Meeting Report

Joint Meeting: One Hundred and Ninth Plenary Meeting of NCITS/L8 – Metadata - and the SC32/WG2 TAG meeting

Date: 14 April 2000

Place: NIST-North, Room 152

Gaithersburg, MD

Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM


Name / Organization / Phone / Email
Mann, Douglas / Battelle / 703-575-2114 /
Newton, Judith / NIST / 301-975-3256 /
Schoka, Andy / Mitretek / 202-488-5702 /
Gillman, Dan (Chair) / BLS / 202-691-7523 /
Carpenter, Jim (A) / BLS / 202-691-7536 /
Schneider, Dan (O) / Dept. of Justice /
Archer, Branch
(phone) / HIRS / 210-536-4054 /
Farance, Frank
(phone) / Farance Inc. / 212-486-4700 /
Parker, Burt / Palladin Integration /

1) Administrative Matters

a)  Approval of the Agenda

The group approved the agenda.

b)  Membership attendance list and address list

The address list was circulated for updates and an attendance sheet was passed around.

c)  Review of Minutes of Previous Meeting

There were no comments on the minutes from the previous meeting.

d)  Renaming L8 to “Metadata”

Dan Gillman announced that L8 was renamed to “Metadata” from “Data Representation”.

2) Reports

a)  Report on NCITS/L8 SIG meetings (J. Newton)

Judith Newton reported the progress of the L8 SIG in February, March, and April. She described the progress that was made on the revision of ISO/IEC 11179-3 and the metadata registry content paper, TR 20943.

b)  Report on SC32 Meeting in Santa Fe (B. Bargmeyer)

Doug Mann reported on the SC32 meeting. The meeting report and details for the next SC32 meeting in Helsinki are on the JTC1 web site.

c)  Report on WG2 Meeting in Santa Fe (L. Fitzwater)

Doug Mann reported on the WG2 meeting. Again, the meeting report is on the JTC1 web site. WG2 voted to withdraw CSMF if no progress is made by the Helsinki meeting in October.

d)  Report on NCITS/L8 projects (D. Gillman)

Dan Gillman reported on L8 activities. L8 has changed its name to Metadata. L8 petitioned NCITS to acquire KIF, CG, CSMF from T2. No domestic standards are up for review in 2000.

3) Liaison reports

a)  TC204 and ITS America (A. Schoka & B. Parker)

Andy Schoka described some of the organization of ITS America and its standards activities. Burt Parker described some conformance testing at ITSA and asked if it can be applied to the work of L8.

b)  OMG (B. Bargmeyer)

There was no OMG liaison report.

c)  W3C (F. Olken & J. McCarthy)

There was no W3C liaison report.

d)  Report on Metadata Registries Open Forum (B.Bargmeyer)

Dan Gillman reported on the Open Forum. He said there were 200 attendees from many countries. Many people reported to him and others that the Open Forum was very successful. Dan was quite pleased with the interest and turnout for the statistics track. There was some dissatisfaction with having 4 concurrent tracks. Many participants expressed frustration with this. There was a lot of cross interest between attendees of the health and statistics tracks.

e)  TC 37 Request

Doug Mann reported that TC 37 requested expert help on terminologies in a letter to JTC1.

f)  AIIM

Dan Schneider reported on the activities of AIIM, including their annual conference on metadata and e-commerce.

g)  Health Care SDO’s

Doug Mann reported that CEN 251 has issued a recommendation to use ISO/IEC 11179. TC 215, ANSI HISB, IEEE, HL7, ASTM, NCPDP, X12N are all mapped to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare high level registry model. HCFA is funding the devlopment of the common registry and DoD is providing the hardware.

4) Status of Projects

a)  Status of ISO/IEC 11179-1 (Framework (D.Gillman)

Dan Gillman reported that ISO/IEC 11179-1 is now an international standard!

b)  Status of ISO/IEC 11179-2 (Classification) (B.Bargmeyer)

Dan Gillman reported that ISO/IEC 11179-2 is now an international standard!

c)  Status of ISO/IEC 11179-3 (Basic Attributes) revision (D. Mann)

Doug Mann reported on progress of the revision of Part 3. Work to update the model is complete. Ray Gates is supplying a crosswalk between the old Part 3 and the revision. Work on the definitions and descriptions of the entities and attributes in the model continues.

d)  Status of ISO/IEC 11179-6 (Registration) revision (P. Ngo)

Doug Mann reported that Part 6 is up for review next year and will require some revision to be consistent with the revised Part 3. There was some concern whether Phong would be able to continue as editor given that he has moved to a new job within SAIC.

e)  Status of TR 15452 (DataValue Domains) (J. Newton)

Judith Newton reported that TR 15452 is now an international technical report.

5) IR Activities

a)  IR Report (F. Farance)

Frank Farance reported that his company is hosting the next WG2 meeting in New York.

b)  WG2 Meeting in New York, 16-19 May

Frank Farance described some of the logistics delegates will encounter while at the meeting. He also implored L8 to attend the meeting as registration was low at this time.

6) New Business

a)  Merger of T2 and L8

As described earlier, Dan Gillman reported that NCITS has transferred responsibility of KIF, CG, and CSMF from T2 to L8.

b) NWI's

i)  Object Extensions (B. Bargmeyer)

No progress reported.

ii)  XML (F. Olken/J. McCarthy)

Doug Mann reported that Frank Olken is working on an XML-Schema to describe the XML tags for ISO/IEC 11179 registry metadata.

iii)  Registry Content (L. Fitzwater)

Judith Newton reported that the registry content TR draft was consolidated and distributed. Comments and additional material for some sections are requested.

iv)  Terminology (J. Carpenter)

Dan Gillman noted that the terminology NWI can be folded into the revision of Part 2. The US TAG will ask WG2 to open all the parts of ISO/IEC 11179 for revision now that Part 3 is well developed. The reasons are that the other parts will no longer be consistent Part 3, and the other parts are too limited in scope.

b)  Meeting on Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment – Request by L1 for L8 participation (D. Gillman)

The committee decided that L1 and TC211 apparently do not understand ISO/IEC 11179 or the concept of metadata registries as contained there and in the revision of Part 3. Chris Dabrowski will ask Henry Tom (chair of L1) to ask Dan Gillman to describe metadata registries to L1 at their next meeting. There is a possibility of doing the same at the TC 211 meeting in September.

7)  Future Meeting Schedule

The next L8 plenary meeting is scheduled for Friday 15 September 2000 at NIST. Details will be sent in advance of the meeting.

8)  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30.