Date: May 25, 2016
Venue: WFP Office – Maziland – Dohuk
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
• Review of previous meeting minutes and action points
• Operational updates of WFP
• Non-WFP Partner Operational Updates
• Refugee Operation Updates
• Gaps
• BRHA and PDS Updates
• A.O.B
Part 1: Food Assistance
1. Operational Updates:
WFP presented the updated figures of in-kind May distribution inside and outside camps in Duhok and Ninawa Governorates. The IDPs inside camps with PDS received a full ration while families without PDS cards inside camps received a reduced ration. Outside camps, WFP distributed full rations for the targeted caseload, as shown in the table below:
· May Distribution of in-Camp (Actual) – In-kind:
Governorate / District / Individ / Fam / Ration / MTDohuk / Shekhan Camp / 4,880 / 976 / 976 / 43.396
Dohuk / Garmawa Camp / 5,250 / 1,050 / 1,050 / 48.603
Dohuk / Mamrashan Camp / 2,750 / 550 / 550 / 24.029
Dohuk / Bersivi 1 Camp / 1,915 / 383 / 383 / 7.66
Dohuk / Bersivi 2 Camp / 1,865 / 373 / 373 / 7.46
Dohuk / Chamishku Camp / 3,665 / 733 / 733 / 14.66
Total / 20,325 / 4,065 / 4,065 / 145.809
· May Distribution Off-Camps (Actual) – In-kind:
Governorate / District / #Individ / #Fam / Ration / MTDohuk / Amedi / 3,322 / 688 / 688 / 34.606
Dohuk / Dohuk / 6,266 / 1,133 / 1,133 / 56.990
Dohuk / Bardarash / 21,004 / 4,404 / 4,404 / 111.421
Dohuk / Semel / 33,424 / 6,303 / 6,303 / 317.041
Dohuk / Shekhan / 1,030 / 206 / 206 / 10.362
Dohuk / Zakho / 7,445 / 1,489 / 1,489 / 29.780
Dohuk / Talaafar / 1,875 / 375 / 375 / 10.515
Dohuk / Tilkaif / 1,975 / 395 / 395 / 19.869
Total / 76,341 / 14,993 / 14,993 / 590.584
May distribution is ongoing at the time of the meeting. The cycle will be closed by the end of the month.
o The full ration consisted of: Rice, Sugar, Oil, Horse Bean, chick peas, and Wheat flour. The reduced ration included a 3 item food parcel and Sugar or bulgur.
o WFP has finished the distribution of Cash for May Cycle in Akre District.
o Voucher distributions for May in Zakho and Duhok districts have been completed.
· Below are the Actual figures of voucher distribution in Duhok and Zakho District:
Governorate / District / Individual / Families / VoucherDohuk / Dohuk / 48,285 / 9,503 / 9,503
Dohuk / Zakho / 64,681 / 11,214 / 11,214
Total / 112,966 / 20,717 / 20,717
Ø WFP Refugee Operation:
o The distribution of the E-voucher has been completed in Domiz 1, Domiz 2 and Gawilan Camps for May cycle.
o WFP completed the In-kind distribution in Domiz 1, 2, and Akre Camps for the vulnerable T0 cases (considered food secure according to the REACH assessment) and unassessed HHs. Individual food parcels will continue for two months in the same camps with lists of Camp Managers.
· Below is the Actual figures of E-voucher distribution for Refugee:
May-2016Camp / Voucher / Beneficiary / Modality
Domiz I / 3,000 / 15,173 / E-Voucher
Domiz II / 910 / 4,446 / E-Voucher
Gawilan / 943 / 4,524 / E-Voucher
Akre / 1,338 / 7,455 / Cash
Akre / 182 / 182 / Individual Parcels (16.26 Kg)
2. Non-WFP Partner Operational Updates
REACH: REACH has distributed 392 Food and Hygiene vouchers (12,000 IQD for food and 5,000 IQD for hygiene kits). REACH adopted the same mechanism and approaches of WFP to avoid confusion. REACH distributed to Mam-Ezdina, Shkaftian, Dushevan, Almaman, Brefka and Essian village for May Cycle. The duration of the operation is up to the end of December 2016.
