Study help: Questions from Chapters 6-9 (pp. 153-247)
1. Most of Latin America lies within a climate region called what?
Latin America lies within the Tropical Zone. (p. 158)
2. Which civilization used hieroglyphs as language symbols?
The Mayas used hieroglyphs as language symbols (p. 161)
3. Who was Atahualpa?Atahualpa was the ruler of the Incas who was defeated by Pizarro
(p. 166)
4. What is “El Nino?”El Nino is a warm ocean current that affect weather.(p. 159)
5. In recent years, where has deforestation had the greatest impact?South America(p. 157)
6. Which treaty marked the end of the Mexican war with the United States in 1848?The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican war. (p. 177)
7. Who became president of Mexico in 1858 and led the way to reform?Benito Juarez led the reformers in Mexico. (p. 180)
8. What did President Carlos Salinas de Gortari do in the 1990s?He privatized the farming industry by changing the ejido system. (p.186)
9. Today, the oil industry in Mexico is controlled by whom?The government agency that controls the oil is called PEMEX.(p. 188)
10. In modern Mexico, why have so many people moved to urban areas?They move to find jobs and education, all in an effort to escape poverty. (p. 191)
11. In 1990, Octavio Paz won the Nobel Prize for his work in which area?Literature (p. 191)
12. Who became the first president of Mexico in more than 70 years who was not a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party?Vicente Fox (p. p. 183)
13. Which was the first country in the Caribbean to gain independence?The first Caribbean country to gain independence was St. Dominigue, currently known as Haiti. ( p.234)
14. Why did the United States oppose Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in Guatemala?The US opposed Guzman because he was giving away land that belonged to UFCO. (p. 222)
15. What is Guatemala’s dominant industry today?Guatemala’s dominant industry is agriculture (p. 223)
16. What ethnic group makes up the majority of Guatemala’s people?Maya (p. 224)
17. By the 1990s, the governments of most countries in South America were what form of government?Most governments in South America were Democratic (p. 234).
18. What landform is mainly a transportation barrier in parts of South America?The Andes and the dense Amazon Rainforest are transportation barriers. (p. 239)
19. In the last 50 years, most of the population growth in South America has taken place where?Population growth has occurred in the cities (p. 241).
20. Why did Brazil create a new capital city inland?Brasillia was created to move people to the interior of the country. (p. 246)
21. Which country brought more slaves from Africa than any other country in South America?Brazil (p. 245)
22. Most of Peru’s large cities and factories are located in what area?Peru’s major cities are located in the desert (p. 251).
23. What natural resource is Peru an important supplier of?Peru is an important supplier of metals (silver, copper, and bismuth) (p. 252).
24. In Peru, what language do the descendents of Incas speak?Quequecha (p.253)
25. Overall, in the 1500s, which European country held the most colonies?Spain(p. 232 map)