GSRP Application Directions and Additional Information
- Letter of Intent to apply for the GSRP grant for the 2015-2016 school year is due on:
Friday, April 17, 2015
6:00 PM
Letter should be emailed to the following two people by this date and time to be eligible and considered to receive a grant:
- Grant Application - The completed cover page, answers to all questions (program and financial) and signed assurances for the GSRP grant are due electronically on:
Monday, April 27, 2015
6:00 PM
The grant must be emailed to the following two people by this date and time to be considered to receive a grant:
Important information:
- No late applications will be accepted or considered.
- If you wish an electronic copy of the grant application emailed to you, please let Joan or Tammy know at the email address above.
- The answers to the questions included in the grant should total no more than 7 pages with a 12 point font. You may use this Word file if you wish. Any attachments needed to complete a question will not be counted towards the 7 page limit. Please label attachments with an easily identifiable file name.
- Site visits will be scheduled with finalists during May, 2015.
- Final decisions will be made and all applicants notified by June 1, 2015 of priority placement.
- Actual awards of slots will be made within one week of Oakland County receiving its slot allocation for 2015-2016 from MDE.
- A grievance process is available for programs not receiving desired slots.
- If there are no qualified applicants, no award will be made
GSRP Grant Application 2015-2016 – Cover Page
Center NameAddress
School District
License Number
License Capacity
License Age Range
License Expiration Date
Hours of Operation
Current Number of Stars on Great Start Quality / Programs with regular licenses are only eligible if a minimum of three stars are achieved by June 1st.
Program Director
Main Grant Contact Name
Phone Number
Email Address
- Funds are available for 16 school day children (7 hours minimum).
- Letter of Intent is due electronically by Friday, April 17, 2015.
- Grant Application is due electronically by Monday, April 27, 2015
- Please submitboth documentsto:
- Please email Tammy Arakelian at the address above or call Tammy at 248-209-2245 with questions prior to submission (Joan Firestone will try to assist but will be unavailable much of that time).
Financial Questions
The Financial and Center Information questions can be no longer than seven pages. Any attachments needed to complete a question will not be counted towards the seven page limit. Please label attachments with an easily identifiable file name.
Required Application Attachment (email attachment along with grant application)- Signed assurances issued by the State of Michigan.
Required Financial Information (email any attachments along with grant application)
- Current Year Total Budget (may include total for all programs to operate but also separate out information for program where you wish to place GSRP).
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- Percent of revenue in current budget from all sources (such as tuition, state subsidies, grants etc…). Please list any other grants, purpose and amounts of those grants that you have previously received.
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- What software do you currently use to record and track revenues and expenses? Please include a printout of the type of expense report you can generate (amounts may be blacked out) in a separate attachment.
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- Please provide contact information on the person/organization that currently reviews/audits your financial records. Include a statement signed by them indicating their current scope of services.
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Center Information Questions
1 / Center Information - Please briefly describe the length of time your center has been in operation, types of programs offered and ages of children currently served. Let us know anything else about your center and especially about your program readiness to serve GSRP children. Share information on what counties your children generally reside in and if you think would like to enroll children from nearby counties. If so, how many children in the class of 16 do you anticipate would be from which other counties? Finally, do you provide before and after school care, transportation, and/or participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).Begin typing here…
2 / What are the current educational/experiential requirements for director and teachers at your center? What is the educational background of the teacher with the highest level of education that is currently employed in your center? What is your current/proposed pay scale for a teacher? For an associate teacher? Please email, as a separate attachment, the current teacher and assistant/associate teacher job descriptions.
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3 / Are you taking steps to improve your current quality rating? If yes, what are the steps and proposed time line?
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4 / What curriculum is currently in place at your center? Are you planning to use HighScope in the GSRP classroom? All classrooms? How would you provide training and support to the GSRP teachers in use of the HighScope curriculum? If you plan to use another approved curriculum you must submit a plan of the trainings facilitated by accredited trainers for staff during the 14-15 year and a proposed training plan for the 15-16 school year.
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5 / Do you currently use the Ages and Stages Questionnaire as a screening tool at your center? If not, how would you provide training and support to the GSRP teachers who would be using it?
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6 / What child assessment(s) do you currently use in your center? Do you currently use Online COR Advantage? How would you provide training and support to the GSRP teachers in use of this assessment?
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7 / Please describe your current plan for home visits, parent teacher conferences and parent education/engagement. How would this be handled in the GSRP classroom?
8 / How does your center currently handle students with challenging behaviors? Do you expel or suspend them? Do you connect with community resources to support them? How?
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9 / What is your plan for working with the Early Childhood Specialist? How would you ensure that the goals for improvement that are set with the Specialist, teachers and administrators are followed?
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10 / What is your plan for recruiting and enrolling eligible children into the program? How would this build on your current recruitment strategies?
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