2015 AmeriCorps*StateGrant Application
Request For Proposal (RFP) 15-3114T
Thank you for your interest in a 2015 AmeriCorps Formula Grant. This packet outlines the process for applying for 2015 AmeriCorps grants funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) administered through the Montana Governor’s Office of Community Service (OCS).
Governor’s Office of Community Service
The Governor’s OCS and the Montana Commission on Community Service were established in 1993 by the Montana Legislature to administer grants under the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. Under the advice of the Montana Commission on Community Service, the Governor’s OCS grants funds forAmeriCorps programs serving the state of Montana through competitive grant processes; encouragescitizens of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to engage in service; involves youth in the life and work of communities; promotes volunteerism in emergency management and preparedness; and helps to strengthen and expand volunteer opportunities for all Montanans.
Montana Expectations
Programs operating in Montana must address all Montana’sexpectations.
- Inclusive in the design and delivery, making the program accessible to people with disabilities
- Collaborative approach to planning, design, and the delivery of the program
- Ability of the organization to administer federal grants
- Address rural, underserved or areas of extreme poverty not currently served by AmeriCorps programs
- AmeriCorps members trained and prepared to respond to disasters in their community
Montana AmeriCorps State Process
To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must meet the intent of all the requirements listed in this packet. The Governor’s OCS will determine whether the applicant’s submitted materials comply with the requirements. The applicants will be reviewed to make sure they meet the standards of responsibility in accordance with ARM 2.5.407. Such a determination may be made at any time during the procurement process if information surfaces that would result in the determination of non-responsibility. Applicant responses that do not meet the full intent of all requirements listed in this RFP may be deemed unresponsive and not considered in funding decisions.
Montana Commission on Community Service and the Governor’s OCS Appeals Process:
For more information about starting up an AmeriCorps State program or National AmeriCorps programs, please visit
Who Should Apply To This Process?
Organizations that areproposingan AmeriCorps project that operates only in Montanamust applytothis competition through theGovernor’s OCS. The Governor’s OCS will put applicants through a selection process, described in this RFP, and select applicantsfor funding.
Applicants That May Apply Directly to CNCS
Organizations that proposeto operateAmeriCorps programs in morethanonestateorterritory applydirectlytoCNCS. Tribal organizationsmay applydirectlytoCNCS or through the state commission.
State of Montana, Department of Administration, State Procurement Bureau
A. Authority
The RFP is issued under 18-4-304, Montana Code Annotated (MCA) and ARM 2.5.602. The RFP process is a procurement option allowing the award to be based on stated evaluation criteria. The RFP states the relative importance of all evaluation criteria. The State shall use only the evaluation criteria outlined in this RFP.
B. Single Point of Contact
From the date this Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued until an applicant(s) is selected and announced by the procurement officer, applicants shall not communicate with any state staff regarding this grant application, except at the direction of Tia Snyder, the procurement officer in charge of the solicitation. Any unauthorized contact may disqualify the application from further consideration. Contact information for the single point of contact is:
Procurement Officer: Tia Snyder
Telephone Number: 406.444.3315
Fax Number: 406.444.2529
E-mail Address:
C. Costs/Ownership of Materials
The applicant is solely responsible for all costs it incurs prior to contract execution. The State shall own all materials submitted in response to this RFP.
D. Funding Restrictions
Grants under this program, except forfull-time fixed-amountand EAPgrants, aresubject to the applicable Cost Principles underOMBCirculars 2CFRPart 200, OMBCirculars 2CFRPart 220(formerlyA-21), 2 CFR Part 230 (formerlyA-122), or2 CFRPart 225 (formerlyA-87) and theUniformAdministrative Requirements forgrants under A-102(45 CFR Part 2541)or A-110(45 CFR 2543 or2 CFRPart 215).
