Senior Project Timeline

Table of Contents

Content Timeline

Student Parent Contract 2nd week of quarter 1

Letter of Intent 2nd -3rd week of quarter 1

Research Paper Thesis 2nd-5th week of quarter 1

Research Paper Outline 3rd-6th week of quarter 1

Research Paper Annotated Works Cited 3rd-6th week of quarter 1

Research Paper 5th – 9th week of quarter 1

Final Research Paper 2nd quarter

Project Proposal 5th-9th week of quarter 2

Project- log and reflections 3rd quarter

Portfolio 3rd and 4th quarter

Presentation 3rd-4th week of quarter 4

Kealakehe High School Senior Project Student Contract

Please read the following, initial each item, and then complete bottom part of the form. Return to Ms. Anderson or Ms. Simon.

______I understand that successful completion of the project is required for me to get a BOE diploma or be Valedictorian (over 4.0 GPA).

______I understand that I need to meet the following requirements to receive a credit for Senior Project. I am required to do a:

·  Research Paper that is at least ten pages with a thesis and annotated works cited. The research paper must receive a passing grade of at least a B.

•  Project (career focus, service learning or student personal interest) of at least 40 hours and demonstrates Learning Stretch, Habits of Mind, and General Learner’s Outcomes.

•  Community service that ties naturally with my project.

•  Project Portfolio approved of by the committee with at least a B grade.

•  Presentation to a panel that meets the requirements and passes with at least a B grade.

•  Maintain a passing grade in my English 12 class or English course for Running Start.

•  Turn in all my work on time.

______I will have a community mentor during the project phase that will do the following for me:

•  Share his/her expertise.

•  Ensure a safe learning environment.

•  Guide and facilitate specialty areas of my project.

•  Write a reflection and recommendation of my performance.

______I understand that I need to demonstrate honesty and ethical behavior throughout my Senior Project.

______I have read and understand the policy on late work, academic honesty, and requirements for independent senior project students:

·  Policy on late work for major components of the Senior Project:

If a major component of Senior Project is late more than three days the student will need to:

o  Write a formal letter to the Senior Project Panel explaining the reason.

o  Meet with the Senior Project Panel to explain the reason for lateness.

o  Senior Project Panel will decide if student can stay in the Senior Project program.

·  Academic Honesty—Please abide by the KHS Academic Honesty. Failure to do so will result in a referral to Senior Project Panel and/or a failure for the program.

·  _____Senior Project students will attend a class with Ms. Anderson in the library every first and third Thursday at 8:30. You will check into your CEPA class and than come down to the library by 8:30. These classes are required. If you do not attend you will not be a part of the Senior Project program.

·  Science Fair students will be required to do ten hours of community service related to their senior project.

·  Science Fair students are required to have a qualified science teacher as their advisor.

·  ______I understand that this is my project and I am ultimately responsible for finishing my Senior Project successfully.

Student’s Name:

Student’s Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian’s Name (print):

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Parent email______

Student email ______

KHS Senior Project Parent/Guardian Authorization Form

This letter is to inform you of the requirements and expectations of the Kealakehe High School Senior Project. Please take some time to discuss the project with your child and initial each of the items below to acknowledge that you have read, understood, and approve of each item.

______I approve of my child’s project and understand that his/her topic is a “learning stretch,” demonstrates the Habits of Minds, General Learner’s Outcomes, and has a community service component. The project has to be physically shown on the day of Senior Project Board Presentation and/or documented with photos and/or video.

______I approve of my child’s selected research paper topic and understand that most of the work will be completed outside of normal school hours.

______I understand that my child must meet deadlines and may be exited from Senior Project if he/she does not meet the deadlines for major components of the project (research paper, project, portfolio, and presentation).

_____ I understand that my child will need to have a community mentor.

____I understand that my child will be required to conduct interviews and meetings with individuals outside of the school system, and that is my child’s responsibility to initialize and make contacts with individuals who are essential to his or her project.

______I understand that my child’s school and community mentor must be at least 25 years old.

______I understand that there are four essential components of the Senior Project:--academic and thesis-driven research paper, Senior Project product, portfolio, and Senior Project Board Presentation.

_____I understand that for each Senior project component my child needs to pass with at least a B grade to receive the Senior Project credit and qualify for the Board of Education Recognition Diploma. Valedictorians need at least a 4.0 GPA and a BOE Recognition Diploma.

