotaph on Victoria Parade. The Dawn Service will commence at 5:45am and at 10:45am ex- service personnel will be forming up along Victoria Parade to march to the Cenotaph for the morning service which will commence at 11:00am.

The Devonport RSL Sub Branch is conducting an awareness campaign this year prior to ANZAC Day, by way of offering for sale, small badges and ribbons, which are available for purchase from our school office until the end of term 1.

Resilience is a parenting concept that every parent needs to understand
Some children are resilient by nature – their temperament helps them to be mentally and psychologically tough. You know those children. They get straight back up after a setback or disappointment. Rejection in the playground doesn’t faze them. Unfortunately, not every child has such natural resilience.
The good news is that most of the research shows that resilience can be nurtured and developed, particularly when parents themselves are resilient and they actively foster it in their children.
Resilient kids share four basic skill sets- independence, problem-solving, optimism and social connection.
Building Resilience
From a resilience perspective parents need to coach children through some of their more challenging moments and reviewing what they may have learned for next time. Avoid solving all their problems for them.
You can promote a lasting sense of resilience in your children by:

1.  Having a positive attitude yourself. Your attitude as a parent impacts on their ability to bounce back from some of the difficulties they face. Make sure you model a ‘you can do it’ attitude for your child when he/she meets some of life’s curve balls.

2.  Look for teachable moments. Many kids’ learning opportunities are disguised as problems. Make the most of these opportunities so that kids can grow and learn from some of the challenges they face.

3.  Make kids active participants in the family. Active participation in a family develops the self-help, problem-solving and independence skills of kids that are necessary for resilience.

4.  Build kids coping skills. There are plenty of strategies you can pass on to kids to help them cope when life doesn’t go their way, including acceptance, getting away for a while, and normalisation.

Promoting resilience in kids is a not a single event but a continuous process that requires adults to be supportive and empathetic when things don’t go their way. It also requires you as a parent to have an understanding of resilience, so you have faith in yourself, and your child’s ability to cope.

Yours in Partnership

Mr Tony Preece



We are looking for 2 large clean second hand wheelie bins for storage in our sports sheds. If you can help please contact the office on 6424 7788.

Term 1 Calendar of Events 2014

Friday 11th April SRC Cake Raffle 10:50 a.m. in quadrangle

Wednesday 16th April State Athletic Carnival – Launceston

5c Snake Challenge 2:00 – 2:40 p.m.

Thursday 17th April Student Free Day – Professional Learning

Friday 18th - Tuesday 22nd April Easter Break

Wednesday 23rd April – Sunday 4th May School Holiday break

Monday 5th May Term 2 commences

Tuesday 13th – Thursday 15th May NAPLAN Testing

Friday 16th May Black & White Dress Up Day Fundraiser to raise

money for the Tassie Devil


3rd April

Alex Sutcliffe

1/2 Kearney Bramich

Please collect your prize from the office.


A reminder to please finalise all levies and overdue accounts before the end of term 1. Please see the office if you are having difficulty with payment.

5c Snake Challenge Wednesday 16th April 2:00 – 2:40 p.m. – bring along all your

5c pieces and make the longest

snake ever!


Did you know?......

v  National surveys found that the combined level of overweight and obese children in Australia has more than doubled in recent years.

v  Obese children have a 25 – 50% chance of going on to be obese adults.

Our busy lifestyles can be hard on our family’s health. Rushing to and from school and work can make it difficult to find time to be physically active and eat well. We can also slip into the habit of choosing unhealthy snacks and takeaway foods or spending our free time in front of theTV or computer. However, these choices can be dangerous for our health and our children’s health – both now and long term. That is why it is important to stop, take stock and make a conscious decision to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Get Active Each Day

Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth, development and well-being of children and teens. Children and teens should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including vigorous activities which make them “huff and puff”! Parents should be good role models and have a positive attitude to being active.

Choose Water as a Drink

Water is the best way to quench your thirst – and it doesn’t come with the added sugar found in soft drinks, fruit juice drinks and other sweetened drinks. Reduced fat milk for children over 2 years of age is a nutritious drink and a great source of calcium. Give children and teens whole fruit to eat, rather than offering fruit juices which contain less fibre.