2015AmeriCorps State Grant Application Process
April 24Montana Request for Proposal (RFP)officially posted.Written technical assistance period opened*
May 11Due date 2:00 p.m. MST**
- All applicants
- Letter of Intent
- New applicants
- Current A133 or other audit(if available)
- Readiness self-assessment
May 15Writtentechnical assistance period closed*
May 29Due date 2:00 p.m. MST***
- All applicants
- Cover letter
- Application
- Budget worksheet
- Letters of support
- Logic model chart
- Organizational chart
June 10Grant review meeting
June 17Full commission vote on the funding recommendations
June 26Final date for funded applications to be entered into theeGrantssystem
Technical Assistance
*Written technical assistance will be available to all applicants from April 24to May 15, 2015. Questions must be submitted via email to Tia Snyder. Questions will be answered on a weekly basis. All questions and answers will be posted publically in an addendum on the OneStop Vendor Information website at:
**Appendix B, Readiness Self-Assessment (New Applicants)andAppendix C, Letter of Intent (All Applicants),mustbe submitted by 2:00 p.m. MST May 11, 2015following the instructions in Mailed Sealed Application under Submitting an Application. Applicants submitting compliant materials will be asked to continue the application process.
***Cover letter, application, budget worksheet, letters of support, logic model chart, and organizational chart must be receivedby 2:00 p.m. MST May 29, 2015.
I. Funding OpportunityDescription
A. Purpose ofAmeriCorps Funding
AmeriCorps grants areawarded to eligibleorganizationsproposingtoengage AmeriCorpsmembers in evidence-based interventionsto strengthen communities. An AmeriCorps memberis an individual who engages in communityservicethroughanapproved national serviceposition. Members mayreceivealivingallowance and other benefits whileserving.Upon successful completion oftheirservice, membersreceive aSegal AmeriCorps Education Award from the National ServiceTrust.
B. Focus Areas: AmeriCorps funds are targeted tothe following focus areas:
1. DisasterServices
Grant activities willincreasethepreparedness of individuals, improveindividuals’ readiness torespond, help individuals recover from disasters, and help individuals mitigate disasters. Granteesalso havetheabilityto respond to national disastersunder cooperative agreements and FEMAmission assignments.
2. Economic Opportunity
Grants willprovide support and/or facilitate access to services andresources that contributetothe improved economicwell-beingand securityof economicallydisadvantaged people.Grant activities willhelp economicallydisadvantaged people tohaveimproved access to services aimed at contributingto their enhanced financial literacy; transition into or remain in safe, healthy,affordable housing; and haveimprovedemployabilityleadingto increased success in becoming employed.
3. Education
Grants willprovide support and/or facilitate access to services andresources that contributetoimproved educational outcomes foreconomicallydisadvantagedindividuals, especiallychildren. Grantactivities will improve school readinessforeconomicallydisadvantagedyoungchildren; educational and behavioral outcomes of students in low-achieving elementary, middle, and high schools; and thepreparation for, and prospects of success, in post-secondaryeducational institutions for economically disadvantaged students.
4. Environmental Stewardship
Grants willprovide support for direct services that contributeto increasedenergyandwaterefficiency;renewable energyuse;orimprovingat-risk ecosystems.Inaddition, grants willsupport increased individualbehavioralchangeleadingto increasedefficiency,renewableenergy use, and ecosystem improvements particularlyforeconomicallydisadvantaged households and communities. Grant activities willdecreaseenergy and waterconsumption; improve at-risk ecosystems; increasebehavioral changes that leaddirectlyto decreasedenergyand water consumption orimproved at-risk ecosystems; andincreasegreen trainingopportunities that may lead to decreased energyand waterconsumption orimproved at-risk ecosystems.
5. Healthy Futures
Grants willprovide support for health needs within communities includingaccess to care;agingin place;andchildhood obesity. Grant activities willimprove access to primaryand preventive health care forcommunities served byprograms; increaseseniors’ abilityto remain in their own homes with the same orimproved qualityof life foraslongas possible; and increasephysical activityand improvenutrition inyouth with the purposeof reducing childhood obesity.
6. Veterans andMilitary Families
Grants willpositivelyimpact thequalityof lifeofveteransand improvemilitaryfamilystrength.Grant activities will increasethenumberof veterans and militaryservicemembers andtheir families served byprogramsandincreasethenumberof veteransand military familymembers engagedin servicethrough programs.To the greatestextent possible, proposed activities should be aligned with theVeteran and MilitaryFamilyNational PerformanceMeasures.
