Biohazard Approval Form
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Project-Based Biohazard Review Process
Standard processes for administrative applications may involve approvals for various types of projects[1]. All projects involving biohazards must be reviewed and approved by the Presidential Biosafety Advisory Committee prior to commencement of the work, receipt of any proposed pathogens and release of any project-related funding, if applicable. Tri-council policy[2] dictates that all required approvals be in place prior to release of project funding. This is supported by McMaster’s research Integrity Policy[3]and RMM600[4] which both mandate compliance with biosafety standards at all times.
Review of biohazard projects is undertaken independently of scientific review and as such, is administered differently. Biosafety oversight at McMaster is administered on a per-Investigator basis therefore approval for multi-Investigator and multi-lab projects on a per-project basis is inherently problematic. In order to ensure that (1) all aspects of each project are reviewed carefully and appropriately, and (2) that documentation supports a responsible approval system, this form has been created to simplify the process and provide documentation of such approvals.
Use of This Form
This form is to be used for any project, whether a sponsored grant, a contract or a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). The PI is no longer expected to apply for biohazard approval at the application stage for sponsored grants and/or contracts, unless a sponsor specifically requires such documentation at this stage.If this does occur, this form can also be used for PROTEM biohazard approval at the application stage.
This formis alsoto be used for single-investigatorprojects, scholarships and fellowships and MTAs related to unsponsored projects when the funds cover any fraction of operating costs. When the funds are directed ONLY to salary or stipends, such as in the case of scholarships or fellowships, please use the “Award Docs” feature in the BUP Portal instead.
It is appropriate to include those researchers listed on the project who do not belong to McMaster University. Including such researchers on the approval form generates documentation that non-McMaster research is included in the project, is acknowledged by the University, but this McMaster-generated approval is not intended to extend beyond McMaster faculty, staff, students and laboratories.
This form will also be used to follow up with researchers to ensure their BUPs are amended appropriately and to initiate creation of new BUPs for those who have not yet applied through this process.
Specific Instructions
Please complete the form and email to the Biosafety Office at .
If you are unsure if your work requires biohazard approval, please complete the online Applicability Form found on the Biosafety website at or contact the Biosafety Office at
Material Transfer Agreement: This checkbox is to indicate those projects which are not formally captured in any funded project and for which an investigator is receiving a pathogen. This form will allow documentation of project-specific biohazard approval.
For this part of the project are biohazards used?:If the material used is applicable under RMM600 (Section 2)[5], please indicate ‘Yes’. If the material can be excluded from the above mentioned policy, please indicate ‘No’. If you are unsure if the material is applicable under the biosafety program, please contact .
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?If new items are to be added, please ensure that the BUP is updated to include these as soon as possible.
In Vitro/In Vivobiohazard use: Please indicate if in vitro and/or in vivo researchwith biohazards is to be carried out.For in vivo, we only wish to know if biohazards are being put into animals. If the in vivo work does not include biohazards, do not check this box. This information is used for metrics and to cross-reference biohazard AUP protocols.
McMaster Affiliated: Please indicate if this person is affiliated with McMaster University (examples are Faculty member, employee or student of McMaster University). If not, the Biosafety Office will provide information that will help secure approval documentation from the external institution’s ethics review office if required by the relevant McMaster funding office.
Notice Regarding Time Delays:
- Creation and review of a new BUP – 2-3 months; this includes filling in forms, acquiring the required training and committee review of the BUP; required only once
- Review of amendments – 1 month
- Training for all staff – 1 week to 1 month
- Laboratory Audit – 2 hours for audit, 1-2 months for preparation and post-audit follow-up
BSO Applicability Check: Yes / No
Principal Investigator (Last, First): /
Sponsor/Granting Agency:
Title of Project:
Project Summary:
The committee should be able to determine the activities undertaken based on the project summary. If not readily apparent, please add 1-2 sentences which summaries the biohazard work.
Sponsored through the National Institutes of Health?
Material Transfer Agreement:
Start Date (mm/yyyy):End Date (mm/yyyy):
Send to: HRS ROADS MILO Other
Please choose one of the following:
- The projectfunding has been awarded, this approval is for the purposes of opening an account
- This approval is for the application stage of a project
For each of Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator, please list only those items for which each of the PI or CoI are directly responsible for, or have sole ownership or possession.
For PI and Co-I to fill in as the items relate to this application only.Principal Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
1. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
2. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
3. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
4. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
5. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
6. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
7. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
8. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
9. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
10. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
11. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
12. / Co-Investigator (Last, First):
For this part of the project are biohazards used? Please selectYesNo BUPID:
(please refer to RMM600 to determine if the materials used in the PI’s laboratory for this project are applicable)
Are there any new biological inventory items for this BUP?Please selectYesNo
In vitrobiohazard use:In vivobiohazard use:Please selectNo in vivo biohazard use.In vivo biohazard use with CAF animals, have AUP.In vivo biohazard use with plants.In vivo biohazard use with invertebrates.
McMaster Affiliated: Please selectYesNo If no, list affiliation:
Updated: 13-April- 2018
[1] The term “project” is intended to refer to any activity undertaken by any person at McMaster University irrespective of financial support or administrative oversight. Projects include, but are not limited to, those for work, teaching or research.