SAGE Junior Faculty Professional Development Teaching Award Application
Submission and Deadline information is available under Awards at .
Contact Information:
Office Phone:
Office Fax:
College/University Affiliation:
Current Teaching Position (Academic Rank):
Tenure Status:
Teaching Load (credit hours per semester):
Number of years of full-time teaching experience:
Part-Time teaching experience, location, and dates:
Most Recent Graduate Degree And Year Granted Or Anticipated:
Teaching Vision Statement: Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher and discuss what are you doing and/or have done to improve your teaching as you become part of a community of scholars dedicated to teaching and learning. (500 words maximum)
Expectations regarding the Teaching Workshop and ACJS Annual Meeting: How will participation at the ACJS Teaching Workshop and Annual Meeting contribute to your teaching? Identify strategies or competencies that you need help with as a teacher. (250 words maximum)
Potential Contributions to the Teaching Workshop: Identify strategies or competencies that you would be willing to share during the teaching workshop. If you are willing to present a paper or other presentation please indicate the title and provide an abstract of the paper or presentation.
Need Statement: State why this award is needed to support your travel and the amount of support available from other sources (department funds, grants, etc.) (200 words maximum).
Vita: [Include as a separate attachment to the application email.]
Potential Topics for Teaching Workshop Sessions:
The following “teaching issues” have been suggested as possible areas of interest for discussion or presentations. In an attempt to better understand the needs and skills of participants, please use the column “I Need Assistance Ranking” to rank all the teaching issues for which you need assistance. Use a “1” to indicate your highest need. Add any other issues you choose in the lines below. Feel free to add lines if you need them. Use the column “I Can Provide Assistance” to mark all areas where you have some information/techniques that you are willing to share during the workshop.
Teaching Issue / I Need Assistance Ranking / I Can Provide AssistanceDistance Learning by Internet
Service Learning
Teaching Large Classes
Coordinating Multiple Sections of a Class
Using research literature from journals for teaching undergraduates
Course embedded assessment
Teaching Criminological Theory
Teaching Administrative/Management Theory
Teaching Research Methods – making it more meaningful and applied
Using new technologies
Itemized Budget of Anticipated Expenses:
Total Expenses:
Amount of Funding Provided By Other Sources:
Amount of Funding Requested:
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