C. Additional Program Models
1. CapacityBuilding
Grants also will providesupport for capacitybuildingactivities provided bynational serviceparticipants. As ageneral rule, capacitybuildingactivities to beindirect services that enable organizations to provide more, better,and sustained direct services in the above sixfocus areas. Capacitybuildingactivities cannot be solelyintended to support the administration oroperations of theorganization. Examples of capacitybuilding activities include recruitingand/ormanagingcommunityvolunteers; implementing effective volunteer management practices; completingcommunityassessments that identifygoals and recommendations; developingnew systemsand business processes (technology, performance management, training, etc.); or enhancingexistingsystems and business processes.
II. Award Information
A. Funding Available
The Governor’s OCSexpects toaward new, re-competing,and continuation AmeriCorps grants in this competition. The actuallevel of fundingwill besubject to the availabilityofannual appropriations.
The Governor’s OCS will not fund the “same project” at the same organization which is, or will be, funded through other CNCS sources in the 2015 grant year. If an organization applies for and receives CNCS National Direct or Competitive funding to operate in Montana they will not be eligible to fund the same project though this competition.
B. Award Amount
Awards will be for fundsand AmeriCorps member slots.The Governor’s OCSwillreview applications anddeterminethe appropriate award amount, if any.Awardamounts vary.
C. Award Period
Unless otherwisespecified, the grantgenerallycovers athree-year project period.In approving amulti-year project period,the Governor’s OCSgenerallymakesan initial award for the firstyear ofoperation. Applicationswill besubmitted with aone-year budget.Continuationfundingisnot guaranteed. Factors considered in awardingcontinuation grants includethe availabilityofappropriated funds and the factors outlined in Section V.C. The Governor’s OCSreserves the right to adjusttheamountof a grant orelect notto continue fundingforsubsequentyears.
D. Types of Grants
AmeriCorps grants maybe awardedon acost reimbursement or fixed amountbasis. The Governor’s OCSwillnot provideboth typesofgrants forthe same project in one fiscalyear. SeeAppendix H, Definitions, and the tables below.
Grant Types / Cost Reimbursement / Fixed AmountAvailable subtypes maximum / Traditional / Full-time/less than full-time service in a full-time capacity
Maximum cost per MSY (see Section III) / $13,500 / $13,250
Type of slots in the national service trust / All / Full-time/less than full-time service in a full-time capacity
Budget submission required / Yes / No
Availability of funds linked to enrollment and retention of awarded MSY / No / Yes
Grant Types / Cost Reimbursement / Fixed Amount
Available subtypes / Traditional / Full-time/less than full-time serving in a full-time capacity.
Match requirements / Yes / No, but organizations must raise the additional revenue required to operate the program.
Financial tracking requirements / Yes / No
Available to new applicants / Yes / No
Match requirement level / First-time applicant required to match at 24% each year for the first three-year funding period; subsequent match requirements determined according to 45 CFR 2521.60; NCSA 121(e)(5) (42 USC) requires that other federal funds used to match a grant awarded under this notice must report the amount and source of these funds. / There is no specific match requirement for fixed amount grants, but the Governor’s OCS does not provide all the funds necessary to operate the program. Organizations must raise the additional revenue required to operate the program.
III. Eligibility
A. Eligible to Apply
Publicor privatenonprofitorganizations, includingfaith-basedand other communityorganizations; institutions of higher education; government entities within states orterritories (e.g., cities, counties); labor organizations; partnerships and consortia; Tribes; and intermediaries planningto subgrantawardedfunds areencouraged to apply.Receiving fundingpreviouslyfrom a Federal agencyis not a prerequisiteto applying.
Organizations that havebeen convicted of a Federal crimearedisqualifiedfrom receivingtheassistancedescribed in thisNotice. Pursuant to theLobbyingDisclosureAct of 1995, an organization described inSection 501 (c)(4) oftheInternal Revenue code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. §501 (c)(4), that engages in lobbyingactivities is noteligibleto apply.
