1. Marie LeBlanc Walker / 54. Crystal Atkins / 107. Kim Davis2. Sydney Walker / 55. Davis Atkins / 108. Janet Moore
3. Blake Walker / 56. Mariel Atkins / 109. Lexi Moore
4. Jacob Block / 57. Camille Atkins / 110. Jace Moore
5. Max Murphy / 58. Bill Atkins / 111. Virginia Ward
6. Jeannene Murphy / 59. Julie Atkins / 112. Joyce M. Scott
7. Julia Block / 60. Jennifer Ramirez / 113. Joseph A. Scott
8. Joyce Eden / 61. Samuel Ramirez / 114. Marlene Howell
9. Sandy Ferguson (sister Bryan Shipman) / 62. Ryan Ramirez / 115. Carolyn McCowen
10. Bryan Shipman / 63. Bruce Scott / 116. Mac McCowen
11. Mary Jo Scott / 64. Tiffany Scott / 117. Steve Harrison
12. Greg Smith / 65. Tynda Rachel / 118. Lara Harrison
13. Meghan S. (fiancé Greg Smith) / 66. Tori Scott / 119. Haley Lindquist
14. Tami Edgar / 67. Jimmie Harrison / 120. Jason Scott
15. Brad Cloud / 68. Edna Harrison / 121. DeAnn Scott
16. Ali Edgar / 69. Rhonda Harrison / 122. Cody Scott
17. Emily Edgar / 70. Sara Scott / 123. Austin Scott
18. Brook Cloud / 71. Scott Moore / 124. Chloe Scott
19. Bridget Cloud / 72. Bobby Scott / 125. Lendel Flournoy
20. Dotty Harman / 73. Jack Snipe / 126. Misa Flournoy
21. Dale Harman / 74. Brenda Snipe / 127. Bobby Walsh
22. Robert O. Scott / 75. Kelli Snipe / 128. Amber Flournoy Walsh
23. Mary C. Scott / 76. Sondra K. Smith / 129. Carsen Walsh
24. Cathy Lopez / 77. Jimmy W. Smith / 130. B.W. Scott
25. Christine Collazo / 78. Meagan Davis / 131. Dolores Scott
26. David Collazo / 79. Erin Davis / 132. Bill Hart
27. Zachary Collazo / 80. Christile Bammert (LeBlanc’s) / 133. Faye Hart
28. Natalie Collazo / 81. Elaine McCullough / 134. Tyler Harmon
29. Scott Hendricks / 82. Terry B. Scott / 135. Pearl Brake (Bill Hart’s sister)
30. Pat Hendricks / 83. Tori Staggs / 136. Debbie Gallaway
31. Bill Hendricks / 84. Joe Garcia / 137. Shea Fletcher
32. Diane Hendricks / 85. Kamie Garcia / 138. Barbara McCullough Smith
33. David Hendricks / 86. Shelbi Garcia / 139. Harvey LeBlanc
34. Patricia Hendricks / 87. Nicholas Valero / 140. Jean LeBlanc
35. Clara M. Scott / 88. Hunter Garcia / 141. S.M. Eudy
36. Lawrence McPherson / 89. Myah Garcia / 142. Randy Scott
37. Alison McPherson / 90. Ed Scott / 143. Amy Scott
38. Shane Atkins / 91. Pat Scott / 144. Maddy Scott
39. Braelyn McPherson / 92. Dennis Moore / 145. Emma Scott
40. McKenzi McPherson / 93. Danielle Bogel Kuzma / 146. Justin Scott
41. Shelley Scott Broyles / 94. Jack Scott / 147. Jay Scott
42. Scottie Broyles / 95. Betty Scott / 148. Debbie Scott
43. Holly Scott / 96. Greg Scott / 149. Morgan Scott
44. Diane Scott / 97. Shiela Scott / 150. Meghan Scott
45. Cliff Ferguson / 98. Jay Brinkley / 151. Bettie Brannen
46. Ginger Ferguson / 99. Gina Brinkley / 152. James LeBlanc
47. Jill Lovell / 100. Syann Brinkley / 153. Kim LeBlanc
48. Britny Lovell / 101. Jayna Brinkley / 154. William LeBlanc
49. Rhonda Lovell / 102. Diane Mahon / 155. Stephen LeBlanc
50. Myra Lovell / 103. Rick Maitland / 156. David LeBlanc
51. Will Atkins / 104. Amber Maitland / 157. Deb LeBlanc
52. Stephanie Atkins / 105. Hayley Maitland / 158. Kristin LeBlanc
53. Parker Atkins / 106. Trevor Maitland
· I believe there were more present than signed in. If you were present and your name is not on the list, please email me: and let me get you added. We want an accurate count of who was there.
Minutes from Reunion July 29, 2007
The Scott Family Reunion met on Sunday July 29th at the Early Lion’s Club. This was the 70th Anniversary of the J. Newt & Ruby Lillian Scott Reunion. The meeting was called to order by Ed Scott. Minutes from the previous year were read by Julie Scott. Debbie Gallaway gave the treasure’s report. It was motioned to pass by B.W. Scott and seconded by Misa Flournoy. Marie Walker gave a report on the website. Marie asked the family to continue to send in photos to share and keep her informed of any family status changes throughout the year.
New Business: Mac McCowen told the family about the Comanche County Historical Commission History Book. He then introduced Fredda Jones, who further explained the project to the family. Everyone who was born or lived in Comanche County in or before 1930 was eligible to have a page in the book. The deadline for submission was to be Sept. 15, 2007.
