2016-2017Tamanend Orchestra Handbook

Mrs. Jessica Tosti – Director

Email: Phone: 267-893-2900 x1578

Teacher Site:

Welcome to the Tamanend Orchestra!You will find information about our string groups, schedules, expectations, and more. Please consult my teacher site calendar for our rehearsal and concert schedule.

Concert Schedule

Any additions will be communicated in advance. The * performances are the two major concerts that all grade-level Orchestra & select string groups will perform in.

Veteran’s Day In-School Assembly Performance Friday, November 11th

String Ensemble only

*Winter Concert Wednesday, December 14th 7:00 pm

One of 2 Winter Concerts, but ALL string groups will perform on this night.

*Spring Orchestra Concert Tuesday, May 2nd 7:00 pm

An Orchestra-only Spring Concert. ALL string groups will perform on this night.

6th grade Orientation In-School Performance Wednesday, May 24th

String Ensemble only

Music in the Parks Adjudication Trip Allentown, PA Friday, May 26th

String Ensemble only

Principal’s Award Ceremony Thursday, June 1st7:00 pm

String Ensemble only

String Performance Groups

Orchestra:Orchestra class is offered to students who play the violin, viola, cello, or double bass. The class meets all year, every other day, for a 56- minute period. Students perform in a string orchestra and perform in the Winter and Spring Concerts. Students will advance on their instrument and learn how to be an ensemble player.

String Ensemble (select group):Participation in String Ensemble is by audition. Audition packets are available in the Orchestra room and on my teacher site. This select group performs for a variety of functions including concerts, awards ceremonies, school board meetings, and community events. String Ensemble competes in the Music in the Parks Festival. Rehearsals are on alternating Wednesdays & Thursdays (whichever is the A day) from 2:45 - 4:00.

String Ensemble Attendance Policy

Weekly attendance is expected at String Ensemble rehearsals. Students CAN participate in multiple after-school activities, including sports & other music ensembles. Continued participation in String Ensemble is contingent on consistent attendance. If students are participating in a Tamanend or South sport, they must give Mrs. Tosti a copy of their sports schedule at the beginning of the season. It is up to students to initiate conversation about how time will be split between String Ensemble and the sport. We are always able to work out a solution when it is discussed ahead of time. Students will not be permitted to take multi-week breaks from String Ensemble for any reason.

Ninth Grade String Quartet/Quintet (select group):This auditioned, elite chamber group is chosen by highest 9th grade String Ensemble audition scores. It performs at school and community events throughout the year. Most rehearsals take place during the school day, but some after-school rehearsals might be needed.

BCMEA County & PMEA District Orchestra Festivals

The BCMEA County Orchestra and PMEA District Orchestra Festivals are auditioned, 3-day honors orchestra festivals. The festivals include string students from Bucks and Montgomery counties.Students who take private lessons, are in String Ensemble, and/or are highly motivated are encouraged to audition for these festivals. Please speak with your private teacher & Mrs. Tosti if you are interested in auditioning. Audition requirements are posted on my teacher site.

Grades 9-12

PMEA District High School Orchestra Audition Saturday, December 10, 2016

PMEA District High School Orchestra Festival Thursday-Saturday, January 26-28, 2017

BCMEA County High School Orchestra Audition Tuesday, November 15, 2016

BCMEA County High School Orchestra Festival Thursday-Saturday, March 16-18, 2017

Grades 7 & 8

BCMEA County Middle School Orchestra Audition Saturday, January 7, 2017

BCMEA County Middle School Orchestra Festival Thursday-Saturday, March 16-18, 2017

Grading Policy

40%- Class Performance & Preparation

Meeting weekly playing goals

Completing and submitting weekly practice logs via edmodo

30%- Rehearsal & Concert Skills

Arriving prepared for rehearsal with instrument, folder, music, and a pencil.

Contributing individual effort and focus toward group success.

Contributing in class conversation and reflection.

