Reinventing the wheel? The Hayes, Swanwick
World Mission Conference 2 - 4 June 2006
sponsored by the Methodist Church, USPG, Christians Aware and Christian Aid.
Join a global gathering of mission minded people for an invigorating and illuminating weekend. Meet the wider world church. Hear inspirational speakers. Engage with different perspectives.
What it’s all about?
It’s about mission.
Churches do it.
Agencies do it.
Christians all around the world do it.
But how do we do it with a common mind?
The many models and expressions of God’s mission in the world today are mind boggling. One church or mission society may find itself drawn to or alienated by the principles and practice of another. Swanwick 2006 takes the risk of bringing together a really diverse range of people-in-mission, to swap stories and strategies, break down stereotypes, and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance - it is Pentecost after all - as we learn to appreciate and challenge one another.
Who are the speakers?
Canon Dr Graham Kings is Vicar of Islington, at St Mary’s Church, London. Previously he was the founding Director of the Henry Martyn Centre for the study of mission and world Christianity in the Cambridge Theological Federation and Affiliated Lecturer in the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, and Vice-Principal of St Andrew’s Theological College, Kabare, Kenya. He has published Christianity Connected: Hindus, Muslims and the World in the Letters of Max Warren and Roger Hooker (Boekencentrum, 2002) and Offerings from Kenya to Anglicanism: Liturgical Texts and Contexts (Grove Books, 2002). He is theological secretary of Fulcrum.
The Revd Dr Caroline Wickens is a Methodist minister who worked in the West Midlands before joining the United Church of Zambia Theological College as tutor in Biblical Studies. She then moved to work at St. Paul's United Theological College, Limuru, Kenya, where she taught New Testament, post-colonial studies and women's theologies. She is currently on the staff of the Southern Theological Education and Training Scheme, based in Salisbury. She is passionate about reading the Bible in a way that connects with the readers and their world.
What else can I expect?
· A whole range of mission agencies sharing their work and stimulating debate
· Workshops on critical mission issues such as evangelism, sponsorship, development
· A look at how congregations choose the mission people and projects they support
· Themes unpacked in creative sessions for children and young people
· Worship from the wider world church including Communion for Pentecost Sunday
· Saturday night live entertainment with a mission motif
· A good bookstall, a good bar (inclusive of all tastes) and good company
How do I register?
For further information and a booking form for the 2006 World Mission Conference, contact
Meg Bailey, 4 Brompton Rd, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 3HH
Tel. 0161 432 3854