AHOP Word Studies

Revelation 7: 9-12

9AfterG3326 thisG5023 I beheldG1492, and, loG2400, a greatG4183 multitudeG3793, whichG3739 noG3762 manG3762 couldG1410 numberG705, of allG3956 nationsG1484, and kindredsG5443, and peopleG2992, and tonguesG1100, stoodG2476 beforeG1799 the throneG2362, and beforeG1799 the LambG721, clothedG4016 with whiteG3022 robesG4749, and palmsG5404 in their handsG5495;

10And criedG2896 with a loudG3173 voiceG5456, sayingG3004, SalvationG4991 to our GodG2316 whichG3588 sittethG2521 upon the throneG2362, and unto the LambG721.

11And allG3956 the angelsG32 stoodG2476 roundG2943 aboutG2943 the throneG2362, and about the eldersG4245 and the fourG5064 beastsG2226, and fellG4098 beforeG1799 the throneG2362 onG1909 their facesG4383, and worshippedG4352 GodG2316,

12SayingG3004, AmenG281: BlessingG2129, and gloryG1391, and wisdomG4678, and thanksgivingG2169, and honourG5092, and powerG1411, and mightG2479, be unto our GodG2316 for everG165 and everG165. AmenG281.




Thayer Definition:

1) a crowd

1a) a casual collection of people

1a1) a multitude of men who have flocked together in some place

1a2) a throng

1b) a multitude

1b1) the common people, as opposed to the rulers and leading men

1b2) with contempt: the ignorant multitude, the populace

1c) a multitude

1c1) the multitudes, seems to denote troops of people gathered together
without order

Part of Speech: noun masculine

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from a derivative of
G2192 (meaning a vehicle)

Citing in TDNT: 5:582, 750

Total KJV Occurrences: 176

people, 83

Matt 7:28, Matt 9:23, Matt 9:25, Matt 12:23, Matt 12:46, Matt 14:13, Matt 21:26,
Matt 27:15, Mark 5:21, Mark 5:24, Mark 6:33-34 (2), Mark 6:45, Mark 7:14,
Mark 7:17, Mark 8:6 (2), Mark 8:34, Mark 9:15, Mark 9:25, Mark 10:1, Mark
10:46, Mark 11:18, Mark 12:12, Mark 12:37, Mark 12:41, Mark 15:11, Mark
15:15, Luke 3:10, Luke 4:42, Luke 5:1, Luke 5:3, Luke 7:9, Luke 7:11-12 (2),
Luke 7:24, Luke 8:4, Luke 8:40, Luke 8:42, Luke 9:11, Luke 9:18, Luke 9:37,
Luke 11:14, Luke 11:29, Luke 12:1, Luke 12:54, Luke 13:14, Luke 13:17, Luke
23:4, Luke 23:48, John 6:22, John 6:24, John 7:12 (2), John 7:20, John 7:31-32
(2), John 7:40, John 7:43, John 7:49, John 11:42, John 12:9, John 12:12, John
12:17-18 (2), John 12:29, John 12:34, Acts 8:6, Acts 11:24, Acts 11:26, Acts
14:11, Acts 14:13-14 (2), Acts 14:18-19 (2), Acts 17:8, Acts 17:13, Acts 19:26,
Acts 19:35, Acts 21:27, Acts 21:35, Acts 24:12, Rev 19:1

multitude, 60

Matt 9:8, Matt 13:2, Matt 13:34, Matt 13:36, Matt 14:5, Matt 14:14-15 (2), Matt
14:19 (2), Matt 15:10, Matt 15:31-33 (3), Matt 15:35-36 (2), Matt 15:39, Matt
17:14, Matt 20:29, Matt 20:31, Matt 21:8, Matt 21:11, Matt 21:46, Matt 22:33,
Matt 23:1, Matt 26:47, Matt 27:20, Matt 27:24, Mark 2:13, Mark 3:9, Mark 3:20,
Mark 3:32, Mark 4:1 (2), Mark 4:36, Mark 5:31, Mark 7:33, Mark 8:1-2 (2),
Mark 9:14, Mark 9:17, Mark 14:43, Mark 15:8, Luke 3:7, Luke 6:19 (2), Luke
8:45, Luke 9:12, Luke 9:16, Luke 18:36, Luke 19:39, Luke 22:6, Luke 22:47,
John 5:13, John 6:2, Acts 16:22, Acts 21:33-34 (2), Acts 24:18, Rev 7:9, Rev

