Minutes of the regular April 28, 2009 Motley City Council meeting


MOTLEY MN April 28, 2009

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Alexander called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following council members present: Duane Solga, Nancy Nieken and Rob Sampson. Rena Underhill was absent. The meeting took place at city hall.

The following persons were present for all or part of the meeting: Steve Johnson; Bruce Mills; Marge Mills; Cliff Goodwater; Lydia Goodwater; Bruce Brotherton; Betty Starke; Ginger Olson; Mike Lorber; Aric Welch; Dawn Timbs; Brian Huss; Carmen Hehl; Eldon Morey and Tad Tureson.

The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.

Alexander moved, with a second by Nieken, approving the consent agenda as follows:

A.  Outstanding bills – Claim # 5127 - 5150

Check # 25673 25701 - 25730

Check # 12689 – 12700

B.  Minutes of the Regular April 14, 2009 meeting

C.  Minutes of the April 17, 2009 Board of Review & Equalization

D.  Employee Leave Report

Nieken, Solga, Alexander and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

The council reviewed a written resignation previously submitted by Councilmember Rena Underhill stating personal reasons.

Nieken moved, with a second by Sampson, to accept the resignation of Rena Underhill with deep regrets. Nieken, Alexander, Solga and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Nieken, Sampson and Alexander expressed their desire to fill the vacancy immediately with Solga stating that he wished to wait. Sampson stated that his desire would be to follow through with persons that had run for council in the election. As Bruce Mills was the candidate next in line with just two (2) votes separating him and Councilmember Solga, Sampson feels that certifies the desire of the voters. Sampson nominated Bruce Mills and Alexander nominated Steve Johnson for the vacant position. Nieken stated that the person that she wished to nominate had respectfully declined when approached. Solga did not have a nomination however after Tad Tureson expressed his desire for the vacant seat, Solga then nominated Tureson. Each member of the council was asked to cast an oral vote for the candidate of their choice. The votes were as follows:

~  Nieken voted Bruce Mills

~  Solga voted Tad Tureson

~  Alexander voted Steve Johnson

~  Sampson voted Bruce Mills

Sampson moved, with a second by Alexander, to appoint Bruce Mills to fill the remainder of the first two (2) years of the vacated four (4) year term. Nieken, Alexander and Sampson voted aye, Solga nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Mayor Alexander recessed the meeting at 7:15 p.m. to allow Mills to take the Oath of Office.

The meeting was reconvened at 7:20 p.m. with a warm welcome back as a member of the council for Mills.

Welch reviewed the Beaulieu Street project plans and how the assessment policy would be applied to it with the council. The desire was to have a 30/70 split in residential with the city assuming 70% of the cost and 70/30 in commercial with the city assuming 30% of the cost. As the numbers were generated off a generic project, they did not come out at the desired split. The council asked to have the numbers worked out to come closer to the desired split. Welch will finalize the feasibility study and bring it back to the next meeting Hallan is working with the industries to find the right process to get the numbers down to the less than 1% phosphorus limit.

The council reviewed a written resignation from Planning & Zoning Commission by Bruce Mills.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, to accept the resignation of Bruce Mills from the Planning & Zoning Commission. Nieken, Alexander, Solga and Sampson voted aye, none nay. Mills abstained. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Nieken moved, with a second by Sampson, to approve Resolution # 2009-3A, a resolution to amend the zoning ordinance creating a Downtown Mixed Use zone and adding language to parking lot and the added Land Use Matrix. Upon roll call vote, Nieken, Alexander, Solga, Mills and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

Nieken moved, with a second by Sampson, to approve Resolution # 2009-7, a resolution to amend the zoning map establishing the boundaries of the Downtown Mixed Use zone with Curtis St East to Harrison St East on the east side of Hwy 10 excluded from the DMU. Upon roll call vote Nieken, Alexander, Solga, Mills and Sampson voted aye, none nay. The mayor declared the motion carried.

The March 2009 Water Usage Report was reviewed by the council.

Council concerns were as follows:

~  Nieken and Sampson expressed that they would like an Incident Report kept for all city vehicles stating the date, type of incident, driver’s name and the resolution to the incident. Each department head will be responsible for bringing each incident to their department liaison.

~  Sampson informed everyone that the Fire Department interviews went well and that advertisement for fire fighters and hiring recommendations will be included in the next agenda.

~  Mills expressed his thanks for his appointment to the council and acknowledged that there will definitely be some really hard decisions to be made.

Alexander moved, with a second by Sampson, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:11 p.m.

Terri Smith

Clerk Treasurer

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