[Regulation 4of the Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations(Cap 29, Rg 5)]
Commissioner of Building Control
Building and Construction Authority
52 Jurong GatewayRoad #11-01
Singapore 608550
Website: / Instructions:
(1)Please refer to the attached Explanatory Notes before completing this form.
(2)*Delete accordingly.
(3)Tick the appropriate box thus []
(4)This form may take you 3 – 5 mins to complete.
Particulars of Application
1 / Type of Application: / [ ] New Erection [ ] Retention Works
[ ] Permit Extension ^
^ Please provide the existing Permit No. ______
I hereby apply for a Permit [Describe temporary building]: ______
Location / Address:
*MK / TS:
Lot(s) No.:
2 / I confirm that:
[ ] / I have applied for a period which includes the duration for the construction and demolition/removal of the temporary building / structure
[ ] / The construction / installation of the temporary building / structure shall commence on the start date and will be demolished / removed by the end date of the permit
The Permit is for a period of ______days ______months commencing from ______to ______.
The Project Schedule are as follows:
S/N / Construction / Installation Date & Duration / Commencement Date / Duration of Occupation / Dismantle / Demolish Date and Duration
Phase 1 / 23/07-2013-26/07/2013 / 27/07/2013-28/08/2013 / 28/08/2013-29/08/2013
3 / I confirm that the temporary building(s)fall(s) into:-
S/N / Description of Building / Building works / No of Structure
[ ] / (a)A *shed / stage for *wedding/entertainment/funeral/religious ceremony for more than 7 days
[ ] / (b)A *stall / shed for *trade fair/fun fair/exhibition for more than 35 days
[ ] / (c)A *protective hoarding / catch platform / fence on the street or footway for building works
[ ] / (d)A temporary building granted with temporary Written Permission by the Competent Authority (URA)
[ ] / (e)Other temporary buildings or structures ^
[ ] / (f)Any *frame / panel / hoarding / object / support / other structure that is designed or used primarily for the display of an advertisement or signboard where the surface areaexceeds 10 square metres
[ ] / (g)Any * frame / panel / hoarding / object / support / other structure that is designed or used primarily for the display of an advertisement or signboard where the uppermost part of it is 4 metres and above from the ground
[ ] / (h)A Temporary Building Permit for Extension for a duration not exceeding 12 months
Notes: The fee payable shall be the total numbers of temporary building / structure in the categories multiply by $10/- per month or part thereof / Total =
^ Where the application contains 2 or more types of temporary buildings / structures, please attach a summary list (Annex A) indicating all the temporary buildings / structures in the submission.
4 / I have engaged ______as the Professional Engineer (Civil/Structural Engineer) and authorised him to act on my behalf.
5 / The fee amount of $______($10 per month or part thereof payable for each temporary building / structure) is attached and paid by *Cash / Nets / Cheque or via E-Banking.
6 / This application is accompanied by:
[ ] / (a)One set of plans for the proposed temporary building(s) including the site / location / elevation / section details with PE endorsement on each sheet of the plans; and
(b)One set of structural details and calculations with PE endorsement on the cover page and last page
[ ] / (c)One set of Architectural plans and layout for the location indicating each temporary building / structure clearly and PE endorsement on each sheet of the plans
[ ] / (d)Notice of Grant of Written Permission by the Competent Authority (URA) under the Planning Act (Cap 232) (Where applicable for temporary buildings)
[ ] / (e)Technical clearances from the relevant authorities (where relevant) as stated in Explanatory Notes
[ ] / (f)BCA Advertisement Licencing Pre-consultation documents / email for any advertisement related structures (if any)
[ ] / (g)Notification of appointment/authorisation form such as BCA-LU-NAPPQP01 and/or the appropriate documents
[ ] / (h)A set of Certificate of Supervision / Inspection and the previous approved permit (For Extension Application)
SECTION I (Declaration by Applicant)
I confirm that:-
a)the particulars given above are correct.
Name & address of Applicant and the UEN (if a Company, Firm or Organisation)
______/ Name & NRIC / FIN No. of Applicant (if applicant is a company):
Designation of the Applicant:
Tel No.: / Fax No.:
(Signature of Applicant) / HP No.: / Date:
SECTION II (Declaration by Qualified Person)
I confirm that:-
a)the particulars given above are correct;
b)the temporary building(s) shown in the attached plans have been designed by me and the relevant provisions of the Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations have been complied with; and
c)I shall discharge the duties imposed on me by the Regulations.
Name of Professional Engineer / Professional Firm and UEN (if a company)
______/ Address of Professional Engineer / Professional Firm:
Tel No.: / Fax No.:
HP No.: / Regn No.
(Signature of Professional Engineer) / Date:
Fees paid / : ______
Receipt No. / : ______/ Signature / : ______
Counter Staff Name / : ______/ Date / : ______
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(i) Crossed cheques are to be issued in favour of “Building & Construction Authority, Singapore”.
(ii) The duration for the permit shall include the construction period, duration of use or the occupation period for the temporary building and the proposed duration to demolish and remove the temporary building from site.
(iii) Where a permit has been approved previously, please provide a copy of the approved permit indicating the permit number. (Example:- Permit number as 2014/00001 or the 2014000001)
(iv) The permit fees shall be $10 per month or part thereof for each temporary building / structure.
(v) Where the application contains 2 or more types of temporary buildings / structures, please attach a summary list (Annex A) indicating all the temporary buildings / structures in the submission.
