6th Grade Science – Rodeo Palms Junior High School

Teacher: Eric Tate

Class: 6th Grade Science

Phone: (281)245-2078


Conference Time: 1st period (8:40-9:32)

Welcome Razorbacks and Parents!

I hope that you all had a relaxing and fun summer! Each school year brings excitement, joy and anticipation for me as I am sure it does for you and your child. I have high expectations for each of your students this year and I know that together we can accomplish great things!

The following is a list of what you and your child should expect and what is required in their 6th Grade Science class this year.


Your child will explore a broad range of topics this year their 6th grade science class. To cover these topics please expect the following:

·  Your student will complete engaging daily classroom activities,

·  Your student will participate in hands-on weekly labs and investigations.

·  Your student will also complete various computer based and online science lessons.

·  Additionally, your student should expect to have a unit test at least once every three weeks.

·  The students will complete 2-3 major science projects this year

·  Homework will not be given every night. If your child is required to complete a science activity at home, it is normally to complete a project started in class.

Supplies & Materials:

Your student is expected to have the following supplies and materials specifically for this class:

2 composition notebooks (no spirals please)

Pencils (to write with daily)

Ear or headphones (to listen to videos and lessons on class computers as required)

Classroom Expectations:

Everyday your student comes to class he/she is expected to:

Be Prompt - the student is expected to be on time every day to class

Be Prepared – the student is expected to have all assignments and materials

Be Polite – the student is expected to treat other students and the teacher with respect

Participate – the student is expected to take part in all class activities and complete every assignment

Discipline Process:

On those occasions that your child does not follow the rules of behavior in class, the following discipline steps will be taken:

1st offense – verbal warning

2nd offense – Parent contact by teacher

3rd offense – Teacher detention. Parent contacted by teacher

4th offense – Office referral. Discipline decided by Administrator

Please note that extreme offenses (for example: fighting) may result in adjustments in the disciplinary process

Cell Phone Policy:

Because I have a classroom set of lap top computers for students to use, it is normally not necessary for students to use cell phones or other personal devices in class. If any student has a cell phone out in class without permission, the following discipline steps will be taken.

1st offense – Student given verbal warning and asked to put the phone away

2nd offense – Phone taken by teacher and held until the end of the class period

3rd offense – Phone taken by teacher and held until the end of the day

4th offense – Phone taken by teacher and turned in to the school office. Parent must pick up the phone.

Any student refusing to surrender a phone on the 2nd or 3rd offense will be referred directly to the Assistant Principal’s office for discipline.

Tutorial Schedule:

I will be in my classroom the following mornings and times, before classes begin to help and assist your child.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:15-8:35.

I will also be available Thursday afternoons from 4:15 to 5:00.

Grade Calculation:

20% Daily Grades – classwork, homework, quizzes

40 % Lab Grades – lab reports/lab investigations

+ 40% Major Grades – unit tests, projects, CBA

100% Your Child’s Grade