Eat more fruit and vegies

Eating more fruit and vegetables every day helps children and teens grow and develop, boosts their vitality and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Aim to eat 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables every day. Have fresh fruit available as a convenient snack and try to include fruit and vegetables in every meal.

Turn Off the TV or Computer and Get Active
“Still Time” spent watching TV, surfing online, playing computer or electronic hand-held games is linked to children and teens becoming overweight or obese. Children should spend no more than 2 hours a day on small screen entertainment. Plan a range of active indoor and outdoor games or activities for your children, as alternatives to watching TV or playing on the computer.



Friday 11th April / Court 1 / Court 2 / Youth Centre
3:45 p.m. / Demons v Blues
4:25 p.m. / Devils v Otters
5:05 p.m. / Dribblers v Nikes
5:45 p.m. / Stars v Opals
6:25 p.m. / Dunkers v Mixtures
7:45 p.m. / Daisies v Novas

Were you wondering what you are going to fill in your school holidays doing? The Devonport Warriors Basketball Club are holding April school holidays clinics. Come and spend some time with Paul Campbell, our Devonport Harvey Norman Warriors import. Hewill be holding sessions for 7 – 8 year olds, 9 – 11 year olds, 12 and over boys and girls. Please see all the details on our Warriors Website in the News Section.

The Latrobe Basketball Association Inc is also holding school holiday clinics with Marquis Navarre, their Senior Men’s Import for under 10 boys and girls. This will be held Friday 2nd May, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. – Boys and 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. – Girls. Cost is $10 per child and bookings are essential. Phone 0407 278 977 or Bring a ball with their name on it and a drink.


Please note that the Devonport Representative Team try outs date is the 13th April. We will be holding try outs at Devonport Meercroft Park at 1:30 p.m. for the under 10 age group and 2:00 p.m. for the under 11 & 12 age group.

Referee training will be at Meercroft Park either on or immediately after the holidays if anyone missed the earlier sessions and wants to be a junior referee.

Congratulations to Angel Jones, of D.P.S. Under 10 Team for winning a Best Sportsmanship Award on Saturday 5th April – well done!

We also congratulate all players on such a well behaved, smooth start to the season. Our Under 6 Team has gained three new players and can now be assured of subs for their games. If parents need copies of the rosters please see the office for game times.



Classes for Term 2 - Dance Play (2-4) Movement to Music (4-6),Intro to Dance (6+), Boys & Girls Hip Hop, Commercial Jazz (10+), Contemporary (10+). After school classes in Ulverstone, Devonport & Penguin. Please call 0409 242 521.


Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by volunteering to host one of our exceptional international students arriving in Australia in July 2014 for their 3, 5, or 10 month programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Spain and Colombia will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money, and comprehensive insurance cover, all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. You choose the nationality, the gender, the duration and the interests of the student that you feel is the best match for your family. Visit us at, email or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship!

Mersey Swimming Club - Learn to Swim starting in May. Taking names now at Nixon Street Primary School Pool. For further information phone Julie Polden on 0417 368 764.

Rubicon Swim School - Term 2 (Monday 5th of May – Saturday 5th of July) enrolments are now being taken:

Term fees: Learn to swim (1 lesson per week, 9 in total) = $110; Swimming Squad Training (1 session per week, 9 in total) = $65.00; Minimum age for learn to swim = 3 months old

Minimum requirement for Squad = 10 meters of unassisted swimming. All lessons are done in private 17 metre indoor heated pool located near Port Sorell. All Classes and lessons are private with a small student to teacher ratio. Lap Swimmers are also welcome to hire the pool for private use. Phone Helen Mosley on (03) 64286693 for all bookings and enquiries.

Bass Strait Maritime Centre – Family Pirate Day Thursday 24th April, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 50% off entry $12.50 per family (2 adults, 2 children), Adults $5.00, children $2.50 – includes entry and all activities. Competitions and Prizes, best dressed pirate, Scallywags Treasure Hunt with The Mayor at 12:00 p.m. Jumping Castle, Face Painting, Pirate Photo Booth, Pirate Story Telling

DISCLAIMER: Parents should note that advertisements for educational services, companies, activities or similar events are published as a ‘community service’. Devonport Primary School is in no way liable for the quality, supervision or integrity of the provider and strongly suggest that parents make their own enquiries before engaging with the advertised event.