(vi) The submission of the drawings and PE calculations in the application are to be endorsed by the Professional Engineer (Civil/Structural Engineer) certifying that the Plans and calculations are submitted for the Approval as Temporary Buildings on every sheet of the plans and each set of calculations (On the cover page and last page).
(i)Before your application is approved, you are not to commence the construction or erection of the building or structure.
(ii)An applicant who applies for a permit to erect temporary buildings which is intended for occupation or when the erection of which may affect the safety of the public, shall engage a professional engineer to design, supervise and inspect the erection of the temporary building.
(iii)Grant of the permit does not constitutes to the approval of the advertisement licence application.
(iv)The Chief Planner, Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is to be consulted and, where required, and the written permission (planning permission) is to be obtained and submitted together with this application. (For an application where the duration exceeds 90 days or where otherwise stated by the competent authority)
(v)Upon completion of the building works, the Professional Engineer (PE) shall submit the Certificates of Supervision for Temporary Building Works and Lightning Protection System (where applicable) before the occupation of the temporary building or display of the advertisement / signages.
(i) Where a permit is not required for the following types of temporary buildings:-
- A worker’s quarters, site office, store, builder’s shed or other shed required in connection with any building works relating to permanent buildings situated within or outside a construction site or show-flat or show house situated within or outside a construction site, such temporary building / structure are required to comply with Regulations 7 and 8 of the Building Control (Temporary Building) Regulations.
- Any frame, panel, hoarding, object, support or other type of structure that is designed or used primarily for the display of signboard during celebration of a national event and required for a period not exceeding 35 days.
- A shed or a stage for or in connection with any wedding, entertainment, funeral or religious ceremony not exceeding 7 days in duration.
- A stall or shed situated in any open space and required for or in connection with a trade fair, fun fair or other exhibition not exceeding 35 days in duration.
- Protective hoarding, catch platform or fence required for or in connection with any building works but not erected on a street or footway.
(ii) All protective hoardings, catch platforms, fences and other temporary structures erected for the safety and convenience of persons in any public place or on any public road shall comply with Regulation 9.
(i) The applicant should consult and obtain approval and clearances required from the relevant landowners and authorities listed in the table below to enable their requirements to be incorporated in the plans before submission of the application.
List of Authorities to be consultedChief Engineer, Central Building Plan Unit, Pollution Control Department
Chief Engineer, Central Building Plan Unit, Sewerage and Drainage [Water Reclamation (Network) Department, PUB], if proposal involves the use of existing or new sanitary appliances and facilities
Chief Planner, URA (Development Control Group) if the period of the trade fair or exhibition exceeds a total of 90 days in a year
Commissioner, Parks & Trees Regulatory Section, National Park Boards
Director, Fire Safety & Shelter Department, SCDF
Head URA (Car Parks Division) if public carparks are used
Licensing Officer, Singapore Police Force, Public Entertainment Licensing Unit
Manager, Land Transport Authority, Development & Building Control (Road & Transport)
Manager, Land Transport Authority, Development & Building Control (Rail)
Manager, Land Transport Authority, Development & Building Control (Vehicle Parking)
Commissioner, Building Control, Advertisement Licensing Department, Building Plan & Management Group, BCA for a licence to display any advertisement or sign
(i) Submission of the drawings and PE calculations in the application are to be endorsed by the Professional Engineer (Civil/Structural Engineer) certifying that the Plans and calculations are submitted for the Approval as Temporary Buildings
(ii) Every sheet of the plans and each set of calculations (On the cover page and last page) are to be endorsed and inserted with the below endorsements
[I hereby certify that:- …………………………………………………………….]
Stamp & Signature of Professional EngineerDate
List of Standard Endorsements(a)The temporary building(s) shown in the attached plans have been designed by me and the relevant provisions of the Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations have been complied with
(b)I shall discharge the duties imposed on me by the Regulations
(c)I certify that the existing structural wall / roof is capable of taking the additional load of the advertisement hoarding / structure as shown on the submitted plans with safety; and the building works (hoarding / frame / structure) shown on these plans have been designed in accordance with the provisions of Building Control Act (Chapter 29) and the Building Control Regulations subject to the provisions of Section 14 of the Act
(d)I certify that I have inspected the existing building and investigated its overall structure and that, in my opinion, the building is capable of resisting the force and moments which may be increased or altered by reasons of the repairs, alterations or additions shown on these plans
(e)I confirm that the building works shown in the submitted plans conform to acceptable codes of practice in civil structural engineering design. I will take reasonable steps and exercise due diligence in supervising and inspecting the building works
(f)I certify that the structures shown on the submitted drawings are structurally sound and safe and, I undertake to supervise the construction of all works shown on the drawings and to submit a letter of supervision on completion
(g)I have inspected the temporary buildings and certify that they have been completed in accordance with the provisions of the Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations and the temporary building(s) / building works is safe for the continued use for the intended period
(h)I confirm that there are no deviations from the plans submitted in the previous application for temporary building permit
The following table indicates all the temporary buildings / structures submitted for approval:-
Submission no / Reference no.:Project Title & Address:
S/N / Description of Works / Dimensions / Gross Floor Area / Number of Structure(s)
Fees applicable shall be______.
Professional Engineer Declaration for the above mentioned work:-
I hereby certify that I have designed the temporary buildings(s)/building works shown in these drawings and the relevant provisions of the Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations (Cap 29, Rg 5) have been complied with.Signature & Name & Address ofProfessional Engineer: / Name & Address of Professional Firm:
Date : / Tel no.:
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