multitudes, 19

Matt 4:25, Matt 8:1 (2), Matt 8:18, Matt 9:33, Matt 9:36, Matt 11:7, Matt 12:15,
Matt 13:2, Matt 14:22-23 (2), Matt 15:30, Matt 19:2, Matt 21:9, Matt 26:55,
Luke 5:15, Luke 14:25, Acts 13:45, Rev 17:15

company, 7

Luke 5:29, Luke 6:17, Luke 9:38, Luke 11:27, Luke 12:13, John 6:5, Acts 6:7

press, 5

Mark 2:4, Mark 5:27, Mark 5:30, Luke 8:19, Luke 19:3

number, 2

Mark 10:46, Acts 1:15




Thayer Definition:

1) to number

Part of Speech: verb

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G706

Citing in TDNT: 1:461, 78

Total KJV Occurrences: 3

numbered, 2

Matt 10:30, Luke 12:7

number, 1

Rev 7:9




Thayer Definition:

1) a multitude (whether of men or of beasts) associated or living together

1a) a company, troop, swarm

2) a multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus

2a) the human family

3) a tribe, nation, people group

4) in the OT, foreign nations not worshipping the true God, pagans, Gentiles

5) Paul uses the term for Gentile Christians

Part of Speech: noun neuter

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: probably from

Citing in TDNT: 2:364, 201

Total KJV Occurrences: 164

gentiles, 93

Matt 4:14-15 (2), Matt 6:32, Matt 10:5, Matt 12:18 (2), Matt 12:21, Matt 20:19,
Matt 20:25, Mark 10:33, Mark 10:42, Luke 18:32 (2), Luke 22:24-25 (3), Acts
4:27, Acts 7:45, Acts 9:15, Acts 10:45, Acts 11:1, Acts 11:18, Acts 13:42, Acts
13:46-48 (3), Acts 14:2, Acts 14:5, Acts 14:27, Acts 15:3, Acts 15:7, Acts 15:12,
Acts 15:14, Acts 15:17, Acts 15:19, Acts 15:23, Acts 18:6, Acts 21:11, Acts
21:19, Acts 21:21, Acts 21:25, Acts 22:21, Acts 26:17, Acts 26:20, Acts 26:23,
Acts 28:28, Rom 2:13-14 (2), Rom 2:24, Rom 3:29 (2), Rom 9:24, Rom 9:30,
Rom 11:11-13 (4), Rom 11:25, Rom 15:9-12 (6), Rom 15:16 (2), Rom 15:18,
Rom 15:27, Rom 16:4, 1 Cor 5:1, 1 Cor 10:20, 1 Cor 12:2, Gal 2:2, Gal 2:8, Gal
2:12, Gal 2:14-15 (2), Gal 3:14, Eph 2:11, Eph 3:1, Eph 3:6, Eph 3:8, Eph 4:17,
Col 1:27, 1 Thess 2:16, 1 Thess 4:5, 1 Tim 2:7, 1 Tim 3:16, 2 Tim 1:11, 2 Tim
4:17, 1 Pet 2:12, 1 Pet 4:3, 3 John 1:7, Rev 11:2

nations, 37

Matt 24:9, Matt 24:14, Matt 25:32, Matt 28:19, Mark 11:17, Mark 13:10, Luke
12:30, Luke 21:24-25 (2), Luke 24:47, Acts 13:19, Acts 14:16, Acts 17:26, Rom
1:5, Rom 4:17-18 (2), Rom 16:26, Gal 3:8, Rev 2:26, Rev 7:9, Rev 10:11, Rev
11:9, Rev 11:18, Rev 12:5, Rev 14:7-8 (2), Rev 15:4, Rev 16:19, Rev 17:15, Rev
18:3, Rev 18:23, Rev 19:15, Rev 20:3, Rev 20:8, Rev 21:24, Rev 21:26, Rev

nation, 27

Matt 21:43, Mark 13:7-8 (4), Luke 7:5, Luke 21:10 (2), Luke 23:2, John 11:48,
John 11:50-52 (3), John 18:35, Acts 2:5, Acts 7:7, Acts 10:22, Acts 10:35, Acts
24:2, Acts 24:10, Acts 24:17, Acts 26:4, Rom 10:19 (2), 1 Pet 2:9, Rev 5:9, Rev

heathen, 5

Acts 4:25, 2 Cor 11:26, Gal 1:16, Gal 2:9, Gal 3:8

people, 2

Acts 8:8-9 (2), Rom 10:19




Thayer Definition:

