/ Pre-Professional Health Studies
Advising Syllabus for Transfer Pre-Health Students
Spring 2011
Advisor: / Pre-Professional Health Studies Advising / Phone: / (314) 977-2840
Office: / Verhaegen Hall 314 / E-mail: /
Office Hours: / 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. / Web: / http://www.slu.edu/prehealth.xml

Pre-Professional Health Studies

The Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies serves students who are interested in professional schools of medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, and veterinary medicine. We serve as the primary academic advising office for freshmen Medical Scholars and as secondary advisor to any student in the University who is interested in these career paths.

Integrated Advising and Mentoring System

Academic advising promotes the holistic growth of students, respectful of their individual goals. Our Integrated Advising and Mentoring system works collaboratively with the University community in support of students’ academic success. Students will work collaboratively with their academic advisors and faculty mentors to enhance their academic experience.

Students at Saint Louis University can expect their Academic Advisor to:

·  Aid students in developmental transitions (i.e., from high school to college)

·  Assist students in creating their curriculum plans, including review of academic performance

·  Clarify the program/curriculum requirements, particularly as it relates to the Saint Louis University Mission

·  Introduce students to resources for academic and career success

·  Clarify the purpose and roles within the Integrated Advising and Mentoring System

·  Participate in ongoing training and development

Students at Saint Louis University can expect theirFaculty Mentorto:

·  Establish a Mentor-Student relationship

·  Discuss students' personal educational and career goals

·  Discuss academic courses of study, experiences, and resources as they relate to the Saint Louis University Mission

·  Help students foster relationships with faculty and staff in their college/school communities

·  Discuss academic performance as it relates to post-baccalaureate pursuits (i.e., opportunities for career, professional school, graduate school)

·  Participate in ongoing training and development

Expected Student Learning Outcomes

The Integrated Advising and Mentoring System was developed to enhance the academic experience for all undergraduate students at Saint Louis University. Full and active participation in the System will result in the following Student Outcomes:

Student Outcome (Students will…)
Community Formation / 1 / Develop a sense of connection with University and the local and global communities (e.g. professional associations and community organizations)
2 / Develop relationships with members of their academic college/school community
3 / Develop an awareness of academic resources available
4 / Understand how to make the connection between classroom and out-of-classroom learning
5 / Understand the Mission of SLU as it relates to their academic experience
Policy & Procedure / 1 / Understand the purpose of the Integrated Advising and Mentoring System
2 / Understand the collaborative and interdependent roles of the Academic Advisor, Faculty Mentor and student
3 / Understand their academic program requirements (core, electives, major, etc)
4 / Understand academic policies and procedures relevant to their academic course of study
5 / Understand requirements for graduation
Decision Making / 1 / Develop a sense of responsibility for their own educational progress
2 / Develop an awareness of academic options and opportunities throughout SLU (i.e. certificates, symposiums, awards)
3 / Develop the ability to make academic decisions that incorporate their values, personality, abilities and interests
4 / Understand how to prepare for post-baccalaureate pursuits (i.e. opportunities for career, professional school, graduate school)

Assignment of Academic Advisors

Transfer pre-health students will be assigned a primary academic advisor in their school or college. The Program Coordinator in Pre-Professional Health Studies (PPHS) will serve as the secondary advisor for all transfer pre-health students. Pre-health transfer students should meet with both their PPHS advisor and their primary academic advisor before registering for classes. Even though the Program Coordinator is the assigned advisor to all transfer pre-health students, if the Program Coordinator is not available, transfer students may make an appointment with any of the professional advisors in our office - all three of our professional staff members serve as advisors to work with all students.

Professional Advising Staff

Monica Kempland, Ph.D., Director

Donna Nonnenkamp, M.S., Assistant Director

Jamaica Harris, M.A., Program Coordinator

The advisors in the Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies will continue to serve as secondary advisors for these students throughout the remainder of their undergraduate studies.

Contacting Your Academic Advisor

The most convenient way to contact our advising staff is by making an appointment by calling our office at 977-2840. If there is a particular advisor you would like to see, please request an appointment with that person. Appointments are the preferred method of communication, although contact through e-mail may be appropriate for minor questions.

When emailing your Academic Advisor, please observe the following etiquette:

Many of the questions you have for your advisor can be handled via e-mail—especially questions requiring only a brief response. It is very important that you get in the habit checking your SLU e-mail regularly. When emailing your academic advisor, consider the following:

·  Use your SLU email account

·  Use a clear subject line such as “Summer class question”

·  Include your full name and Banner ID Number

·  Keep the question short and to the point

·  Use formal grammar with punctuation

·  Proofread and spell check before hitting the send button

Scheduling an Appointment with Your Academic Advisor or Speaking With Your Academic Advisor by Telephone or In Person

To make an appointment, phone 977-2840 to schedule an appointment, or inquire about advisor availability.


Transfer pre-health students are encouraged to meet with an advisor in the Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies when they have questions regarding their pre-health curriculum. All transfer students are strongly encouraged to meet with a pre-health advisor prior to their initial registration at SLU, and attend pre-health transfer orientation sessions hosted by the Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies.

Important Dates and Events
January 18, 2011 / Spring Semester Classes Begin at 8:00 am
January 21
(end of week 1) / Banner Self-Service Change of Registration Ends
Last day to add or drop classes using Banner Self-Service. To add a closed class during Week 1, students must obtain an instructor’s signature on a Change of Registration Form, available in the Advising Office or in the Registrar’s Office.
January 28 / Cancellation of registration for students who have not made financial arrangements
-- Last day to drop a class without a “W” being noted on the academic transcripts. An Advisor’s signature is required when dropping classes.
February 18 / Last day to receive a partial refund of tuition
March 7 -12 / Midterm exam week
March 14 - 19 / SPRING BREAK
March 15 / Deadline for Midterm grades to be posted on Banner Self-Service—Deadline 5pm
March 25 / Last day to withdraw with a “W”
April 4 - May 6 / Registration for Summer semester: Check Registrar’s Website for registration information.
April 21- April 25 / Classes cancelled for Easter Holidays (all Day April 21, 22 and day classes April 25 (evening classes after 5 pm will be held on the 25th).
May 11 - 17 / Final exam period
May 19 / Spring semester grades due—Deadline 5pm

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