
Technology Plan


Vision statement

The students and faculty at TivertonHigh School will be information and technology literate and will be versed in both the access and use of multiple forms of technology.

Goal I: Students will use telecommunications and information technology to efficiently and effectively solve problems.

Objective A: Students will access information efficiently and effectively. 12/15


-Provide instruction in using library and consortium databases.
-Provide instruction in using search strategies.

Objective B: Students will evaluate information competently and critically. 12/15


-Provide instruction in website evaluation.

Objective C: Students will become proficient in the use of multiple forms of technology. 6/18


-Provide instruction in basic video production and editing.

-Provide instruction in working with group editing.

-Provide opportunities to use videostreaming and Skype/Google Hangout.

Goal II: Faculty will incorporate a wider variety of technology into their student assessments.

Objective A: Faculty will be introduced to and become proficient in the use of multiple forms of technology. 1/17


-Provide instruction in the use of social media in the classroom.
-Provide instruction in the use of group editing through Google Docs.

-Provide instruction in the use of videostreaming and Skype/Google Hangout.

Objective B: Faculty will be proficient in utilizing technology as a tool for research and assignments. 6/17


-Assist faculty in developing lessons and assignments that effectively utilize multiple forms of technology.

Goal III: Students will demonstrate technology literacy in the various disciplines taught at THS.

Objective A: Students will be proficient in the use of word processing, publishing and presentation software. 1/16


-Provide the opportunity for development and practice in the use of a variety of software applications appropriate to student assignments.

-Provide instruction in the use of the school’s software packages as needed.

Objective B: Students will effectively use the Internet and other digital databases including subscription databases. 1/16


-Provide instruction in web site evaluation.

-Provide instruction in search techniques.

-Provide instruction in the use of subscription databases and library networks, including RILINK and OLS.


Goal I: Quizzes, project rubrics, librarian/teacher observation

Goal II: Feedback from completed student projects, session evaluation forms

Goal III: Project rubrics, student feedback, librarian/teacher observation

Budget: For ’15-’16, a budget of $1,610 will support future years’ RILINK fees and database subscriptions. Hardware and software for videostreaming and videoconferencing have been previously acquired.