1) a tribe

1a) in the NT all the persons descending from one of the twelve sons of the
patriarch, Jacob

2) a nation, people

Part of Speech: noun feminine

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G5453
(compare G5444)

Citing in TDNT: 9:245, 1280

Total KJV Occurrences: 31

tribe, 19

Luke 2:36, Acts 13:21, Rom 11:1, Phil 3:5, Heb 7:13-14 (2), Rev 7:5-8 (13)

tribes, 6

Matt 19:28, Luke 22:30 (2), James 1:1, Rev 7:4, Rev 21:12

kindreds, 4

Rev 1:7, Rev 11:9 (2), Rev 13:7

kindred, 2

Rev 5:9, Rev 14:6




Thayer Definition:

1) a people, people group, tribe, nation, all those who are of the same stock and

2) of a great part of the population gathered together anywhere

Part of Speech: noun masculine

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: apparently a primary

Citing in TDNT: 4:29, 499

Total KJV Occurrences: 143

people, 139

Matt 1:21, Matt 2:4, Matt 2:6, Matt 4:16, Matt 4:23, Matt 9:35, Matt 15:8, Matt
21:23, Matt 26:3, Matt 26:5, Matt 26:47, Matt 27:1, Matt 27:25, Matt 27:64,
Mark 7:6, Mark 11:32, Mark 14:2, Luke 1:10, Luke 1:17, Luke 1:21, Luke 1:68,
Luke 1:77, Luke 2:10, Luke 2:31-32 (2), Luke 3:15, Luke 3:18, Luke 3:21, Luke
6:17, Luke 7:1, Luke 7:16, Luke 7:29, Luke 8:47, Luke 9:13, Luke 18:43, Luke
19:47-48 (2), Luke 20:1, Luke 20:6, Luke 20:9, Luke 20:19, Luke 20:26, Luke
20:45, Luke 21:23, Luke 21:38, Luke 22:2, Luke 22:66, Luke 23:5, Luke 23:13-
14 (2), Luke 23:27, Luke 23:35, Luke 24:19, John 8:2, John 11:50, John 18:14,
Acts 2:47, Acts 3:9, Acts 3:11-12 (2), Acts 3:23, Acts 4:1-2 (2), Acts 4:8, Acts
4:10, Acts 4:17, Acts 4:21, Acts 4:25, Acts 4:27, Acts 5:12-13 (2), Acts 5:20,
Acts 5:25-26 (2), Acts 5:34, Acts 5:37, Acts 6:8, Acts 6:12, Acts 7:17, Acts 7:34,
Acts 10:2, Acts 10:41-42 (2), Acts 12:4, Acts 12:11, Acts 13:15, Acts 13:17 (2),
Acts 13:24, Acts 13:31, Acts 15:14, Acts 18:10, Acts 19:4, Acts 21:28, Acts
21:30, Acts 21:36, Acts 21:39-40 (2), Acts 23:5, Acts 26:17, Acts 26:23, Acts
28:17, Acts 28:26-27 (2), Rom 9:25-26 (3), Rom 10:21, Rom 11:1-2 (2), Rom
15:10-11 (2), 1 Cor 10:7, 1 Cor 14:21, 2 Cor 6:16, Titus 2:14, Heb 2:17, Heb 4:9,
Heb 5:3, Heb 7:5, Heb 7:11, Heb 8:10, Heb 9:7, Heb 9:19 (2), Heb 10:30, Heb
11:25, Heb 13:12, 1 Pet 2:9-10 (3), 2 Pet 2:1, Jude 1:5, Rev 11:9 (3), Rev 14:6,
Rev 18:4, Rev 21:3

people’s, 2

Matt 13:15, Heb 7:27

peoples, 2

Rev 10:11, Rev 17:15




Thayer Definition:

1) the tongue, a member of the body, an organ of speech

2) a tongue

1a) the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of
other nations

Part of Speech: noun feminine

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: of uncertain affinity

Citing in TDNT: 1:719, 123

Total KJV Occurrences: 50

tongues, 26

Mark 16:17, Acts 2:3-4 (2), Acts 2:11, Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6, Rom 3:13, 1 Cor
12:10 (2), 1 Cor 12:28, 1 Cor 12:30, 1 Cor 13:1, 1 Cor 13:8, 1 Cor 14:5-6 (3), 1
Cor 14:18, 1 Cor 14:22-23 (2), 1 Cor 14:39, Rev 7:9, Rev 10:11, Rev 11:9, Rev
13:7, Rev 16:10, Rev 17:15

tongue, 24

Mark 7:33, Mark 7:35, Luke 1:64, Luke 16:24, Acts 2:26, Rom 14:11, 1 Cor
14:2, 1 Cor 14:4, 1 Cor 14:9, 1 Cor 14:13-14 (2), 1 Cor 14:19, 1 Cor 14:26-27
(2), Phil 2:11, James 1:26, James 3:5-6 (3), James 3:8, 1 Pet 3:10, 1 John 3:18,
Rev 5:9, Rev 14:6




