Bells Week Seven - 11
Bells of Westminster – A below D
- Break group into part singing or Rounds
TP’s major
Rhythms and Rhymes
- Chorus – clapping and touching toes
- Feet – tapping feet on floor/ chorus
- Riding – driving actions / chorus
- Eat – spoon actions / chorus
- Sneaking around – fingers on palm of hand / chorus
Deanna also had another idea at SSW of using all different body parts.
Hopping and Sliding – A
- “Let’s play some patty cake!” Get group into parent dyads or parent/child dyads. You can invite big kids to let their parents know if they want to play the game or just watch.
PE: Remember – when it comes to your child’s musical growth, your most important job is to be their music-making role model. You will give them the confidence to try it themselves at home and set up an environment for your child to have a disposition or ‘behavioural tendency’ towards music. Never underestimate the importance of your “job” – it’s the key ingredient in making all of this work. So I want you to do this one at home with your little one this week – just like we’re doing it today. Engage them in this game of giving them beat and then seeing what you get back.
- Doo doo/freeze – patty cake hands – one person holds hand still and other pats. After freeze they switch. 2x
- La la ¾ - Rocking side side holding hands
- Doo doo/clap – patty cake hands 2x
- La la ¾ - Rocking forward and back holding hands
- Doo doo/ pat and clap – patty cake 2x
- Rocking back and forth
- Doo doo doo – scooting on bums back to the circle to finish.
Roby Roly – Big Sheet/Ball - A
- Could do either of the ideas below – might want to do one idea for one class and the other idea for another class depending on what you think would work for your classes. Or neither if you want to stick with imaginary ball play.
Sheet and Ball
- RR shook the big sheet around – sitting and hold sheet and shaking – verse/vocable
- Vocable – Up/Down sitting
- Up/down – 5-1 – to standing – can play with this to make a breeze
- RR shook the big sheet around
- Vocable – Up/Down – get group going and then get ball
- RR rolled / tossed/ bounced etc a round ball around
- Can really play around with the Where Rolled verse if ball goes off the sheet.
- Repeat above or add your own as needed. (Tip: to end the song gather up the sheet from the parents with the ball in the middle so you walk away with the ball hidden away in the sheet).
Set up ball rolling dyad between families (line across one side of room) and teacher using a big Physio Ball (some community centres have these – ask the fitness cetnre - or you can bring one from home if you have one).
- Can get group to sing with you on words, vocables, half verse words/vocables, or ground them on a Roll ostinato on the resting tone and you sing over top. Or they could keep a clap going and be a rhythmic ground. See if you can keep the parents engaged with a job musically while they are watching the ball roll from family to family.
- Can get group singing/ making music without the ball first and then add physio ball in once you’re going.
- Roll the ball to each family and have them roll it back as you sing the song. Can go down the line one way and then back again.
- Tips: Set the parents up in the line and let them know the ball is a great way to paly with rhythm and form in the music at home. You’ll need to talk them through this a bit so don’t worry about ‘singing’ the instructions. Let them know some kids will wander and some won’t which is ok. Sometimes if I get a kid/s who wants to hold onto the ball and not let go, I bang the rhythm on the ball with them and then gently try to get the ball back.
- This idea works REALLY well in some classes.
Des Colores – CD with shakers
- Can la la the spanish parts but do make an effort to learn the chorus if you can or try and model some of the Spanish. We are the models for the parents.
- Shaker play incorporating Spanish name of animal with English sound – can they guess what the animal is?
- Could use the songbook?
- Can mix up free play (encouraging “play any way you want”) and structured shaker play (automatic monkey see monkey do – everyone just does what the teacher does without thinking) with animal play during the animal verses.
- Circle clicks for “All the colors in me…”
RP’s and 1-8 stop play
Alabama Gal
Who’s That - D
- Verses with - Resting Cuddling, Snuggling, etc…….
- Vocables
Next song collection is Triangle with a whole new set of songs!
Spring Pre-registration at St. James St. Stephen’s (UBC??) and the intergenerational classes is on this week (or starts this Monday, February 23rd) at 8am on our website. Monday (23) is keep your class and Wednesday (25) is change your class. Open reg for all friends and family starts on Mon. Mar. 2nd.
Announce Spring Reg dates at community centres – check with front desk for dates.
3 classes left! Reminder – no classes Spring Break March 9th to 20th!!