/ Country / Institution / Rank / title / Name / Address / POC /
1 / AUSTRIA / Theresian Military Academy
http://www.bmlv.gv.at/english/index.shtml / Commandant
Brigadier General / Gerhard HERKE / Brigadier General Gerhard HERKE
Theresianische Militärakademie
FH-Studiengang Militärische Führung
Burgplatz 1
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt
http://www.miles.ac.at/ / LTC Emanuel BRAUN

Head of Training Department TherMilAc
2 / BELGIUM / Royal Military Academy
http://www.rma.ac.be/en/ / Commandant Major General / Henk ROBBERECHT / Major General Henk ROBBERECHT
Royal Military Academy
Renaissancelaan 30
1000 Brussels
Belgium / Capt Katrien QUINTELIER

3 / BULGARIA / Vassil Levski National Military University
http://www.nvu.bg / Commandant
Brigadier general / Tsvetan HARIZANOV / Brigadier general Tsvetan HARIZANOV
Vassil Levski National Military University
Veliko Turnovo Province
Veliko Turnovo 5006
76 Bulgaria Blvd. / Major Georgieva
PR Officer of Vasil Levski National Military University

4 / CYPRUS / N/A
5 / CROATIA / Croatian Defence Academy "Petar Zrinski" / Commandant
Lieutenant General / Slavko BARIC, Ph. D.
Direktor / / col Kresimir Trstenjak
Head of Department
International Military Relations- CDA
Tel: 00385 1 3786 815
Mob: 00385 99 7088 561

REPUBLIC / University of Defence
www.unob.cz / Commandant
Brigadier General prof. Ing. / Bohuslav PŘIKRYL, Ph.D.
/ Brigadier Generalprof. Ing. Bohuslav Přikryl, Ph.D.

University of Defence

Kounicova 65,
662 10 Brno,
Czech Republic / Head, Public Relation and International Office
LTC Vladimir ŠIDLA

Tel: 00420 973442554
Mob: 00602 695 153
7 / DENMARK / Royal Danish Defence College
http://forsvaret.dk/fak/eng/Pages/default.aspx / Commandant
Rear Admiral / Nils WANG / Rear Admiral Nils WANG
Royal Danish Defence College
Svanemoellens kaserne
Ryvangs allé 1-3
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Denmark / Jonas Voeg Andersen

8 / ESTONIA / National Defence College
http://www.ksk.edu.ee/en/ / Commandant
Colonel / Martin HEREM / Martin HEREM
National Defence College
Riia 12
51013 Tartu
Estonia / LTC Mati Tikerpuu

9 / FINLAND / Finnish Military Academy
http://www.puolustusvoimat.fi/en/ / Commandant
Colonel / Harri NISKANEN / Colonel Harri Niskanen
Finnish Military Academy
P.O. Box 7
FI-00861 Helsinki
Finland / Col Tim PÖYSTI
Commandant of the Finnish Military Academy

10 / FRANCE / Saint-Cyr Military Academy
www.st-cyr.terre.defense.gouv.fr / Commandant
Brigadier General / Antoine WINDECK. / Brigadier General Antoine WINDECK
Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coetquidan
56381 Guer
French Military Academy of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan
Direction of International Affairs

11 / GERMANY / Army Officer School
http://www.deutschesheer.de/portal/a/heer / Commandant
Brigade General / Christian WESTPHAL / Brigade General Christian WESTPHAL
Offizierschule des Heeres
Marienallee 14,
01099 Dresden
Germany / 1st Lieutenant, MARKERT, Hannes

12 / GREECE / Hellenic Military Academy
www.sse.gr/index_en.php / Commandant
Major General / Ilias LEONTARIS / Major General Ilias Leontaris
Hellenic Army Academy
16673, Vari
Greece / Captain Georgios Chasanakos
head of the international cooperation department of the Hellenic Military Academy

13 / HUNGARY / University of Public Service
http://en.uni-nke.hu/ / Prof. dr / President.
András PATYI / Prof. Dr András PATYI
University of Public Service
H-1011 Budapest
Hungária krt. 9-11.
Hungary /
Prof. Dr. András PATYI
Phone number: +36-1-432-9251

