Kimberley- Merhan Keshe Interview Dec 10, 2012 – Transcript

First 30 min out of 72 min

Part I : 0 – 15 min

Kimberley (K):Greetings, my name is Kimberley and I am pleased to be able to present you with an interview with Mr Merhan Keshe. It was recorded on December 10, 2012.

Mr Merhan Keshe is the director and founder of the Keshe foundation that is physically located in Belgium. And the Keshe Foundation is consists of people from all over the world trying to implementing world peace by bringing new technology to mankind.

The KF is a non profit organisation. It holds intellectual rights of Mr Keshe technologies and the main objective is to share the benefits from all aspects of its technology in five areas related to mankind’s welfare and world education.

The KF targets are to solve the main world problems of today. Those targets include diseases, the energy shortages, water problems, food problems and making travel in deep space a reality within the next few years and bringing it within the reach of everyone. Yes, everyone.

In 1981, Mr Keshe graduated from Queen Mary College, university of London, as a nuclear engineer specialising in reactor technology system control. He spent the years since then completing a system for the production of energy and gravity, using a hydrogen radioactive fuel reactor that is clean and safe. He has covered all aspects of the design of a new plasma nuclear system from the very beginning to its present stage. This has included the design, the fuel, the testing and practical applications. The use of plasma reactors for health purposes has been tested in cooperation with doctors and some of the results achieved with these trails can be seen in the health section of his website

Mr Keshe has also published three books. The titles of those books are the Universal Order of the Creation of Matter, The Structure of the Light, and The Origins of the Universe.

The intent of my interview with Mr Keshe is twofold. I initially contacted Mr K to get his views on the work and the claims of the late Galen Winsor who was a nuclear physicist. I’ll explain about that during the interview. And the second reason was to help clarify some points are follow up to my months of study and research to familiarise my understanding of Mr Keshe’s technology and goals; So I know this interview will be reaching people who have not heard of the KF until now and to you I urge you to go to the KF website – – or just google Keshe, and you’ll find hours and hours of interviews.

In this interview I have also included questions that I’ve solicited from members of the KF online forum and from the Project Camelot forum.

It’s with great pleasure that I introduce and welcome Mr Merhan Keshe.

Merhan Keshe (MK): Thank you very much. You got enough questions ready I see ready on the website?

K: Yes, [laughs]

MK: There are a lot of people putting a lot of questions.

K. Yes, very many. And I won’t be able to get to them all. But you’ve seen them?

MK: I saw them a couple of times this week-end.

K. Good. I’d like to start off with just a one minute, two minutes informational piece for those who have never heard of you or the KF, just a brief overview. So would you mind doing that?

MK: The KF is a space organisation, where the only difference we have, as I always explain [is this]. Man has followed the materialistic part of the creation, what is available to him on earth, by fuel, by burning gases or oil, or making materials like birds we call an aeroplane, and using his copy of earthy things like birds for his motion. In the KF we have discovered the way the universe works. So we create motion, we create energy the way the universe does, which is through attraction of magnetic gravitational field. And the [real] problem is that we never understood what a gravity of magnetic field have the same origin, they come from the same place. It’s just a matter of repulsion and attraction of the two magnetic fields in respect to each other. So now we have learned the game of the universe and it cannot be changed. And this is the way we will see earth move in the solar system. We see the way our cells react and interact. And now we have opened the space technology which is called Keshe Foundation Space Ship Program and in this SSP you have to foresee and look after all the need of your passengers. That is their food, their heating, their oxyge, their material, even to the smallest things like clothing [?]. So like in any other spaceship that they are involved [?] with man out of space, the spaceship program is the same. But this time because we understand the structure of the universe and the way the Universe works, for the first time, we have made man independent of the earth in the space. So once we go in space, we don’t need to worry again to come back again to [...], to fuel, to find food. We create food as we need according to the way food is created in the universe by [...] magnetic fields to different strengths. And that was the SPP and the Keshe Foundation is about.

K: That was lovely. OK, thank you very much. The reason I contacted you back in Sept and I am hoping that you got the e-mail, is that I was asking a question about Galen Winsor who was a nuclear physicist. And did you get that e-mail?

MK: If I did I can’t remember.

