Gender Equity Council Meeting
October 1, 2014
2:30pm –, Admin Building Rm. 244
Meeting called by Elizabeth Sharp, 2:32pm
Minute-taker (s): Elizabeth Sharp & Stephanie Ortiz, Student Assistant
In Attendance: Elizabeth Sharp,EdCheck,ChristyNorfleet,Baleigh Waldrop ,Judi Henry,D’aun Green
Robert Stewart,Charlotte Dunham, Juan Munoz, Sarah Foley, Julie Isom and Judi Henry’s guest,JulianaSmith, Stephanie Ortiz
I.Introduction of Michael Henry, J.D., TTU Title IX Investigator- Discussed his position as full-time Title IX investigator at TTU
- Brought attention to the staff/faculty requirements for reporting sexual assault
- Indicated that faculty/staff can call him to report sexual assault
- Faculty/Staff can also go to sexual assault website to find out more information, report sexual assault:
- GEC members asked Michael about the “Yes consent” ruling in CA: Michael explained that the onus is on the initiator of sex; shifts the focus and makes it easier to investigate and analyze sexual assault cases—initiator has to articulate consent. The ruling is consistent with the “consent” campaign lead by Student Housing last year
- Discussion among GEC members included ideas about requiring HAVEN program similar to AlcoholEdu, Implementing Step Up program more widely (this program is already used with resident hall staff training; B. Waldrop indicated that the program was v effective), student intervention training, and other programs already in place but working to make them more widespread
- GEC member asked how the GEC could support him. He indicated that what would help him is to “get in front” of faculty and staff so that he can discuss the mandated reporting and make all TTU members aware of his role on campus. S. Foley (Chair of Title IX committee) has asked Staff Senate President if M. Henry can speak at the next Staff Meeting. E. Sharp requested that M. Henry speak at the next Faculty Senate meeting on the Faculty Senate on October 8, 2014.
- See also above discussion.
- Last year (2013-2014), the GEC formed a TITLE IX Ad-Hoc Committee and committee members. Based on their work,. C. Dunham (Chair of Title IX committee last year) indicated that the five recommendations to the President include: Develop central site on sexual awareness that is easily accessible, develop an app for faculty/staff to address reported assaults, link resources (Title IX Dear Colleague letter on Sexual Violence, VAWA and the Report of the White House Council on Women and Girls) on GEC website, support the GEC Climate Committee’s recommendation to conduct a campus climate survey, revive virtual women’s center
- J.Henryreported that the Climate committee recommended an outside consultant. Issues of money and who to target were brought up. One important issue would be to access the extent to which TTU students know about all the resources TTU offers.
- J. Munoz mentioned the Open Teaching Concept (OTC), an initiative of the CCAAC that is concerned with issues of social justice, gender equity, Title IX
- J. Munoz announced a permanent advisory board for Greek Life is being established. He invited any GEC member interested in serving on this board to talk to him.
- J. Munoz announceda forthcoming Center for safety education and risk intervention. He invited any GEC members interested in working with this new center to talk to him.
- C.Durham recently obtained the data for staff/salary gender analysis and will report soon.
- E. Check reported that the new website is up and running, consistent with TTU’s new website regulations
- E. Check asked who would do the updates for the website and J. Munoz indicated that this was the job of the student assistant. It was recommended that Stephanie get some training form IT in order to be able to update the website
- E Check and his committee would like to post timely events and announcements
- B. Waldrop reported that the committee is hoping to implement a leadership series for students
- One session in the fall and spring
- One suggestions was to have to add leadership series for men (given recent campus events)
- J. Isom reported that her committee recommends Weekly Tech Announce for Mother Friendly Room, Publicize MindSpa, & Help facilitate approval for women’s break requests. They would like to make more visible the important work GEC has done.
- J. Isom asked whether we should pursue a social – the purpose would be to increase the visibility of the GEC and its work. There were no objections. She indicated that she would work with the committee and keep the GEC updated.
- A recommendation made by the committee is to have a Panel at Women’s Studies Conference every year as way to increase visibility and to update TTU community about the GEC work
- A GEC members suggested that we consider a panel of male leaders for Women’s Studies Conference
- Kimmel Event: Highly successful and relevant to recent events on campus. See attached report.
- Women’s Studies Conference: Several GEC members attended the Conference and GEC members liked the Community Engagement committee recommendation of a panel each year at the conference.
- Report to the President: E. Sharp indicated that the report was delayed due to an issue with obtaining faculty/staff data for the Employment Committee’s gender equity salary analysis. The issue has been resolved and it is anticipated that this report will be finalized in the near future. At that point, the final report will be submitted to the President.