Report to CFDC-SC and WED

by the Gibsons Communications Project Partnership

September 19, 2006

We are pleased to present the final report on the Gibsons Communications Project (ref 3955), a joint effort of the GEDP (now Gibsons Community Initiatives Association), the Gibsons Landing Business Association and the Gibsons & District Chamber of Commerce, with funding support from Western Diversification, the Town of Gibsons, the Sunshine Coast Regional District and BC Hydro.


For the second season (2006), the banner poles have been moved and re-guyed (with the help of Telus), the banner repaired (winter winds had damaged it), and a process put in place to permit community event banners to be installed on a rotating basis. The GLBA attributes increased business in the Landing to the effectiveness of the banner. Community groups (Howe Sound Outrigger Race, Fibre Arts Festival) are pleased to have this signage opportunity.

The life of the banner will be maximized by removing and storing it for the winter.

Wayfinding Map

The wayfinding map and the pull-off area are functional.

The roof remains to be installed, while we discuss the potential of generating revenue from the sign by means of advertising. Ministry of Highways staff is currently reviewing a proposal. If approval is given, we intend to conclude a long-term agreement that will provide ongoing income to maintain the products of the Communications Project. Then the sign will be altered, the roof installed and landscaping completed.

Collateral material

The Kit Folders are in use. The Partnership planned a four year shelf life for the print material, comprised of 6,000 kit folders, and 5,000 each of tourism, business attraction and fact sheet flyers. Envelopes and web info sheets have also been printed.

Kit Folder Cover

The collateral material is stored by the Chamber of Commerce. To date nearly 800 kits have been distributed through the Town of Gibsons, the Visitor Information Centre and Vancouver Coast & Mountain Tourism Region.

Community Web Site

This project component is virtually complete. All that remains is to link the GCIA’s website (when it is updated this fall) to the business section of the community site.

The site comes up third (after two pages of the Town’s site) when “gibsons bc” is “googled”.


But for the burning of a modest number of actual discs, the video is complete. Easy access is provided from the home page of the community website (above), as we expect the internet will be the primary means of distribution.


Consolidated / budget / actual
expense / production / design / total / WD / Local / total
map / 16,000 / 8,000 / 24,000 / 5,995 / 10,032 / 16,027
banner & poles / 3,000 / 3,000 / 5,134 / 985 / 6,119
web / 10,000 / 10,000 / 4,228 / - / 4,228
collateral material / 6,000 / 12,000 / 18,000 / 4,206 / 11,404 / 15,610
video / 5,000 / 12,000 / 17,000 / 4,700 / - / 4,700
misc / 2,000 / 2,000 / - / 580 / 580
design / 1,000 / 1,000 / 18,237 / 9,309 / 27,546
total / 42,000 / 33,000 / 75,000 / 42,500 / 32,310 / 74,810
received from / budget / actual
WED / 42,500 / 42,500 / 42,500
Gibsons / 15,000 / 15,000 / 15,000
SCRD / 15,000 / 15,000 / 15,000
BC Hydro / 2,500 / 2,578 / 2,578
other / 25 / 25
total / 75,000 / 75,103

The budget for the Communications Project was well managed. When variances from the plan were encountered, action was taken to adjust the project. Overall, the project has been completed within the allotted budget. The small surplus will be used to make hard copies of the video on DVD and to deal with maintenance issues as they arise.

The Communication Project has shown that the partners, the Gibsons & District Chamber of Commerce, the Gibsons Landing Business Association and the Gibsons Community Initiatives Association can work effectively together. We continue to do so, particularly on issues that affect the business community. Together we are determined to make the SunshineCoast more welcoming to visitors and business.

Respectfully submitted,

Hamilton McClymont

Gibsons Community Initiatives Association

on behalf of the Gibsons Communications Project Partnership

ccGibsons Landing Business Association
Gibsons & District Chamber of Commerce

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