After School Rehearsals and Concerts

30%- Performance & Technology Assessments

Performance Exams and Quizzes

Written assignments, concert reflections, theory work, and reading assignments.


  • Students are asked to treat classmates, instruments, and equipment with respect at all times. Let’s promote a positive environment for our Orchestra.
  • Orchestra class is not a big time commitment beyond the school day. There are 2 after school rehearsals preceding the Winter & Spring Concerts and the concerts themselves. These dates will always be communicated far in advance. Since after school rehearsals and concerts are part of the curriculum, they are graded and mandatory.
  • Students are expected to establish a daily practice routine at home. Practicing at home is the best way to further progress and reinforce concepts learned in class. Think of practicing as your homework for Orchestra class. Always practice with GOALS in mind, not minutes. Parents should help their child establish a practice schedule and encourage practice.

After School Rehearsal & Concert Policy

As stated above, attending after school rehearsals and concerts is part of the Orchestra curriculum and therefore graded. Since they are our only opportunity to rehearse with the full group, they are mandatory. If you have a sports practice or game that overlaps with an after school rehearsal, please let Mrs. Tosti know as soon as possible. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments on the after school rehearsal days. Any conflict must be communicated to Mrs. Tosti in person AND by filling out the After School Rehearsal Excuse Form on my teacher site.

  • If a concert is missed (excused), a written assignment will be given to substitute the missed points. An excused absence includes a medical emergency that cannot be communicated in advance or an extenuating circumstance that is discussed prior to the missed concert. The make- up assignment can be found on my teacher site and is due two weeks after the missed concert.
  • If a concert is missed (unexcused), no substitute assignment will be given and the student receives 0 points. An unexcused absence includes not showing up for the rehearsal/concert with no communication before and/or after the date.

Concert Attire

The Tamanend Orchestra concert “uniform” is black pants (no skirts or dresses), white dress shirt (no sleeveless or t-shirts), black shoes, and a tie for gentlemen. Please make sure you have these items in advance of the concerts. I highly recommend shopping at stores where you can purchase these items inexpensively. If this presents a financial problem, please let Mrs. Tosti know and we will secure your child clothing.

Private Lessons

While it is not required that students take private lessons, it is an option to consider. Some students study privately to supplement the progress we make in class.Working one on one with a teacher is the best way to improve your playing. A list of local private teachers is available upon request.

Instrument Rentals & Storage

You can rent instruments through Russo Music Service and have them dropped off to Tamanend. If you need a rental instrument for this school year, please order now!

Go to russomusic.com andclick on PA. All of the CB schools will be found in a drop down box. Select Tamanend. Russo will deliver your instrument to Tamanend.

Violins and violas are brought to/from school each A day for class. They are stored in a locker in Orchestra room 202. Please put a name- tag on your case.Cello &bass players should keep their instruments at home to practice with and will be provided instruments to play for class.

2016-2017 Tamanend Orchestra Contract

Please fill out and return by September 6th

Student Name (please print): ______

Parent’s Names (please print) ______

Preferred Phone # ( ) ______

Preferred Parent Email______

Instrument ______Grade: 7th_____ 8th______9th______

List other instruments you play (if any) ______

Do you take private lessons on your Orchestra instrument? Yes / No

Private Teacher Name______No. of years taken ______

Parents: I would be willing to:

  • Chaperone the Music in the Parks Trip on 5/26/17Yes/No

Major Concert Dates

Winter Concert Wednesday, December 14th 7:00 pm

One of two Winter Concert nights but ALL string groups will perform on this concert.

Spring Orchestra Concert Tuesday, May 2nd 7:00 pm

All string groups will perform on this concert.

Music in the Parks Adjudication Trip Allentown, PA Friday, May 26th

String Ensemble only

We have read the packet and understand the expectations and grading procedures of participation in Orchestra. We understand that after school rehearsals are part of our child’s grade and are therefore mandatory. We have put all concert dates on our home calendar and understand that they are graded and therefore mandatory. We understand that continued participation in select String Ensemble and 9th grade Quintet is contingent on consistent attendance.