______I understand that the Senior Project requires extensive time and research, in and out of class, and that all transportation, costs, and risks for work outside of school are the responsibility of student and parent.

______I understand the importance of Academic Honesty and the importance of maintaining ethical behavior during the completion of the Senior Project. Any concerns about my child plagiarizing and or being dishonest may result in a referral to the school’s Senior Project Panel.

By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge understanding and acceptance for this consent and release of liability to the Hawaii Department of Education for the student’s participation in the Senior Project.

Student’s Name:

Student’s Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian’s Name (print):

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Phone Number: Email Address:

Students cell phone number:______

Can we text your child on their Cell phone for remainders of meetings and assignment?______(please initial)


Take time to select a topic thoughtfully.

·  Does this subject really interest you? The Senior Project gives you the opportunity to select and design a major portion of your academic work. Choosing a subject of genuine interest will make the work interesting and valuable to you.

·  Are mentors and ample sources of information readily available? For your project you must have a mentor from the community. Material for your research should be obtainable

·  Can a personally meaningful and challenging project be developed from this topic? Whether you create a product, present a performance, or perform a service you need to feel that the work you do is meaningful and challenging to you.

·  Is the topic, along with the related project, one that you would want to present to an audience? You will present your senior project to a panel of school and community members.

·  Can you focus the topic? It is better to have a focused topic that is fully developed than a broad topic that cannot be adequately covered in a paper of the length required for this assignment.

·  Does this topic offer a challenge? If you are conducting real research you will discover new material-new facts, new ideas, new opinions, new insights. Above all, you should select a topic that will allow you to go beyond your current base of knowledge, ideas, opinions and insights – a learning stretch.




Letter of Intent
The Senior Project Letter of Intent is a formal letter that is addressed to the Senior Project Coordinator and identifies what you’ll be researching (your paper) and what you’ll be doing or creating (your project) this year

The letter should be written in good business format (standard font, size 12 font, centered on page, preset one inch margins), free of spelling and grammatical errors..

1st Paragraph

Describe your general area of interest, why you chose this topic, and if you have background if any in this area. Describe how this senior project demonstrates a “learning stretch.”

2nd Paragraph (research phase)

Describe your research paper. Include your thesis statement. The research paper needs to be a minimum of 750 words.

3rd Paragraph (Action phase)

Describe what you plan to do. What project will you do that shows what you’ve learned in your research paper?

4th Paragraph (community)

Describe how you will share this with the community. Who will benefit from your project and how will you share it with them?

5th Paragraph

Explain in your own words your understanding of plagiarism and its consequences.

Letter of Intent Checklist
Name______Underline or highlight where it explains how it relates to the research paper. / Self- Check or answer the question / Peer-Check or answer the question
Paragraph I
What is the topic?
Does it explain why they choose this topic?
Circle where it explains the “learning stretch” .
Does it explain how this is a challenge? What new skills or knowledge they hope to gain?
Paragraph 2
Does it describe the project?
What is the focus of the research paper?
Underline or highlight the Thesis statement.
Paragraph 3:
What is the project?
Underline or highlight where it explains how it relates to the research paper.
Paragraph 4
Circle where it explains how it helps our community.
Paragraph 5
Does it explain in their own words an understanding of plagiarism and its consequences


A vital component of your Senior Project is the research paper. The 10 page paper must demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the topic chosen for the senior project. It must be a THESIS focused research paper. The findings of your research must enhance not only your understanding the topic, but your ability to complete or process your senior project.


1.  Format Requirements:

·  10 pages in length (The page limit does not include the Title page, Works Cited, graphics or Appendix pages).

·  12 point Times New Roman

·  Double-spaced

·  Margins 1”

·  Graphic (pictures or diagrams) placed after the body in appendixes.

·  Annotated Works Cited for Draft.

·  Draft and Final version MUST be handed into Plus a hard copy must be handed in to the teacher.

2.  Documentation Requirements:

·  A minimum of 6 sources used in the paper and listed on the works cited page.

·  Sources must be CREDIBLE

·  One source must be an INTERVIEW with an authority in a field connected to the topic.

·  Two sources must be from an Internet source with a website that has the following endings edu gov org

·  Two sources must be from a professional periodical (computer based or hard copy) or book. (EBSCO)

·  Two sources from non-fiction or reference books.

