
Meeting called to order by President David Covington at 0900

Jon Bodie from BCFS Health and Human Services gave an enlightening presentation on all of the services and capabilities that the company had to offer including sheltering, medical services, and mobile operations.

Minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved

The Treasurer reported a balance of $17,470.49

Communications Committee: Chief Trevino gave a brief report on the mutual aid communication test from earlier this date

Mutual Aid: Chief Daugherty and Chief Trevino offered discussion on the State Wide mutual aid. Jeff Dean said he would speak with Kyle Coleman and see if he could possibly ask for an Attorney General ruling regarding the necessity for inter-local mutual aid agreements

Website: Nothing new to report

Hiring Committee; 62 Applicants were tested at Universal City and the list of successful candidates has been dispersed to participating departments

Training: Chief Clarkson urged all those that had not signed up for the Step-up and lead class on October 18, to please do so.

Walter Yates from San Antonio offered to host mutual aid training at the San Antonio Fire Academy for anyone interested.

New Business:

Chief Daugherty reported that October 11 was the date for the Texas Fire Chief’s Executive Board meeting. In addition the voting for the elections for the board were open until September 30. It was also noted that Chief Dale Skinner, of the Seguin Fire Department, is one of the nominees.

Gary Barney of Tx. Forest Service announced that they had Type 3 and Type 6 engines available

Next Meeting is set for 09:00 hours on Friday, October 25, 2013 at the AACOG Building, 8700 Tesoro Drive, San Antonio, TX 78217

Members and Guests

David Covington /

Paul Tarter


Ray Hacker


Jeffery Dean

Walton Daugherty


Doug Meckel


Kyle Coleman

/ Glen Outlaw
Ross Wallace /

Jeff Vaughn

/ Vance Meade / Dan Reese

Cheryl McCall

/ Al Castillo /

Luis Valdez

/ Rick Wall

Jerry Riedell

/ Shane Reddout / Billy Lawson / Josh Lopez

Gary Barney


Lawrence Trevino

/ Shawn Wherry / David Duggan

Rich Giusti

/ Chris Lopez / Trevor Wortes / Steve Fikac

Mutual Aid Agreements Adopted by Jurisdiction

Balcones Heights * / Castle Hills * / Leon Valley * / Alamo Heights
Helotes * / Terrell Hills / Bexar District 7 Fire Rescue* / Shavano Park*
Bexar-Bulverde * / Olmos Park / Bexar ESD 4 (Leon Springs)* / Windcrest*
Hollywood Park * / Grey Forest * / Universal City * / New Braunfels*
Bexar District 2 Fire and Rescue / Comal ESD 5 Bulverde* / Sandy Oaks* / Comal ESD 4 Spring Branch*

( * ) Denotes adopted most current version

***Association dues***

$25 for Voting Members

$15 for Associate Members

$75 for Sustaining Members