B.W. stated that Mac & Carolyn McCowen donated the new banner for the 70th Reunion. The group showed their thanks by a round of applause.
Chairman Ed Scott read the reunion minutes from 1937, the first Scott Reunion. He also recognized the following:
Virginia May Ward, the oldest living grandchild of J. Newt and Ruby as Honorary Chairman.
Joe Scott – 2nd Chair
Robert O. Scott – 3rd Chair
Jack Scott – 4th Chair
Edna Harrison – 5th Chair
S.M. Eudy – 6th Chair
Faye Hart – 7th Chair
Ed then told the family about the article that Candace Cooksey Fulton of the Brownwood Bulletin had written on the J. Newt Scott Family and the 70th Anniversary Reunion. There were copies in the back of the reunion hall for anyone who wanted a copy as a keepsake.
There were several speeches on family and importance of continuing J. Newt Scott traditions.
A motion was passed to form a committee to find alternative choices for a more family friendly meeting place. The motion was passed by a majority vote. Committee members are: Bobby & Amber Walsh; Tami Edgar; Steve Harrison; Rick & Amber Maitland and Misa Flournoy. They are to report back to the association their findings.
Chairman Ed Scott authorized $25.00 extra to be paid for additional electricity cost on the building over the weekend.
Jason Scott suggested that the Association look into renting moonscapes so the kids would have something to do outside. Marie Walker said that someone would probably need to check with the Lion’s Club to see if their liability insurance would allow us to put one on the property.
Election of Officers: Deborah Gallaway was nominated for the position of Treasurer by B.W. Scott and seconded by Faye Hart, motion carried. Marie Walker was nominated for the position of Secretary by Bill Hart, seconded by B.W. Scott, motion carried. Steve Harrison was nominated for the position of Vice Chairman by Terry Scott, seconded by Bill Hart, motion passed. This year’s Vice Chairman moves up to be 2008’s Chairman, Barbara Smith.
Ed Scott recognized his brother, Greg Scott’s improved health. Greg then thanked the family for their prayers and church prayer groups, God and his wife. He also thanked Ed for filling him for him as Chairman last year (2006) since his health did not allow him to fulfill his duties.
Marie Walker stated that she made several calendars and address books for the reunion. The cost of the calendars was $25.00 and she would donate $10.00 back to the reunion fund off the sale of each calendar. She only wanted to recoup her cost of printing the calendars. Address books were $10.00 each, the cost of having the books printed.
Jimmie Smith motioned we use Cook’s Fish Barn to cater the 71st Reunion in 2008, Robert O. Scott seconded and the motion carried.
Faye Hart motioned, B.W. Scott seconded that Marie Walker be paid a sum of $275.00 for maintaining the website and to reimburse her for any costs accrued during the course of the year.
Ed Scott had to rent extra tables and chairs to handle the Scott clan for the reunion this year as the Lion’s Club did not have enough. B.W. Scott motioned and Jack Scott seconded that Ed be reimbursed his expense, motion carried.
B.W. Scott motioned and Jimmy Smith seconded that the JNS Reunion Association continue to pay the $11.95 per month to Tripod.com for hosting the family website. Motion carried.
B.W. Scott thanked Marie Walker for handling the design and coordinating the t-shirt and baseball cap orders for the 70th Anniversary.
There was an interest in trying to get a family cookbook together. There was no committee formed to handle this task.
Family Reports: Virginia May reported on her family and was thankful her extended family was here; B.W. reported all was good on his side of the family; Barbara Smith announced that her son Greg was engaged to be married and introduced his fiancé, Meghan; Brent was still in the Marines and had returned to Iraq. Please keep him in your prayers. Robert O. reported that all of the Coley family was present, minus a few.
Motion was made and carried to meet at the Early Lion’s Club the 4th weekend of July 2008 for the 71st Reunion. This would be the weekend of July 26-27, 2008.
B.W. Scott thanked Ed for all the work he did in coordinating deliveries, etc. to make the 70th Reunion the success it was.
S.M. Scott gave the closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted: Marie LeBlanc Walker
Family Additions from July 2006-July 2007:
John Allen Scott:
Amber & Tim Emery had a son, Mason Lane Emery 6/13/07. (Joyce/Linda)
Greg & Jessica Love had a son, Jacob Kennedy Love, 4/27/07. (Margaret/Steve)
Alexander Delbert:
Toi & Dave Bartone had a daughter, 7/19/2006. (Emmitt/Donna)
Brianna McCullough married Jeremy Ross Audas (DOB 6/16/1985) on 6/2/2007. (Mary/Robert)
James Elbert:
James Delbert Scott, Jr. passed away 2/8/2007. (JD)
Gina & Jay Brinkley were married on 1/21/2006 & had a daughter 3/6/07, Jayna Lyn Brinkley. (Jack/Greg)
Wendy & Paul Mills had a daughter, 5/20/2007, Abbey Madelyn Mills. (Bill)
Danielle Bogel married John Kuzma (DOB 7/3/73) on 6/4/07.
Kristen Brannen married Derrick Downs (DOB 2/4/81) on 5/5/2007.
Sean & Amy Pecorino were divorced 1/2007. (Faye/Mike)
Toni & Keith Sago were divorced in 2007. (Jack/Greg)
Brown Woods:
Timmy Cowan & wife had a son, Gavin Blake Cowan, on 11/17/2006. (BW/Debbie)