All applications must be word processed. Click on the grey squares to complete the fields. Please do not leave any spaces blank. Where appropriate write NO, NONE or NOT APPLICABLE.

Completed forms should be printed, signed and sent to Irish Language Assistants, British Council Northern Ireland, 7th Floor, The Boat, 49 Queens Square, Belfast BT1 3FG by

Tuesday 31st May 2016

Late applications will not be accepted.

Family Name
Date of Birth / Email address
Telephone number (home)
Telephone number (mobile)
Permanent address / Term-time address (if applicable)
Current Studies
Current Year
/ Previous Studies
If you are a current or former Irish
Language Assistant
please state:
Employer (school)
Dates of employment
Age groups taught
I wish to be re-employed in my current / former institution (supporting reference from school attached) / Area Preference(s) – Indicate below which areas you are interested in working in. Please note that travel may be required should you be successful as an assistant. Should you not wish to travel, please indicate this in a separate covering letter attached to the application.
Co Antrim
Co Down
Co Armagh
Co Tyrone
Co Fermanagh
Co Derry/Londonderry
How many hours per week would you be available to work? Please note that all posts are for 12 hours per week or fewer.
1) Language Skills
Level of proficiency and/or qualifications gained in Irish
Basic AS/A/Leaving cert Degree level Bilingual
Other Languages
2) Teaching Experience [MAXIMUM 150 WORDS]
Please give details of any teaching qualifications or experience, formal or informal. While desirable, previous teaching experience is not essential.
3) Skills and Interests [MAXIMUM 200 WORDS]
Please give information on any skills, interests, qualifications and other experience relevant to your application for a post as an Irish Language Assistant. You may wish to mention sport, music, drama, organising club/games, youth work, voluntary work or full-time employment.
4) Contribution [MAXIMUM 150 WORDS]
Please explain how your skills, interests and experience would contribute to your role as a language assistant.
5) Freagairi nGaeilge le do thoil [níos lú na 200 focal]
Cad chuige a bhfuil suim agat sa phost mar chúntóir teanga agus cad é mar a chuideoidh an post seo leat sa todhchaí i do bharúil?
If you are in possession of a car/motorbike, please indicate if you will be able to use this to travel between schools if necessary:
Yes No Don’t know
6) Essential Background Information
Are there any circumstances which may affect your ability to perform your contractual duties, such as a disability or a medical condition? Yes No
If yes, please note below how your participation may be affected and what your specific requirements may be.
A formal medical certificate is not required by the British Council but may be requested at a future date by an employing institution.
It is not possible for the British Council to guarantee a placement in an area close to a particular medical facility or at a school able to offer specific support.
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? Yes No
If you answered ‘yes’, please give details below of the offence and the sentence imposed. Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 you are expected to declare even spent convictions when applying for a post in education. However, declaring a conviction will not automatically disqualify you from this programme.
(a) I declare that I have never been convicted of any offence involving any type of harm to a child or children, nor have I ever been warned or cautioned in relation to such a matter. I also declare that there are no civil or criminal proceedings of any nature pending against me at the date of this declaration relating to any allegation concerning any type of harm to a child or children. I understand that if I withhold any relevant information, or present false or inaccurate information, I may render myself liable to disqualification from the programme or, if already appointed, to dismissal.
I have no objection if the British Council seeks criminal record information in relation to any allegation concerning any type of harm to a child or children.
(b) I declare that in submitting this form it is my intention to proceed with my application for a post as an English Language Assistant and to complete the full period for which I may be appointed. I have read and I accept the conditions of service as set out in the Language Assistants website.
Signature of candidate ……………………………………………………Date ………………………………
(a) The British Council will use the information you provide for the purpose of assessing your application and, if you are successful, for administering your participation in the language assistant programme. We shall pass your information to collaborating institutions, programme participants, government departments and other third parties involved in the programme.
(b) You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you, for which we may charge a fee, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies. If you want to see a copy of your information, please e-mail the Data Protection Team at or write to Data Protection Team, British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN.