Each year, the members of the Hedgesville High School faculty makecontributions to the Faculty Scholarship Fund. The scholarship is for the amount of moneydonated by the faculty. It usually ranges from $1000 to $1500.
The process for applying for this scholarship is unlike all the other scholarships
1. The applicant must complete all of the application requirements and request a
transcript from the guidance secretary.
2. The applicant must give the scholarship application and its supportingmaterials to
the guidance secretary.
3. The applicant must record the date and time that the application is submitted.
4. The applicant must appear for an interview as designated by the scholarship committee.
(not appearing for the interview eliminates the applicant from the competition.)
Selection Criteria
-Recipient must be going to attend college or technical school.
-The committee considers each applicant’s academic achievement, awards, school involvement,
and community activities.
-Character and leadership are very important.
-Financial need is considered.
-Career goals and educational plans are reviewed.
-The interview is of utmost importance in the selection process.
-Recommendations are required.
March 1
Hedgesville High School
Faculty Scholarship
This is an annual scholarship given to a HedgesvilleHigh School senior. The amount may vary based upon individual faculty donations.
- Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.
- Complete the chart of student activities; community involvement; and special
recognitions, awards, and honors. - Write and essay. (See special instructions of part III.)
- Include with your application two letters of recommendation. These recommendations may be from someone in the community or your church that is not related to you.
- After your application is reviewed, you will be required to appear before the Scholarship Committee of Hedgesville High School for a personal interview. You will be contacted to set up a time for the interview.
I. Personal Data
Name of applicant
Home address
City StateZip Code
TelephoneSocial Security Number
Date of Birth Grade Point Average
Parents or Guardians
Number of dependents in this household Family income from last year’s taxes after deductions
List any hobbies or special interests
Hobbies or special interests continued
List any jobs
List schools to which you have applied and list the one that you plan to attend first.
II. Student Activities; Community Involvement; and Special Recognition, Awards,
and Honors
Complete the charts on pages 3 and 4
III. The Essay
- The essay will be 100 to 200 words in length, typewritten or computer generated with double spacing.
- The essay will be on a separate sheet of paper and have correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
- The essay will identify an important goal in your life and will describe the steps you have taken or plan to take to achieve this goal.
IV. Letters of Recommendation
The two letters or recommendations may be from the faculty of HedgesvilleHigh School or from
someone in the community or from your church who is not related to you.
- Student Activities
List student activities in which you have participated during grades 9-12 and “X” the appropriate grade level(s).
Limit your response to the space provided with one entry per ling.
9 /
10 /
11 /
List leadership positions held and accomplishments, and put an “X” in the appropriate grade level.
9 /
10 /
11 /
- Community Involvement
List community activities during grades 9-12, and “X” the appropriate grade level(s). Also indicate hours per week.
Limit your response to the space provided—one entry per line.
9 /
10 /
11 /
12 / Hours per week
VII. Special Recognition, Awards and Honors
List special recognitions, awards, and honors received during grades 9-12, and “x” the appropriate grade levels. List
commendations not previously listed. Limit your response to the space provided—one entry per line.
9 /
10 /
11 /
12 /
Group or Activity