·  No encyclopedias or Wikipedia

3.  Plagiarism Policy:

·  Refer to school policy on Academic Honesty

·  Accurate Documentation will prevent plagiarism

·  If you are cited for plagiarism in your DRAFT… you will be given an opportunity to correct it.

·  The FINAL research paper has to be plagiarism-free or you will not pass.

·  Paper must be submitted to

4.  Assessment:

·  Refer to rubric. Your paper must be distinguished or proficient to pass.

·  Your draft will be edited by a panel of teachers. The draft should be a complete research paper.

·  If your draft does not meet the requirements above it will be returned.

·  All work must be turned in on the due dates.

CONTENT / Paper reflects a sophisticated understanding of topic. / Paper reflects a clear understanding of topic.
Thesis states the main point of the paper clearly. / Paper reflects an adequate understanding of topic. / Paper reflects little understanding of topic.
Contains a clear and specific thesis.
Develops thesis fully by providing relevant and apt details, information, explanations, evidence. / Thesis developed sufficiently with details, information, explanation, and evidence. / Thesis weakly states the main point of paper too general.
Development of thesis is inadequate. / Thesis is ambiguous, or not present.
Explains clearly how evidence is significant. / Significance of evidence usually explained. / Does not have enough evidence.
STRUCTURE / Introduction engages the reader and draws them into the paper.
Organization is clear, effective, and appropriate to the topic. / Introduction draws the reader into the paper.
Organization is clear and appropriate. / Introduction is basic.
Organization suitable to the topic is not consistently used. / Ineffective introduction.
No method of organization has been used.
Well-written transitions between paragraphs and transitions within paragraphs. / Transitions are frequently present between and within paragraphs. / Transitions between paragraphs frequently absent.
Transitions within paragraphs are stilted. / Lacks transitions between paragraphs or within paragraphs.
Conclusion clearly brings closure appropriately and effectively. / Conclusion brings closure appropriately / Closure is basic / Lacks a conclusion or conclusion does not clearly bring closure
STYLE / Third person point of view consistently used. / Third person point of view is consistently used. / Third person point of view is used. / Inappropriate point of view is used.
Sophisticated but appropriate diction used.
Variety of sentence structures consistently used.
Text flows smoothly.
Mechanical errors are rare and do not detract from the overall efficacy of the writing. / Diction is appropriate for the purpose, audience, and content of paper.
Sentence structure demonstrates some variety.
The text for the most part flows smoothly.
Some mechanical errors that may detract from the overall effectiveness of writing. / Diction is adequate but lacks sophistication.
Variety of sentence structure is limited.
Flow of sentences choppy.
Mechanical errors are occasional and detracts from overall effectiveness of writing. / Diction is inappropriate.
Sentence structure lacks variety.
Mechanical errors disrupt the flow of the paper.
Too many errors.
Demonstrates strong writer’s voice that is clearly engaged and committed to topic. / Writer’s voice is present and frequently demonstrates engagement and commitment to topic / Writer’s voice is weak; engagement and commitment not always present. / Writer’s voice is evidently weak, lacks engagement and commitment.
FORMAT / Adheres exactly to the MLA format OR appropriate format. / Adheres to the MLA format or appropriate format. / Does not completely adhere to the MLA format or appropriate format. / Paper does not adhere at all to MLA format or appropriate format.
In-text documentation is always present and accurately formatted. / Over use of quotations or under use of it.
6 Sources of varying types have been cited
Two sources must be from a professional periodical or book.
Content contains a balance of paraphrased and quoted evidence, correctly cited.
Quotations properly used.
Authorities are always clearly referenced in the text. / 6 Sources of varying types have been cited.
Two sources must be from a professional periodical or book.
Cites evidence accurately.
Quotations usually properly framed.
Authorities are usually clearly referenced.
Paper shows some balance of paraphrased or quoted material. / 6 Sources have been cited but lack variety.
Two sources must be from a professional periodical or book.
In-text documentation is usually used correctly
Quotations occasionally framed correctly.
Authorities are not properly referenced. / Paper contains only a couple sources, lacks variety.
In-text documentation is inaccurate.
Quotations are not framed.
Authorities are not properly referenced or used.
Text is 10 pages / Text is 10 pages / Text nearly meets required length. / Text does not meet the required length.