Thayer Definition:

1) to cause or make to stand, to place, put, set

1a) to bid to stand by, [set up]

1a1) in the presence of others, in the midst, before judges, before
members of the Sanhedrin

1a2) to place

1b) to make firm, fix establish

1b1) to cause a person or a thing to keep his or its place

1b2) to stand, be kept intact (of family, a kingdom), to escape in safety

1b3) to establish a thing, cause it to stand

1b3a) to uphold or sustain the authority or force of anything

1c) to set or place in a balance

1c1) to weigh: money to one (because in very early times before the
introduction of coinage, the metals used to be weighed)

2) to stand

2a) to stand by or near

2a1) to stop, stand still, to stand immovable, stand firm

2a1a) of the foundation of a building

2b) to stand

2b1) continue safe and sound, stand unharmed, to stand ready or prepared

2b2) to be of a steadfast mind

2b3) of quality, one who does not hesitate, does not waiver

Part of Speech: verb

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: a prolonged form of
a primary stao (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain tenses)

Citing in TDNT: 7:638, 1082

Total KJV Occurrences: 161

… too many to list …




Thayer Definition:

1) in the presence of, before

1a) of occupied place: in that place which is before, or over against, opposite,
any one and towards which another turns his eyes

Part of Speech: preposition

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: neuter of a
compound of G1722 and a derivative of G3700

Total KJV Occurrences: 96

before, 64

Luke 1:6, Luke 1:17, Luke 1:75, Luke 5:18, Luke 5:25, Luke 8:47, Luke 12:6,
Luke 12:9 (2), Luke 15:18, Luke 16:15, Luke 23:14, Luke 24:43, Acts 2:25, Acts
4:10, Acts 6:6, Acts 7:46, Acts 9:15, Acts 10:4, Acts 10:30, Acts 10:33, Acts
19:9, Acts 19:19, Rom 14:22, Gal 1:20, 1 Tim 5:4, 1 Tim 5:20-21 (2), 1 Tim
6:12, 2 Tim 2:14, 2 Tim 4:1, 3 John 1:6, Rev 1:4, Rev 2:14, Rev 3:2, Rev 3:5 (2),
Rev 3:8-9 (2), Rev 4:5-6 (2), Rev 4:10 (2), Rev 7:8-9 (3), Rev 7:11, Rev 7:15,
Rev 8:2-4 (3), Rev 9:13, Rev 11:4, Rev 11:16, Rev 12:4, Rev 12:10, Rev 13:12,
Rev 14:3 (2), Rev 14:5, Rev 15:4, Rev 19:19-20 (2), Rev 20:12

sight, 21

Luke 1:15, Luke 15:21, Luke 16:15, Acts 4:19, Acts 8:21, Acts 10:31, Rom 3:20,
Rom 12:17, 2 Cor 4:2, 2 Cor 7:12, 2 Cor 8:21 (2), 1 Tim 2:3, 1 Tim 6:13, Heb
4:13, Heb 13:21, James 4:10, 1 Pet 3:4, 1 John 3:22, Rev 13:13-14 (2)

presence, 9

Luke 1:19, Luke 13:26, Luke 15:10 (2), John 20:30, Acts 27:35, 1 Cor 1:29, Rev
14:10 (2)

face, 1

Acts 2:25

worship, 1

Luke 4:7




Thayer Definition:

1) to throw around, to put around

1a) to surround a city with a bank (palisade)

1b) of garments, to clothe one

1b1) to put a thing on one

1b2) to clothe one with a thing

1c) to put on or clothe one’s self

Part of Speech: verb

A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G4012 and

Total KJV Occurrences: 27

clothed, 14

Matt 6:31, Matt 25:36, Matt 25:38, Matt 25:43, Rev 3:5 (2), Rev 3:18, Rev 4:4,
Rev 7:9, Rev 10:1, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:1, Rev 18:16, Rev 19:13