B. Match Requirements
1. Fixed Amount Grants
Thereis nospecific match requirement for fixed amountgrants.
2. Cost Reimbursement Grants (Non-Fixed Amount)
A first-time successful applicant is required to match at 24 percent forthefirst three-yearfundingperiod. Starting withyear four, the matchrequirementgraduallyincreases every year to50 percent by year 10, accordingto theminimum overallshare chart foundin 45 CFR§2521.60.
Section 121(e)(5) oftheNationaland CommunityServiceAct of 1990, asamended, requires programs that use other federalfunds as match foran AmeriCorpsgranttoreport the amountand sourceof these funds toCNCSon the federal Financial Report.Granteesmusttrack and be prepared to report on that match separatelyeachyear.
C. Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) and System for AwardManagement (SAM)
Applications must include aDUNS number andan EmployerIdentification Number.TheDUNSnumberdoes not replacean EmployerIdentification Number.All applicants must be registered with theSystems forAward Management (SAM).
DUNS numbers maybeobtained at no cost bycallingthe DUNSnumber request line at (866)705-5711 orbyapplying online: indicates a 48-hour e-mail turnaroundtime on requestsforDUNS numbers; however,wesuggestregisteringat least30 days inadvanceof theapplication duedate.After obtaining a DUNS number registerwithSAM at
SAM collects, validates,stores, anddisseminatesdata in supportoffederal agencycontracts, grant awards, cooperativeagreements, and other forms of federal assistance. All grant recipients arerequired to maintainavalidSAM registration,which must be renewedannually.Applicants that arenot alreadyregistered withSAM are urgedto begin theregistrationprocess immediately in order to avoid anydelays in submittingapplications.
D. Other Requirements
1. Member Living Allowance
Theproposedbudget must include alivingallowance forfull-time members between$12,100 (minimum) and $24,200 (maximum) per member, except as notedbelow.A living allowanceis notconsideredasalaryor awage.
Programs arenotrequired to providea livingallowanceformembers servingin less than full-time terms of service.Ifaprogramchooses to provide alivingallowancetoaless than full-time member, itmustcomplywith themaximumlimitsin theTable below.
While full-time fixed-amountgrantapplicantsarenot required tosubmitdetailed budgets, they arestillrequired to providealiving allowancethatcomplies with the minimumand maximum requirements to members (EXCEPTION:as notedin Section D.2.)Fixed-amountgrant applicants arenot required toindicate that amountin the applicationand request thosepositions as “without livingallowance”in thebudget.
ServiceTerm / Minimum#ofHours / MinimumLivingAllowance / MaximumTotalLiving
Full-time / 1700 / $12,100 / $24,200
One-yearhalf-time / 900 / n/a / $12,800
Reducedhalf-time / 675 / n/a / $9,600
Quarter-time / 450 / n/a / $6,400
Minimumtime / 300 / n/a / $4,260
2. Exceptions to the Living Allowance Requirements(for Programs ExistingPriorto September21, 1993)
Ifaprogram existed priortoSeptember 21, 1993,alivingallowance is notrequired.Ifanapplicant chooses to offer alivingallowance, itisexemptfromthe minimum requirement of$12,100, but notthe maximum requirement of$24,200.
- FixedAmount Granteesarenot required toprovide aliving allowance, but if aliving allowanceis provided, itmustcomplywith themaximum requirements setforth in theLiving AllowanceTable above.
3. MaximumCost per Member ServiceYear (MSY)
Maximumcostsper MSY are set forthin Table 2below. Comparativecosts per MSY are a consideration in makingfunding decisions.New applicants that submitwith a lowcost perMSY and re-competingapplicants that submitwith a lower cost perMSY than previouslyfundedmay receivehigher priorityfor funding.The cost perMSY is determined bydividingthe CNCSshareof budgetedgrant costs bythe number ofMSYs requested.It does not include childcareor thevalueof theeducation award amember mayearn.Themaximum amount an applicant mayrequestper MSY is determined on an annualbasis.
