MINUTES OF September 17, 2014 MEETING
Members present: Sherry Amos, Marilyn Goodhue, Duane Johnson, Melody Kirk, Carol Murphy. Also in attendance Stacy Goodhue, Kathy Spratt
Marilyn called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM.
Minutes of August 2014 meeting were read. Motion made by Melody to approve the minutes. Seconded by Duane. Motion carried.
Director’s Financial Report
- Total money to City Hall from the library for August 2014: $87.50
for faxes: $81.50 Earbuds: $6.00 from replacements: 0.00
- Total Money to Friends of the Library for August 2014: $183.80
from printer/copier: $183.80 memorials/donations: $0
Action on Bills:
- Amazon……………………………….…$ 331.40 (books/audio books)
- Baker & Taylor………………………….$ 234.09 (books)
- Center Point Large Print………………...$ 88.68 (books)
- Credit Card (for approval)…………….…$ 913.41(conference and hotel, magazines,books, postage, software renewal, office supplies, refrigerator)
- Demco……………………………….…...$ 65.81 (address and covering stamps)
- Dollar General………………………..…..$ 49.47 (cleaning and program supplies)
- Indoff…………………………………….$ 94.21 (printer ink)
- Iowa Library Services…………………….$ 733.60 (online resources)
- Library Store…………………………...…$ 311.83 (security mirror, covering supplies, ear buds)
- Reader’s Digest…………………………..$ 20.00 (large print books)
- Recorded Books…………………………..$ 75.57 (audio books)
- Record Herald…………………………….$ 31.94 (newspaper)
- School Library Journal………………… .$ 81.99 (professional magazine subscrip)
- Two Rivers Glass & Door………………...$ 824.00 (front door repair)
- UPS……………………………………….$20.39 (postage to send back broken computer)
Total Bills………………………. $3876.39
Motion to pay bills as presented made by Sherry. Seconded by Duane. Motion carried.
Public Presentation to/or Discussion with Board
Progress and Service Reports
Kathy gave progress and stats- Operation Backpack, Craft time, Teen Murder Night.
Stacy- Annual Report is finished, will be presented next meeting
Committee Reports
Foundation Report
Joint Board Meeting will be held on 10/2 at 8pm at the Goodhue Farm. The Consultant for the feasibility study will be giving his findings that day. Foundation will meet at 7:30pm with Library Board joining at 8pm
Unfinished Business
New Business
Present new hire- Bryce Carse for part time library aide. 15 hours a week. $9.00/hour.Begins 9/23.
Motion to hire made by Melody. Seconded by Carol. Motion carried.
2nd phone line will be installed on 9/19
Upcoming Events
9/19 6:30pm Stuffed Animal Sleepover
9/29-10/3 Warren County 4H display
10/6 City Week- vote for library display in City Hall
10/9 next Board Meeting
10/11 9am Library Foundation Run
10/24-25 Book Sale
10/25 Pumpkinfest- Haunted House
10/28 1pm Iowa Author, Lisa McCann- IA in the Prohibition
Motion to adjourn made by Melody at 8pm. Seconded by Carol. Motion carried.