Minutes of Meeting held on 17th July 2017

at 7.00pm, Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth

Item / Discussion / Action
1. Attendance and Apologies / Mr H Bourne – Chairman
Mr K Orton – Vice Chairman
Mr G Holmes
Mr A Hollidge
Mr P Burns
Mr N Sardeson
Mrs G McClue
Mr C Ing
Also in attendance; Councillor Oxby and Councillor Lundgren. Two members of the public.
1.  2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
2.  / A Crime Report has been received showing that there are no recorded crimes for the last month.
Councillor Oxby updated the meeting by stating that the Call Connect service will be expanded later in the year. 98% of people were satisfied with the service.
It is scam awareness month. A third of scams take place to people over the age of 65.
Lincoln Castle has been given the title of No.1 castle in the UK. It attracted 43% of the votes.
Councillor Lundgren congratulated everyone who was involved with the Neighbourhood Plan. It was passed through council last Thursday. Congratulations to everyone who was involved with the Beer Festival.
There is a hard copy of the Local Plan available for councillors to use. The CIL has been agreed, most of the money will go to the eastern bypass and education. There could be some money for the village. If there is a project in the village, it is worth asking for funding.
3.  3. Public Open Forum / Mr Long enquired about the white gates at the entrances to the village. It was agreed that the Parish Council would look into the cost of these.
Councillor Hollidge stated that a parishioner has bumped his head on a low branch on a tree in the village. Councillor Sardeson has already cut the branches back.
4.  4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest. / None
5.  5. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 26th June are approved as the Minutes. / The members received the Minutes of the meeting held on 26th June.
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th June 2017 be approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters Arising from previous minutes. / ·  Councillor Sardeson has cut back the trees in the car park.
·  Councillor Sardeson looked at the trees on Queensway. He suggested that a letter is sent to the owner of the trees by Councillor Orton.
·  Councillor Holmes has spoken to the grass cutting contractor, however he is still not happy with the quality of the strimming.
·  The Clerk has enquired about the legal use of CCTV and is waiting for a response.
7. Correspondence Received. / ·  Mr Ralph Wilford is now the Parish Council representative for the CHE
·  Parish Cluster meetings with Highways – when they are available in our area they will take place quarterly. It provides an update on key issues and to find out about areas of local concern.
·  School Noticeboards – Councillor Holmes agreed to take it down during the school holidays.
8. Planning Applications received since last meeting. / ·  Erection of dwelling at 43 Queensway. Ref: 17/0908/FUL
·  Alterations and extension to dwelling. Paddock House, 11 Church Lane. Ref:17/0909/HOUS.
·  Alterations to plans – revised height and design. High Curley. Nocton Road. Ref:17/0660/HOUS
·  Appeal. Site adj. To Belmont View, Plough Hill. Potterhanworth Booths. Ref:16/1499/FUL
·  Notification of intended works to trees. 8 Church Lane. Ref:17/0920/TCA
The Parish Council discussed this application and comments, where made, can be viewed at www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline.
9. To receive reports regarding Neighbourhood Plan / The plan has been approved and now holds weight during planning applications.
10. Pavilion Committee update / It has been proposed that one of the windows is to be removed to put in French doors to allow for disabled access. It went to a vote. 5 agreed and 1 abstained.
The pavilion also needs a cleaner as it is now rented out more. It was agreed to be discussed at the next pavilion committee meeting.
The defibrillator battery needs replacing. It was agreed to look at it during the pavilion committee meeting and look for prices for a new one.
11. Finance / ·  To approve payments to be made.
Accounts were as per the attached sheet prepared by the Clerk.
·  To approve expenses claim.
Proposed by Councillor Holmes and seconded by Councillor Bourne.
Unanimously agreed.
12. Dates / The next meeting of the Parish Council will be Monday 25th September, 7pm, at the Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth. There being no further business, the public meeting closed at 8.40pm.

G McClue

20th July 2017