AmeriCorps VISTA

Preliminary HHCK Site Application 2016

Date Submitted: Click here to enter a date.

Type of Application: New to VISTAPrevious VISTA experience


Legal Name: Legal Status of Agency

Address:501 (c)3 charitable non-profit Government Agency

Other (please specify)

What is the mission/purpose of agency?

Describe the core programs of your agency. In other words, what does your organization do to fulfill its mission?

Give a short two to three sentence description of your intended VISTA project.

Identify VISTA Project Focus AreaOrganization Information

Economic Opportunity (financial literacy, housing, # of FT staff:

Employment)# of PT staff:

Healthy Futures (food resources)# of active community volunteers:

Veterans and Military FamiliesAnnual budget:

Age of organization:

Contact Information

Agency Director:

Director Phone Number:Email Address:

Contact Person regarding this application:Email Address:

Contact Phone Number:

Likely VISTA Supervisor:

Contact Phone Number:Email Address:


  1. What are the goals of your potential VISTA project?
  1. What will a VISTA member do to accomplish these goals?
  1. Why is your project necessary (What is the community need driving this project? How big is the need? What is your evidence of the need?
  1. Why will it work? (What evidence do you have to support your project strategy?)
  1. What will success look like? (What will be different for your organization and your service beneficiaries when your goals are met?)
  1. How will you measure success? (You must have a plan for measuring your results!)
  1. How will you ensure that the population you intend to serve with this project has a voice in its development and implementation?
  1. VISTAs are a short-term resource to facilitate long-term change. How will your organization sustain the results of this VISTA project once it is completed?


  1. How will you provide the necessary support for a VISTA member?
  1. Why was the prospective Site Supervisor chosen?
  1. Do you currently have the resources necessary to support a VISTA member (cost share funds, office space, equipment and supplies, funds for service related mileage reimbursement, etc.)?
  1. How much service related travel do you anticipate your VISTA member doing during his/her service year (approximate number of miles)?
  1. Has your organization hosted a National Service member before?

If so, what kind and how long, how recently?

  1. If yes to the question above, how would your National Service member describe the experience with your organization?
  1. What specific skills and qualifications will you look for in a VISTA member so that he/she is successful in achieving your project goals and serving within your agency?
  1. Does your organization currently have other Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) resources? If yes, please list the type (AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, VISTA, etc.) and the number of members.
  1. Is your organization a current member of the Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky (HHCK)? If yes, is your agency current on HHCK dues?

Note: Each agency awarded a HHCK VISTA and/or AmeriCorps State member must become a paying member of HHCK .

Please initial each box.

___IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE: Completing the information contained herein is in no way a promise that your organization will receive a VISTA member. HHCK is in the process of completing the application to become a VISTA intermediary and the information that you provide will assist in defining HHCK and partner site need, performance measures utilization, and possible site information to CNCS.

___HHCK staff will inform each site when we receive notification of approval from CNCS and will then take site application next steps.

___I understand that this is a preliminary application and that my organization may not be eligible or awarded a VISTA member. I agree that all answers are true to the best of my knowledge and experience with the organization.
