Application for the Position of Appointed
Conservation District Supervisor
Conservation District
/Applicant instructions:
Please complete all sections below, sign and date the application, and send it to the Washington State Conservation Commission. Applications and supporting materials must be received by the Commission no later than March 31.
Section 1. Personal Information
1. Your name:2. Residential address (street, city, state, ZIP):
3. Mailing address if different:
4. Phone number (include area code):
5. E-mail address:
Section 2. Qualifications
6. Are you a Washington State registered voter? / Yes No7. Are you a landowner or operator of a farm? / Yes No
8. Do you reside within the boundary of the district for which you are applying? / Yes No
9. Do you own land within the boundary of the district for which you are applying? / Yes No
Section 3. General Experience and Qualifications
10. What is your current occupation?11. Please describe experience with boards and organizations that will help you fulfill your duty as a conservation district supervisor, if appointed.
12. What special training, skills and experience do you have that will help you execute the duties of a conservation district board Supervisor?
13. Please provide the name and phone number of at least one person we can contact about your qualifications for this position:
14. We encourage you to provide any additional information that will help the Washington State Conservation Commission select the best applicant for this position. Providing this information is voluntary. Include this information on additional sheets attached to this application.
Section 4. Conservation District Experience
15. Why are you interested in serving as a conservation district board Supervisor?16. Have you ever attended a board meeting of this conservation district? / Yes No
17. Have you served as a conservation district board Supervisor before? / Yes No
18. If you have reviewed the mission statement, annual and long-range plans of the conservation district, we would appreciate any comments you wish to provide. Use additional sheets if necessary.
19. If you are a landowner, do you have a farm plan? If so, what are your thoughts on the process to develop the plan, and the plan itself?
20. What do you think is the appropriate role for the district supervisors to engage with other entities active in the district area, such as the county or state agencies?
21. What should be the role of the district supervisors to address natural resource concerns in the district area?
22. Do you have any prior experience reviewing contracts or other legal instruments?
23. Describe any previous experience as a participant in a collaborative process.
24. Describe any previous experience with installing practices on a farm.
I understand I am applying for a volunteer position for which I am eligible and qualified to serve. Any material misrepresentation will be grounds for removal if appointed. By my signature, I agree to be interviewed in person or by telephone.
Signature of Applicant Date
- Applicant must sign the application form to be considered for appointment.
- Applications and supporting materials must be received by the Commission no later than March 31 if you are applying for a regularly expiring term. For other vacancies in the position of appointed supervisor, applications must be received by a date specified by the Washington State Conservation Commission.
- A conservation district board Supervisor serves without compensation, although expenses related to your board position may be reimbursed. Conservation district board meetings are usually held monthly and may last one to several hours. There may also be committee meetings, and your participation at annual meetings of two conservation district associations is very desirable.
- For more information about conservation districts in Washington State, please visit our website at
- Our mailing address is Washington State Conservation Commission, P.O. Box 47721, Olympia, WA 98504-7721, 360-407-6200.
Application for the Position of Appointed Conservation District Supervisor: Page 1 of 2
WashingtonState Conservation Commission, POB 47721, Olympia, WA98504-7721 / August 2014