K: OK. The reason why I was contacting you for an interview is that there is a gentleman by the name of Galen Winsor. He died about 5 years ago at the age of 85. And in the mid eighties he was going around and telling people that nuclear energy was not an energy to be feared as we had been led to believe because I was a no-nuke person. I felt that nuclear energy was a bad thing. A not good thing. Something to be feared as fearful as an energy as we had been led to believe. And Galen was a nuclear physicist of renown, of worked and helped design nuclear power plants, several of them in the U.S.and among his positions of expertise he was in charge of measuring and controlling the nuclear fuel inventory and storage. Like I said, in the mid-eighties, Galen travelled and lectured all over America and spoke on talk shows and made several videos exposing the misunderstood issues of nuclear radiations. He shows that fear of radiation has been exaggerated to scare people, so a few powerful people can maintain total control of the world’s most valuable power resources. And that was the primary purpose why I contacted you initially. There are a lot of things that have been told to us incorrectly that are intended to keep people in fear in order to keep the masses controlled. Does that resonate with you?

MK: This I think is more used by the people who are outside, who don’t understand, than by the people who are inside who understand. I am a trained nuclear physicist, I am a trained nuclear engineer, and I spent years and years in research and development, and there are not many even nuclear physicists who I know and I am rolling back... I graduated[...] 30 years now, who work so closely with the radioactive material that I do. There are very very few scientists who work the nuclear or radiation materials the way I operate. In a way, nuclear is safe, but in a way nuclear is dangerous. It depends how and where and to what purpose you use it.

There is a certain concern about nuclear reactors in operation. But on the other hand, us as humans we go on mild radioactive materials in different dosages. We set on the counters in the shops, and people don’t understand it. It has become fashionable now that if you are vegetarian, you take B12, or B6 or B9. Go on the Internet, and go search and see what is B12. B12 is a nuclear material. You buy Cobalt, you buy nuclear material of the gamma ray source. So when we use it at high strength, we use in nuclear. When we use at lower strength, we use it for our body. So people who try to say nuclear is safe, you have to talk about the strength of the material you use. Nuclear reactors are inherently potentially dangerous if they are not used properly. And the whole danger is that they release their energy that they contain rapidly. We use B12, we buy these tablets, we put in our mouth, we take it. And it releases the same radioactive gamma rays in a very slow way. Without it, we do not exist because these materials are the dividers, because exactly what happens when you are in a nuclear reactor, when it explodes and when it releases its energy, it literally destroys or disintegrate what is within your body, the cells of your body. The job of these nuclear

materials we swallow is the same, to create faster division. Because they release more energy, they cause... What you have to understand, energy to me as a nuclear physicist is magnetic fields in motion. They release more of these magnetic fields, more rapidly, so in other entities absorbing these magnetic fields, they have to move or they have to release part of theirs to somewhere else, or find a new position. So are nuclear materials dangerous? No. Do we want to say nuclear materials are dangerous? Yes, it depends what you want to do with it.

K: Correct. And that was what you were saying, if you make a nuclear bomb, that is dangerous. However, he in his demonstration, he talks about how he would swim in the cooling pools in the reactors and also he ingested plutonium. SO I am trying to clear this up and actually support his work, because back in the mid eighties, this man Galen was working to let people know that the fear factor behind nuclear energy was a misnomer and yes it has its dangerous side, and so again, I’m looking... do you agree with that?

MK: You see, I agree with part of it, not the whole of it. He can swim in the pool, yeah?

K: That’s what he claimed.

MK: Yes, but you’d ask what pool and what conditions? On a pool power, he must have been a very brave man if he has done that.

K: Well, anyway, I’d like to encourage you. Thank you. You’ve given me your answer and perhaps at this point, I am going to again ask maybe you can look at his lecture. I’ll be sure to get the link to you again. And I would love to hear what you have to say after you’ve heard his lecture that was recorded back in the mid eighties. Like I said, he passed on a few years ago and I was able to get in touch with the gentleman who recorded and filmed one of his lectures. I think there are two available on line. But this one in particular, I was in contact with the gentleman, Ben Williams, who recorded and filmed Mr Galen in 1986, it was. Is that a deal when you look at it when you have time?

MK: I’ll try to. At the moment not. Remind me after January 14. Because till then, totally tied up.

K: After January 14?

MK: Yes.

K: Ok, we’ll do. OK thank you... The first big question that I have and that a lot of other people have is, why haven’t we seen a demonstration of a working system?

MK: The governments have. The ones who... It depends what systems you are talking [about]. The medical systems, today, we have put about 40 systems out, worldwide. We have people from all over... That’s why I am still here at 8 o’clock at night. It depends what you call a system. We have a guy... I called him to bring it back because he just [inaudible] before he comes out.

He has an ALS. He came to us just about this time last year. According to American experts in ALS...

K: I am sorry, he has a what?

