Job Description
Insert Name of Position Here
Enter a broad description of the role here.
e.g.To assist the chairperson in the execution of all duties being responsible for the implementation of good practice and child protection policies within the club and to co-ordinate the implementation/development of the Swim 21 initiative within BASC.
Insert requisite qualifications here
Current BASC CRB Check
ASA/scUK Safeguarding and Protecting Children Course
- Insert requisite skills here e.g.
- Well organised and able to delegate
- Administration skills and ability to control meetings
- Enthusiastic with a good knowledge of the sport and club and a good motivator
- Approachable
- Confident and effective communicator
Main Duties
- Insert main duties here, these should include all the tasks from the BASC job list on the website e.g.
- Deputise for the Chair person in all activities in the event of non-availability.
- To chair and control the meetings of the management committee
- To be involved, where appropriate, in the coordination of all club activities
- Attend on behalf of BASC
- User group meeting at all pool side facilities used by BASC
- ASA meeting, or delegate to appropriate person(s)
- Attend swimming sessions that are run by BASC on a regular basis
- Attend club championships.
- To liaise with the Regional Development Officers, Local Authority Sports Development Officer, Swim 21 Club Committee and Club Members
Enter the extent of the commitment required here e.g.
Dealing with issues as and when they arise plus club requirements i.e. events and club management meetings
Benefits to Self
Enter a short description of the personal benefits here e.g.
Contribution to ensuring a safe and well-managed club
Further Development/Support
Leave as much of the following in as is relevant to the job
How to Communicate Effectively
A resource provided by Running Sport, available to download from their website
‘The Role of the Chairperson’
A resource provided by Running Sport, available to download from their website
Visit the ASA website > Development for more information on the Swim 21 process or contact your ASA Regional Development Officer.
How to Communicate Effectively
A resource provided by Running Sport, available to download from their website
‘The Role of the Chairperson’
A resource provided by Running Sport, available to download from their website
Further training opportunities are available through the ASA Regional Training Network, for your nearest training centre visit the ASA website or telephone the ASA on 01509 618700
Visit to access this valuable resource
Useful Websites
ASA website
Sport England
Volunteering England
Millennium Volunteers
Sports Coach UK
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