14 / IRELAND / Military College
http://www.military.ie/education-hq/military-college/ / Commandant
Colonel / Pat PHELAN / Office of the Commandant Military College,
Defence Forces Training Centre,
Curragh Camp, kildare, Co. kildare, Ireland. /
Officer TrainingWing
CseCo-Ordinator 24 JC&S Course
Direct: +353 45 44 5129
Fax: +353 45 44 5128
15 / ITALY / Military Academy of Modena / Commandant
Major General / Giuseppenicola TOTA / Major General Giuseppenicola TOTA
Piazza Roma, 15
41121 Modena
ITALY / Ltc.Francesco Paolo MEDICI

16 / LATVIA / National Defence Academy
http://www.university-directory.eu/Latvia/National-Academy-of-Defence-of-the-Republic-of-Latvia.html / Commandant
Lieutenant Colonel / Egils LEŠČINSKIS / Lieutenant Colonel Egils Leščinskis
National Defence Academy
Ezermalas iela 8,
LV-1014 /
17 / LITHUANIA / General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy
www.lka.lt/index.php/en / Commandant
Colonel / Eugenijus VOSYLIUS / Colonel Eugenijus Vosylius
General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy
Silo Str. 5 A,
LT- 10322 Vilnius, / International cooperation officer
Cpt. Dmitrij Sidenica

19 / MALTA / N/A
20 / THE
NETHERLANDS / Netherlands Defence Academy / Commandant
Major General / Theo VLEUGELS / Major General Theo Vleugels
Netherlands Defence Academy
Kasteelplein 10
4811 XC Breda
The Netherlands / Ms Kathinka Portier

He is the Commandant of het Royal Military Academy.
You can reach him by telephone (0031 76 52 73 330) or by mail
21 / PORTUGAL / Military Academy
http://www.academiamilitar.pt/ / Commandant
Major General / António José PACHECO DIAS COIMBRA. / Major-General António José Pacheco Dias Coimbra
Academia Militar,
Rua Gomes Freire,
1169-203 – Lisboa / Capt Rui Alvarinho

22 / POLAND / General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces
http://www.wso.wroc.pl/news-en/en-news.html / Rector - Commandant
Colonel / Prof. Mariusz WIATR Ph.D. / Colonel Prof. Mariusz WIATR Ph.D.
General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces
Czajkowskiego str. 109
51-150 Wroclaw,
Poland /
23 / ROMANIA / “Carol I” National Defence University
http://www.unap.ro/index.php/en/ / Commandant Rector
Brigadier general (AF) / Gabriel-Florin MOISESCU / Brigadier general (AF) Gabriel-Florin MOISESCU
“Carol I” National Defence University
Panduri nr 68-72,
Sector 5
Romania /
REPUBLIC / Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik http://www.aos.sk/index_eng.php / Commandant
Brigadier General / Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Boris ĎURKECH, Ph.D. / Brigadier General Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Boris ĎURKECH, Ph.D.
Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika,
Demänová 393,
031 06 Liptovský Mikuláš 6
Slovak Republic / LTC (RET) Dipl. Eng. Ladislav BOKA
ERASMUS Coordinator
Department of Science and Foreign Relation

Uzklausiau vardo
25 / SLOVENIA / Military Schools Centre / Commandant
Colonel / VALTER VREČAR / Colonel Valter Vrečar
Military Schools Centre
Slovenija / Military Specialist

26 / SPAIN / Academia General Militar
http://www.ejercito.mde.es/unidades/Zaragoza/agm/ / Commandant
Brigadier General / Francisco Jose GAN PAMPOLS / Brigadier General Francisco Jose Gan Pampols
Academia General Militar
Ctra. De Huesca S/N
50071 Zaragoza,
Spain. / Gloria Corella Larrotiz
Oficina de Comunicación Social

27 / SWEDEN / Swedish National Defence College
http://www.fhs.se/en/ / Vice-Chancellor / Ph D Romulo ENMARK / Vice-Chancellor Ph D Romulo Enmark
Swedish National Defence College,
P.O. Box 27805, 115 93 Stockholm / Susanne Bengtsson
Swedish National Defence College
Protocol Department

KINGDOM / The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst / Commandant
Major General / Stuart SKEATES / Major General SR Skeates CBE Late RA BA(Hons) MDA MA
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, CAMBERLEY, Surrey, GU15 4PQ