DORCAS: Dorcas distributed food for 250 old IDP families in Alqosh in May
IBC: IBC started a new project that covers Shekhan City Center for 17 months from May and onwards.
BCF: BCF is going to cover 2,500 families in Ba’adre Sub-district and Mahat .
3. Gaps:
The last update ofgaps given by FSC partners is as the table below. WV has covered Baadra Sub-district for May Cycle with only 243 IDP HH among 1,200 HHs. The FSC is looking for a partner to cover the rest of the families. WV will continue to assist the same number of families up to May 2016. IBC is covering Shekhan City Center up to July 2017:
Governorate / District / Location / Caseload #Fam / Partner to cover / MonthDohuk / Amedi / Sarsing/Qadish/Chamanke/Enishke / 2,300 / WV(962) / May
Dohuk / Shekhan / Shekhan Center / 2,000 / IBC (2,000) / May
Duhok / Semel / Domiz I Camp / 300 / NO / May
Dohuk / Baadra / Baadra and Villages / 1,100 / WV(243) / May
4. PDS distribution & stock availabilities :
PDS Office will distribute only wheat flour to Dohuk residents and IDPs for May Cycle, and they are waiting other commodities to be supplied by Baghdad during the next weeks, which are held in Baghdad as per PDS Manager. PDS Office has registered 102,638 HHs equal to 582,675 Individuals who are living within Dohuk Governorate as of May 2016. As shown in the below table:
District / Families / IndividualsDohuk / 22,196 / 119,502
Semel / 25,440 / 152,539
Amedi / 2,764 / 14,689
Zakho / 19,460 / 116,471
Shekhan / 10,985 / 61,595
Bardarash / 14,842 / 80,551
Akre / 6,951 / 37,328
Total / 102,638 / 582,675
As for the liberated areas where PDS is working, the below iare the last updated figures;
Location / Families / IndividualsFaydye / 77,74 / 44,248
Shekhan / 12,876 / 69,542
Zilikan / 2,157 / 12,340
Telkif / 361 / 2006
Sinone / 2,921 / 20,127
Wanne / 4,610 / 25,709
Zummar / 14,370 / 85,581
Alqosh / 104,69 / 55,082
Iyathiya / 6,674 / 38,976
Telafar2 / 282 / 1,858
Hamdiyat / 861 / 5,554
Baashiqa / 427 / 2,792
Rabia’a / 11,913 / 73,779
Total / 75,695 / 43,7594
5. BRHA updates: BRHA presented a brief about LMMS Project of registering IDPs inside the camps, which is operating currently, and has started registering IDPs outside the camps. Amedi is almost completed. BRHA Database Management has also started working on registering IDPs outside camps in Akre District.
6. AOB: the FSC reminded the partners about the importance of reporting any activities to the cluster as well as uploading information in ActivityInfo. Some partners informed the cluster that they do not have access to the system and they would like to receive training.
Attendance: (please update the list)
# / Name / Org. / email / phone No.1 / Jeff Dorsey / ACTED / / 7723341747
2 / Gabriella D'Elia / DRC / / 7515019445
3 / Rasheed I. Abde / IKL / / 7504749281
4 / Karwan Nazar / BRHA / / 7503501007
5 / Hussien Kadi / PDS / / 7504508321
6 / Bahzad Amin / UNHCR / / 7504708946
7 / Abdulrahman Kashmoola / FAO / / 7701790222
8 / Ihsan Abboosh / REACH Iraq / / 7512067338
9 / Rayan Hussein / IRW / / 7501616005
10 / Helan Remzi / IBC / / 7504310649
11 / Kenga Shandralingam / OCHA /
12 / Haval SALMAN TAHER / BCF / / 7504407653
13 / Evan Peter Michael / OPM / / 7508285002
14 / ISMAEL F. MOUSA / LWF / / 7504919668
15 / Yousif Manhal Hazim / Dorcas Aid International / / 7511397014
16 / Alan Salman / WFP / / 7809150769
17 / Srosht Hadi / WFP / / 7809150768
18 / Seepal J. Sleman / BCF / / 7515019269
19 / Mateen A. Mohammad / REACH Iraq / / 7503353345