MK: ALS [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis]. It’s a deadly [system]. People who get the disease, they know. And he is walking and he is a farmer and he is still farming. They are testing him on the 19th, to see how come he is still alive. He hasn’t told his doctors what he is doing with us. Our systems are continuously get tested around the world by the medical side. We don’t lock ourselves into just Belgium. ...

PART II 15-31 min

MK: We do Germans, doctors, scientists, all are sick they come, they bring their family, they bring their patients. So our systems are in the open; it’s been open for ten years. But people are interested to one thing because it gives them confirmation of their existing. Our space technology has been done and totally confirmed by the Iranian capture of the aeroplane. We’ve shown our CO2 capture live on the twenty-sixth of November last year with three, four hundred people audience. We’ve shown our torch system. What else do they want? They want to fly? Go and ask the Iranians to do it for them. And secondly, our energy system we have shown to the people who concern and matters to them. And the people can say whatever they like. People never cared four years ago, they didn’t even knew where we are and we’d still been researching for thirty years. So in a way I don’t really, I don’t concern myself in what people want to see. Uh... We gave the video of the weight reduction to Boeing and Boeing hid it for three years. [recording glitch, possible portion missing]…another government, just already past twelve months, sorry, what do you call it, two weeks, three weeks. So we know what matters to the people and we do what we can. If they want to see, what do you call it, a system to fly? The Iranian has… [recording glitch, possible portion missing] …showed how it can capture too. But you’re concerned about we don’t show… We have shown everything. We have opened our books to government officials. We had officials from government who has been here to our centre, they’ve seen how the system worked, they’ve taken pieces of the equipment with them to test it themselves. And whatever the rest talk is a lot of what I call rubbish. I don’t want to use any stronger language. If you can, if anybody with all the billions are spent in the pharmaceutical, can get a child who has been totally in a wheelchair paralysed, at the age of seven, mental age of two, after eight months back to school – he was sitting here in front of me with his mother and father, and they’re happy he’s back in a normal school, not a handicapped school at the age of seven. And he’s doing, and the school has accepted him ‘cause he had to sit the tests. After six months of just drinking water and using the systems which we developed, that is, that, if any pharmaceutical does that they say it’s a miracle. Nobody hears what we do, we don’t put things out we do, because there’s a ban on us, because to some people don’t like us to be known. But in next few weeks you will see the change of the course. Even if we show you the flight – ‘Oh it’s no good because it doesn’t go to the moon.’ You take it to the moon – ‘Oh it's... The Americans done it, why don’t you go to the Mars?’ There is never enough. This is a stupidity of man and so I don’t play the game.
K: (K: laughs softly) Yeah, that’s actually a subject that’s in my questions. I’ll get there in a little bit. OK so back to the original question of demonstrations of the working systems. Many people have seen them, but I guess, so the big question that I have and others, is those of us on the internet that are radio show hosts or whatever we are, if in sometime in the future, we’d love to, we’d love to see a demonstration that’s all. I guess it’s because…(trails off.)
MK: Aaah[?] you go, demonstration is, get in touch with the people with... You know I said that to, I was talking to Kerry Cassidy the other night. Uh, we, we have people who’ve been, we show on the video, who've been with Parkinson’s, paralysed for twenty years in a wheelchair…

K: Yeah I’ve, I've seen those, I’ve seen those. Yeah those were the…
MK: …And people call this is a very good actor, where did you get him from?
K: Yeah.
MK: So what do you want to do? We, we had in our presentation when we opened the centre, by accident, by chance, one of our volunteers in a wheelchair with MS with five years in a wheelchair – she just turned up because you know it was the opening and she, we were close to her. When she was sitting there somebody asked me a question, and I asked her like to stand up we see on the videos. And she got up and she stand up and she walks. You get somebody, you tell the doctors who know what this means, they tell you this is miracle. Nobody has ever done such a thing before…
K: …Yeah, no I don’t, I don’t think anybody has a question about that, ‘cause those video tapes, well they are, I mean they are…
MK: Well this is a use of system, we demonstrated it.
K: OK.
MK: I want just to show one case, I don’t need to show nothing else.
K: Ok. Gotcha. We don’t have to go any further on that one. I’ve listened to as many interviews of you as I can, and I’ve read, et cetera, et cetera. I have not read your books or I have not had the opportunity to read your patents, not that I would understand them (K: laughs softly), but I’ve been trying…
MK: …You’re like me, I’ve don’t understand my own patents. It’s good.
K: (K: laughs softly) But anyway, my job is trying to understand what’s going on. I only discovered your work a few months ago, so tried my best to get up to speed. So I glean that the release of the generators, the three to four kilowatt power generators that I’m hearing, and you’ve confirmed is still scheduled to happens in a few days…