Continuation and re-competinggranteesrequesting ahigher cost per MSY than in the previous year must include acompellingrationale forthis increased cost. This applies even if the increased cost perMSY is less than the maximum.
GrantProgram / MaximumIndividualstateprogram(costreimbursement) / $13,500
Educationawardprogramfixed-amountgrant / $800
Full-timefixed-amountgrant / $13,250
4. Member EnrollmentRequirements for ExistingGrantees
We expectgrantees to enrollallthe members included in theirgrant award. Enrollment rateshaveadirect bearingon thenumberof slots and thesizeof awardsapproved in the continuation and re-compete processes.Continuation andre-competinggrantees that havenot achieved full enrollment in thepreviousyear must provide anexplanationand a corrective action planin their application. Successful applicants that do notfullyenroll arelikelyto receive adecreasein fundingin subsequentyears.
5. Member RetentionRequirements for ExistingGrantees
We expectgrantees to pursue thehighest retention rate possible.Retentionrates will haveadirect bearingon the numberof slots and the sizeof awards approved in the continuation and re-competeprocesses. Successful applicants that donot retaintheirmembersarelikelyto receivea decreasein fundingin subsequentyears. We recognize retention rates mayvaryamongequally effectiveprograms dependingon the program model.Continuationor re-competinggrantees that havenot achieved full retention in the most recentlycompleted programyear must provide an explanation and a corrective action planin their application.
6. Amount of theSegal AmeriCorps EducationAward for FY2015
AmeriCorps members servingin programs fundedwithFY2016 dollars who successfullycomplete aterm of servicewillreceive an Education Award from the National ServiceTrust of$5,730 forayear offull-time service, with correspondinglysmaller awardsforlessthanfull-time service. Theamountof theEducationAwardis determined on the basis of thePellGrant award.A memberhas upto sevenyears afterhis or her term of serviceto usetheEducation Award.
TermofService / Minimum# Hours / FY16EducationAwardFull-time / 1,700 / $5,730
Oneyearhalftime / 900 / $2,865
Reducedhalftime / 675 / $2,182.78
Quartertime / 450 / $1,515.55
Minimumtime / 300 / $1,212.44
IV. Letter of Intent and ApplicationSubmission Information
A. Letter of Intent
Applicants areREQUIRED to send aLetterofIntent by2:00 p.m., MST,May 11,2015. Letters must be sent to .Failure to submit a LetterofIntent willrenderanapplicant ineligible to apply.All Letters of Intent will receive an emailresponse acknowledging receipt. With the Letter of Intent, new applicants (as defined by Section V.5.) are also required to submit the completed Readiness Self-Assessment, and a copy of the applicantorganization’s most recent audit (if available) to .
TheLetter of Intent(Appendix C) and Readiness Self-Assessment (Appendix B) forms are attached at the end of this RFP.
B. Application Submission
1. SubmissionDates andTimes
Thedeadlinefor applications is 2:00 p.m. MSTMay 29, 2015. This deadline appliestocontinuationgrantees,as wellas new and re-competingapplicants.
2. LateApplications
Regardless of cause, the State shall not accept late applications. Such applications will automatically be disqualified from consideration. Grant applicants may request the State return the application at the applicant's expense or the State will dispose of the application if requested by the applicant. (See Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 2.5.509.)
3. Emailed applications.
Emailed applications will NOT be accepted.
4Mail Sealed Applications
Mark Face of Envelope/Package with:
RFP number: AmeriCorps Grant Spring 2015 RFP15-3114T
RFP response/Application due date: May 29, 2015
State Procurement BureauState Procurement Bureau
General Services DivisionGeneral Services Division
Department of AdministrationDepartment of Administration
Room 165, Mitchell BuildingP.O. Box 200135
125 North Roberts StreetHelena, MT 59620-0135
Helena, MT 59601-4558
5. Copies Required and Deadline for Receipt of Applications
Applicants must submit one original proposal and one copy to the State Procurement Bureau. In addition, applicants must submit two electronic copies on compact disc (CD) or universal serial bus (USB) flash drive in Microsoft Word or portable document format (PDF). If any confidential materials are included must be submitted on a separate CD or USB flash drive.